Sola Scriptura

Sola Scriptura is the ideological basis for modern relativism, as well as the rejection of an absolute truth.

Sola Scriptura is also responsible for the dissolution of unity in western europe and has permanently crippled worldwide Christian unity. It is responsible, ideologically, for both democracy and individuality -- both of which bring endless plagues to modern society and is creating generations of degenerates.

I claim, unironically, that the Protestant Reformation is the worst thing to happen in all of Human History due to the untold number of generations it will bring harm to through the philosophies (Both religious and atheistic) that find their roots in it.

Veeky Forums - /r/showerthoughts

>virgin detected

Go jerk off to the thought of getting to see the torture of non believers from your place in heaven, oh virtuous one.

>I am morally superior because my bread turns into Jesus and my religion is a corporation

>Sola Scriptura is the ideological basis for modern relativism
No it isn't, but even if it was the origins of certain ideas (and they're never singualr) don't equate the ideas that come from them.

The thing is, while I agree with most of what you say it's not the worst thing to happen because the western traditions of individual liberty became entrenched in our collective psyche due to the reformation. Because each of us has a direct line with God then we also have inalienable rights as we are all divine individuals.

However, liberty is like fire. You can use it to cook dinner, or to burn your house down. As a society we've clearly chosen the latter.

you papist scum really are the fedoras of religion

>Belief that scripture is infallible
>Rejection of absolute truth
Pick one

Protestantism rejects the Magisterium and Ecunemical Councils and elevates the Scripture above them -- in theory it doesn't sound bad, but in practice it is the individual placing their own interpretation of what it says as the highest doctrinal authority. That is why there are thousands of Protestant denominations claiming to be the truth yet hold contradictory beliefs.

>in practice it is the individual placing their own interpretation of what it says as the highest doctrinal authority
As opposed to one person with a pointy hat in Rome.

Daily reminder that Catholicism is a schismatic denomination of Christianity.

protestantism is gnostic, you greasy trailer-park living, megachurch-attended retard

That person with the pointy hat is the rightful successor of St. Peter and inherits the authority given by Christ to set doctrine. Matthew 16:18

I farded than pooped

>That person with the pointy hat is the rightful successor of St. Peter and inherits the authority given by Christ to set doctrine.
1) That passage says actually nothing about Simon Peter's office having an inheritable power.
2) Simon Peter wasn't a member of the Roman Catholic Church.

This is the least coherent thing I've read since ... the thing earlier today about, what was it, irrationality being impossible or something
You're the same person aren't you

Name one noticeable Protestant achievement.


The Church, the TRUE Church, has the Holy Spirit to guide it in a way the schismatics do not.

Why is Orthodox art so fucking ugly?

>The Church, the TRUE Church, has the Holy Spirit to guide it in a way the schismatics do not.
t. every single denomination, including the original churches that the Roman Catholic Church separated itself from

Papal infallibility ex cathedra is bullshit

>democracy and individuality -- both of which bring endless plagues to modern society and is creating generations of degenerates
Stop being unironically pro-tyranny.

>not posting the superior Englishman
God preserve us from single vision and Newtons Sleep

The Catholic Church is 2000 years old, user.

>he thinks Francis is actually on his side

Boy are you going to be upset when you do some real research on the Vatican.

But then you're probably never do that to begin with so crisis averted!

>implying I'm not immersed in Vatican politics
>implying Francis shouldn't answer the dubia
>implying the formal correction isn't still coming

>implying I'm not immersed in Vatican politics

And you still somehow haven't managed to see the throngs of Jesuit that are literally laughing at you? How are you this naive?

Because the Church is both a mystical and corporeal institution. It's constituted by both men and God. I place all my trust in the Church as a divine institution, and interact with the Church as a human institution through the illumination of its divine aspect. I deal with the occasional bad priest, bishop, cardinal, or pope by remembering Christ's promise to Peter, and by recalling the special protection of the Church offered by God and strengthened by the Blessed Virgin. I have faith in God, and everything else will sort itself out.

Catholicism has God-tier aesthetics no pun intended!

This is a limp-wristed treatment of the situation. You're not wrong in saying as much, but if you refuse to even speak on the huge amounts of crime that is run through the Vatican and just who Francis and his ilk truly are on the world stage then you're tacitly permitting it. People need to know this stuff, user. It's pretty important.

There's nothing more to be said. As an individual layman of no great fame or means, I can't of my own volition reform the Church. All I can do is pray and trust in the Lord, knowing that he'll keep his promises. Remembering that even in the corruption of Alexander VI, the Church's teachings remained true to God's will.

>There's nothing more to be said.

Of course there is you woeful apologist.

If you saw something criminal happening in your daily life and you were in a position to help someone that needed it you naturally would. But when that crime is massive and global you stay silent?

Everyday people know nothing about this. They need to.

Like I said, what do you want me to do? I know about some of it already. Maybe if I become more famous and influential (as I'd like to be someday), I'll try to expose it with the aim of correcting it. I could write about it, true, but that would only be the beginning.

I feel like you don't have a lot of faith that God looks after the Church.

>Like I said, what do you want me to do?

SPEAK. Tell people, man. At the very least. It's better than sitting on your laurels and hoping for the best like an ineffectual little church boy. These are evil men carrying out their machinations under the guise of your Church. It's double the affront to you. And yet you go out of your way to never even talk about it.

You should be incensed, not resigned.

I will. But you're still not getting it. You still seem to be seeing the Church purely as a material institution. Any evildoing going on in it will be dealt with in time, one way or the other. In the fullness of time, in fact. It may be that you or I will be God's instruments, but it will be dealt with. It's not a matter of resignation, it's a matter of having faith.

>give more money to the church

>But you're still not getting it. You still seem to be seeing the Church purely as a material institution.

No I know your stance full well and even made a point to say you're not wrong a few posts back.

People like you are still very important. You have some knowledge of this situation. Possibly even more than I do. You need to be telling people about this.

I will do what God requires of me. But, again, I do have faith that God's will, in the end, will be carried out. Providence will work things out. You should too.

>I will do what God requires of me. But, again, I do have faith that God's will, in the end, will be carried out.


>You should too.

Don't get pithy and passive aggressive because you choose to be silent on the matter.

You know you should be telling people. You know this.

About what? The money laundering? The drug trafficking? The continued trouble with child abuse? What's there to tell that isn't already known?

I feel like we're not understanding each other. I've already said what my attitude is.

>I feel like we're not understanding each other. I've already said what my attitude is.

But you didn't. It had to be coaxed out of you.

All you did was post a picture of Francis, say that the Church is old, and then left it at that. user wouldn't have known about your real attitude at all if no one responded. You would've left it at that.

And why are you even posting pictures of that minion to begin with? Given that you apparently know what you know. Is it simply to keep up the image?

The whole reason I posted what I posted was to assert, through longevity, that the Catholic Church is THE Church. It is the Church founded by Christ in the Gospel of Matthew, the Church that formally emerges in the world on Pentecost. It is the Church wherein the Holy Spirit nests most securely. It is THE Church, the Church of Jesus Christ, and all other Churches are more or less schismatic.

And from that springs my confidence, and the lack of urgency that this one user keeps chastising me for. The Church will be made right because God looks after it. Even Our Lady of Akita, in her prophetic warnings, doesn't call for the Church to be abandoned. She says it will go through great tumult and hardship, but that in the end Christ will prevail. This is what I believe, and I guess it's why I don't have the urgency this other user wants me to have.

>doesn't call for the Church to be abandoned.

I never asked you to abandon your Church, user. Don't subtly editorialize on my behalf. I simply want to know why you aren't talking about the evil going on within it. Instead you seem more than happy to post pictures of Francis like he's actually representative of yours. You know that he isn't, and yet you post pictures of him anyway.

Get lofty and annoyed all you want but it's a fair thing that I'm asking you.

I answered you posts ago. I do talk about it.

And who are you to talk about Francis that way? Even if he's a bad pope, he's still the pope and he has my allegiance. We've had worse popes. We've had antipopes, even.

>And who are you to talk about Francis that way?

LOL are you serious?

You literally state that you know he and his consort are involved in drug trafficking and money laundering but he still has your allegiance.

Francis loves you, oh yes he do.

Because he's the pope, that's why. I may disagree with him in many respects, but he's still the pope.

Maybe you DON'T understand.

>Because he's the pope, that's why.

t. Babylon apologist

Get rekt you spineless worm.

You'd let the pope fuck your wife you cuck.
