What is the systematic process for getting one's shit together? How do I do it. I've tried again and again to find the motivation to get up in the morning, to maintain commitments etc, but I haven't found anything that works. I've fucked up my life. Do I just end it? How do you turn things around? Does religion help? Are there no bullshit books you would rec? I need help
What is the systematic process for getting one's shit together? How do I do it...
Here's my fun routine for breaking out of bullshit cycles of do-nothing. Works for me usually.
>Get up the second your fucking eyes open in the morning. Waste no time lamenting leaving your bed.
>Put on some clothes, put the coffee on
>Shower if I need to while coffee brews
>Eat a bunch of fucking fruit for breakfast
>Drink coffee while I do shit on my phone/fuck around on computer
>The second I finish my coffee I brush my teeth, get my shit together and leave ASAP
>Even if I have another 4 hours before class, I get out of the house
>Go to the park for a while. Read, write, do coursework, listen to music, pet dogs, etc.
My number one weapon is just GO. Get out of the house. Just get fuckin moving. If I catch myself not doing anything productive, I move locations. IDK why it works for me, but it does the fuckin trick.
I also just stop eating meat for a week or so. Fruit, veggies, eggs, and carbs baby thats the good shit. I don't know if its placebo or whatever but I feel fuckin GOOD.
get a job
just take speed. BAM you're productive
My motivation at this point is that even though life seems pointless there's a lot I don't understand so I'll continue living and learning in the hopes I am wrong and find a means of constituting a justification for action.
Its ultimately an arbitrary choice but its all I have at this point so kill yourself or take the same leap of faith I do. Praise Jesus
Use a standing desk (buy one or diy) if you're doing computer work. Doing fine activities on the computer while standing ruins the relaxation. You'll get more shit done. Also this,
Fun* activities
This is Veeky Forums not middle school nurses office. No one wants to hear your stupid homespun remedies
There is no magic feather. Just stop being a faggot
Thanks for this man, I've been trying to get better as well
>just don't think too much brah
Fucking retard
The fact that you want a systemic way of getting your shit together is a sign that youre just avoiding doing. Paradoxical.
You have to do it despite of having no motivation,and once you advance a bit ,youll feel better.
TL;DR just do it faggot
You don't. You are either a normie or you're not. Sad reality you have to accept
Or he could also not do it and listen to his subconscious wisdom that its not worth it
What do you mean its not worth it?
Its not worth to have mental health and stability? If you dont do what you know you have to do youll fuck up your life
Yeah so what if you do?
As it stands on pure utility its a losers game. Puts you through more than you get.
If it has no other meaning outside that then killing yourself or holding a comatose lifestyle if thats possible for you is the only reasonable course
You're too idealistic.
Did you need meaning as a teen or child?
No, you could just enjoy life even thugh you didnt know its meaning.
So he can choose between
A . No meaning an mentally ill and eventually suicide
B. No meaning but feeling more or less stable and ok.
In case B you can dedicate yourself to pursue the task of finding meaning ,as you are in a better state of mind
>Did you need meaning as a teen or child?
When I was stupider, had less awareness of what was in store in life and fed a litheny of nice sounding stories from authorities I faithfully trusted in?
No of course not. Though I had my fair share of misery then too, childish misery as a very sympthom of that position that was often far far more painful than anything I go through now.
What you're calling "mentally ill" here is clearly someone with an actual emotional awareness of reality rather than the deluded who continue to help propel an existence that does nobody any good.
where the fuck does it say that
What I meant by mentally ill is the pain and anxiety and paranoia caused by not fullfilling your "inferior" needs in the pyramid. He probably isnt fit in society,he doesnt have a job to suport hinself,or whatever he thinks he has to get but he doesnt get. And of course you brain knows this. You need friends love,money etc and for example if you cant get this by yourself and you rely on parents you'll feel depressed,naturally.
So Im not saying that there is no problem and mental pain caused by the lack of meaning ,alienation etc but you cant reduce it to only that.
>>Get up the second your fucking eyes open in the morning. Waste no time lamenting leaving your bed.
Right from the start. Why not lament? Something interesting may come of it
So you have to fullfill those inferior needs by brute force,because the alternative is much worse
Thats our curse as patricians
>You need friends love,money etc
Except you don't. You can totally just kill yourself.
Just kinda decide a few things that you want to try to accomplish or that sound interesting to you and then the best way to get motivated is to get started. Pace yourself and take breaks but don't come to a complete stop, and try to get a good handle on managing your time. I like to take a 15 minute break after every hour while studying and I'll decide which days I'll take off and just work on something I enjoy.
It's kinda hard but it gets easier? Atleast that's what worked for me. Also if you really need help then you absolutely should try and get it.
>Something interesting may come of it
Falling back asleep. Falling back asleep is usually what comes of it.
OP literally asked for advice on getting up in the morning.
>I've tried again and again to find the motivation to get up in the morning
Laying in bed isn't very conducive to waking up. Think all you want once you're out of bed. If you want to get up in the morning, GETTING OUT OF BED IS USUALLY THE PLACE TO START.
Thanks for your fuckin input though.
Because these questions matter. Its the line between helping him come to some long term attitude where action is actually justifiable and not just slumping back into the same routine in a few days
>you dont need to eat because you can totally choose to die.
Accept that life is pain. There is nothing you can do to avoid it
>Accept that life is pain. There is nothing you can do to avoid it
Or don't and just kill yourself, thats totally an option
>looking to the most miserable overworked culture on Earth for advice on healthy productive lifestyle
Dude laying in bed long enough to figure out all the reasons you should get out of bed is a surefire fuckin way to fall back asleep. That's all I'm saying. On this point I'm gonna stand firm and say:
Do your morning thinking in a chair if you value your own time.
Then why dont you kill yourself yet?
Make a decision and stop staying in the limbo like a zombie.
Hard work, and just plain old suffering. And empathy, especially to those below you. Lift them up, and you'll see that they lift you up in response.
Trust me, I'm a former fuck-up. I spend a year in bed, and for the longest time did nothing with my life, due to personal problems.
Also, don't let anyone tell you that it's too late. It's not too late until you're dead.
I hold out on the doubt life actually has some justification that I do not yet understand and hold faith in God for that day
You dont need any justification. Have faith in me and act.
You think you need any higher justification to enjoy when a woman is sucking your cock? Or when you archieve something and you brain is pumped with serotonin?
But of course you will not know if im saying the truth untill you try it by yourself (to fully live just for the sake of it)
>You think you need any higher justification to enjoy when a woman is sucking your cock?
Yes I do, otherwise I'd just wank at home and not go through the effort and expense for such a fleeting thing
Well in that case the justification os the reward itself,but not some higher purpose .
But dont worry i was like you a few years(wich had been hell) untill i decided to get out of the limbo. But i guess everybody needs its time
You were like this until you started believing in the mythology of socially constituted enjoyments.
This is my point, the inherent pleasure is not justifiable in the face of the far more immediate languid satisfaction that any NEET can satiate himself with. They're the only true hedonists. People like you are just stupid pseudo pagans
>Enjoying sex is socially constructed
> to archieve something and feel good about it is socially constructed
Who cares if in an abstract way of thinking is not justifiable? The reality is that it works ,you want it or not. I havent found a higher meaning or read 1000 philosofical books. But what do you want? To stay in a hole 8 years of my life untill i do? Fuck you
Yeah sure why not. It is ultimately your choice but I certainly can not nor will not force myself to believe there is any such thing as achievement in this universe nor would I get anything out of it. It does not create any superior pleasure merely the false expectation and accounting of it.
Not that I am sure action isnt possible but as of yet I see none and in that arbitrary landscape where pleasure is the only operating principle that does not make suicide or hikkimorism are the only reasonable options for any self interested person.
Why do you need a superior pleasure? What would count as a superior pleasure?
I dont believe in god,so normal day pleasures are good. Its enough. Just as when I was a child.
I still experience a lot of pain.But i dont see any other alternative
To me the very idea of positive pleasure is absurd. All that there is is the minimization of pain. Desire is inherently pain, to talk about the superior pleasure is to talk about the most efficient means to answer desire.
Hence for practically everyone its why pornography is infinitely the better option than pursuing sex.
>Eat a bunch of fucking fruit for breakfast
How about looking into the diagram, it's pretty helpful if you want to be practical about getting up in the morning and doing shit.
Plus most mainland japs pretty much forgot about this aspect of their culture nowadays, only southern islanders practice the ikigai.
Sorry man im not willing to go deeper down the hole because i cant deal now with the anxiety of shaterring my core beliefs but good luck.
Id say you are too pesimistic (wich is unrealistic)
>The second I finish my coffee I brush my teeth
Don't do this, brushing immediately after coffee will ruin your teeth. You should brush your teeth either half an hour after coffee or before it.
I dont much believe in the pyramid model. In fact, i think the very top tier is the absolutely necessary one.
You, i like you. But i dont think it's all hopeless as you describe. I'm in a 10+ depression slumb but on two short occasions i saw light. Some guys figured it out (pic related). I am hopeful that i do too
Sure,its the absolutely necesary once you have food,security , people to... oh wait its actually the other way around.
Remember that we are biological and social creatures before conceptual and abstract creatures
Vitamin D
Aw man, I fucking loved this book. Thanks for reminding me user, I'll go read that shit again.
Audiobooks helped me a lot. Steve Pavlinas website (and his podcasts) helped. I listened to David Allens Getting Things Done whenever I'd usually listen to music on my mp3. Earl Nightingale is good too.
But hey man, you're doing OK. You're here, asking questions. That's more than what most people do, so you're ahead of the game already. Don't worry about "making it" or whatever. Just focus on doing each day as best you can.
this too shall pass user. your age shows. hang in there and babby's first existential crisis will graduate from babby nihilism to more inspiring forms of ennui. keep on keeping famalamadindong.
No I worry I'm just going to be like Emil Cioran and just keeping getting worse over time
>Emil Cioran
Fucking hack. I read him in my worst period around 20-21yo and made things worse.
As this guy said, the despair should transform over time to something more refined. Cioran was basically stunted
>I read him in my worst period around 20-21yo and made things worse.
lmao @ this being your justification for calling someone a hack
>But hey man, you're doing OK. You're here, asking questions. That's more than what most people do, so you're ahead of the game already. Don't worry about "making it" or whatever. Just focus on doing each day as best you can.
You are too good for this board. I respectfully suggest that you leave here and never return.
I was fed Cioran as a 13 year old, not even joking - might have something to do with the fact that we share the same heritage. You're either reading him wrong, or taking him too seriously.
>I was fed Cioran as a 13 year old, not even joking
What sadist made you read Cioran at 13? Only a pretentious fucking asshat would give that to a kid.
I don't take him as a philosopher so much as a writer I can relate a lot to in attitude. To me he's actually a figure of very genuine compassion and love admist an unlovely world
Here's how you do it
>write a summary of everything that is wrong in your lofe and your behaviour
>actually be painstakingly honest, don't leave ANYTHING to the imagination
>go live with your parents
>give them the summary, and ask them for help, tell them to be merciless
>they have their shit together, so they will probably just nag you, berate you or support you until you'll finally get more active
This is the best way to do it: it's basically their duty to teach you how to be a functional human being, and I'm sure that the idea of you doing something good with your life will make them ecstatic. They want to be proud of you, and will help you if that's necessary.
By the way it works only if your parents are not pieces of shit.
and alive
How is it possible to afford a bunch of fruit to eat every morning?! Impossible, too expensive.
4 apples for $2
4 bananas for $1
3 dollars for a good amount of fuckin fruit. Grocery stores are for plebs. You needs you a man with a fuckin CART
>Grocery stores are for plebs. You needs you a man with a fuckin CART
Further details, please!
Their fantastic parenting is probably why you are who you are in the first place.
>exercise everyday or every other day - cardio to un-american your body, lifting to sculpt and empower it
>wake up and go to bed at respectable times
>don't have a shitty diet. take fish oil.
>low dose of anti-depressants can help in the short run. it can help you get into a less destructive routine, but i would avoid it if you can.
>no weed or unproductive drugs. psychedelic use should be very infrequent, but I can understand if you wish to use it sparingly from time to time.
>don't waste time watching television or playing video games
>journal/record important tasks for your day or progress that you wish to have in your life and refer to it constantly
>try to develop a vocation. there's a nice book called Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi which points out that people are happier when they spend time in a state of 'flow', which he defined as "being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the utmost".
>try to strengthen relationships with friends and family. pursue gf.
>go to therapy if you're a rich boujee fag
>go on vyvanse or adderall if you want to transcend your circadian rhythm
take all of this with a grain of salt. i'll probably an hero before i'm 30 desu
do this with a therapist. some of us don't have intelligent/caring parents who have the means to help us.
Thanks anons, this thread helped me get out of bed just now
thanks user
how's that? other than the taste
does it fuck with enamel or something
You must venture into the underworld and experience such great pain and despair that when you return with your father from the belly of the beast you will be changed forever.
You can't simply reprogram yourself it'll never work and you'll continue to fall back into your usual modes of conduct.
As long as you rinse your mouth with water before hand you should be fine. If you just brush after coffee then you are most definitely destroying your enamel.
Also I would advise against a ton of fruit and switch to something high in protein. Eggs, protein shake, etc. compliment with fruit but don't make it the main or only thing.
ive noticed that i feel better playing some audio in the background, whether a news report or podcast or whatever. any recommendations for generally interesting podcasts, whether its news or not ?
Create a routine based around on what you really care about,I mean REALLY care,don't lie to yourself or else you're doomed to fail.