Please suggest some good books on marketing, running a company and developing it, also a book about stocks (or stock market if you prefer) and really anything that seems relevant to business.
Thank you.
Please suggest some good books on marketing, running a company and developing it, also a book about stocks (or stock market if you prefer) and really anything that seems relevant to business.
Thank you.
This is a literature board you moron.
Those are books as well, you philistine
Sorry, but besides /r9k/ this is probably the last place to ask advice about business and finance. Try
I'm from Veeky Forums
So are pretty pop-up picturebooks but they're not literature either. You're not going to make it in business if you can't grasp such a simple distinction.
Oh, yeah sorry you've kind of walked into the wrong neighborhood.
Alrighty, wanted to try nevertheless, since reading a lot means someone might also read about the mentioned subjects and might evaluate the content better.
just forget about business man. having lots of money is for poor people
I mean, I could recommend books that critique the political economy, but they don't have immediate, practice value.
That's like asking Veeky Forums about literature because one of them might have something to do with running a publisher.
What you're doing is called nitpicking and it would do you well to get off your high horse since you're not the only one who read Kafka. Obviously there's a distinction between art and utilitarian books but any good reader does not limit himself by being pretentious about books.
You kind of missed the point. What I said is like saying if someone runs a lot of marathons (in events), there's a good chance he knows more people that do triathlons than someone who doesn't run at all.
It's not a question of being pretentious or nitpicking; utilitarian books are not literature, they're an entirely different field. There's a seriously fundamental difference that you seem unable to grasp.
Go on. So far I've only read Proudhon on the subject of political economy.
Fine, you win - go back to your literature studies
I think I would rather enjoy the economical freedom money ensures.
Yeah and if someone runs a lot of businesses then there's a good chance they'll be involved with the production of books. Doesn't mean they can tell you about Moby Dick. Plenty of people are heavy readers who aren't into literature at all, it's just a different subject matter that they read. We're not going to be able to recommend books on programming or fitness, because those are not literature.
Read Dr. Michael Hudson. He has two recent books that destroy the assumptions of mainline, neoclassical economics:"Killing the Host" and "J is for Junk Economics."
>money ensures
you're a slave
Dr. Hudson is also a very engaging speaker. His lectures can be found on YouTube
Learn to read
sorry for you sweetie :)
Save it for yourself pleb