What edition of mein kampf is the most accurate in english?
Mein kampf
My diary desu
Stalag edition, the only translation that was authorized by the Nazi Party.
According to Mencius ((((Moldbug)))) you should read Hitler's Table Talk instead of Mein Kampf
Mein Kampf, much like the Holy Quran, cannot be "accurately" translated.
Ford Translation
Don't forget to read 'Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin' as well. You can get a copy for $10 from the National Alliance website
Can we please realtalk about how comfy Mein Kampf is?
Apparently Hitler was the same in person as he comes across in Mein Kampf - talking nonstop, rambling from one subject to the next circling around the same general theme of International Jewry ruining the world. It must've been cozy and hypnotic.
Speer said he never mentioned Jews in formal discussion but would go on long monologues.
Albert Speer was probably lying to seem like he didn't realise the extent of Adolf Hitler's hatred for Jews. One thing that surprised me in Mein Kampf was the absolute extent of it; it was relentless. I had thought it was an exaggeration by media kikes. It would seem unusual if Mein Kampf was filled with righteous fury at the juden and then he never mentioned it in person. Perhaps just not with Speer?
Speer was present often at the social scenes at the Berghof and the Reich Chancellory so it seems unlikely that he would miss anything, also his memoir seems rather honest.
Of course Hitler mentions the Juden a ton in his political manifesto as it was a main point of his political philosophy, but I believe he sought out the long and superficial discussions described by Speer with the polite croud as to forget political matters, which takes up a great amount of time and work for anautocrat, for a brief time.
How's Ralph Manheim? I know he's co side red the definitive translator of Celine, but I noticed he translated my copy of mein kampf.
>be german
>can read the untranslated original
>will go to jail if caught doing so
Freiheit und so
Speer tried to wash his hands of it but he fell out with close acquaintances over his denial of responsibility and embrace of Nazism. I'm sure he did hear some very uncomfortable truths of the reality of the regime, especially his own direction of forced labour, he just wasn't particularly bothered by it
German here and I read it some time ago and didn't get too much out of it. If you are not a history major read up on the geopolitical situation in europe after WWI. Else you won't know what the fuck he's babbling about.
Must suck to be a German with an interest in nazis.
Is there no way to go to the police and say "Hey, I want to read this book out of interest, not because I agree with him. Can you help me do it legally" ?
Just do it
Is this actually true?
I thought it was just illegal to deny the holocaust.
yep, as far as I remember Stalag is the go to edition for serious folks.
Hitler's Table Talk is legit and better than Mein Kampf, imo.
Just be aware that:
"(Ignore the 1945 "transcripts" published by Trevor-Roper in the 1950s as Hitler's Last Testament -- they are fake) " David Irving.
Maybe only 5-8% of Mein Kampf is about Jews....funny how people talk about it without reading//comprehending it.
Also Hitler wasn't born an anti-semite, it was the newspapers and his life experiences and research that pushed him towards the position over a period of many years. He didn't just wake up one day and use the jews as a "scapegoat".
What's the best book for learning about antisemitism?
Should I read Mein Kampf, The International Jew, or Culture of Critique?
>implying anything can be accurately translated
Original copies of mein kampf aren't illegal because of their historical significance. But new copies of it were forbidden in Germany until very recently however the new batch of heavily annotated Mein Kampfs were limited so they all sold very quickly
just /pol/
Just start a reading list thread on /pol/. You'll get a mixed bag of meme responses and actual recommendations
But isn't it in the public domain now over there?
I have read it, you faggot, and the statement "Maybe only 5-8% of Mein Kampf is about Jews" is absolute horseshit. Every disaster Germany faced, according to Hitler, was caused by Jews.The unions, the newspapers, the banks, the media, the arts - controlled by Jews and run to the detriment of the German people.
>funny how people talk about it without reading//comprehending it
You make me cringe my fucking face off.
I am most likely in the near future gonna get Mein Kampf here in Germany.
Did they censor certain parts or leave it as raw as it was then to somehow show people the insanity of his dreams?
Read Culture of Critique, The Holocaust Industry, and Beyond Chutzpah
>The unions, the newspapers, the banks, the media, the arts
...White collar desk work that takes place in the centers of major cities and relies on dense networks of intercommunicating professionals, who in the late 19th century cityscape, all live within walking distance of each other.
It's complete trash.
Überhaupt überraschend wie man die Worte eines hochverräterischen Gefreiten und 'Kunstmalers' ernst nehmen kann. Hindenburg muss komplett senil gewesen sein.
Bullshit Alter, kannst ja eine annotierte Ausgabe lesen, außerdem ist das Urheberrecht jetzt eh weg.
You can read it legally already.
It's not true.
>The Holocaust Industry, and Beyond Chutzpah
these are really good. Norman Finkelstein is a courageous, brave scholar. His research is impeccable
but the table talk from 41 to 44 published by trevor-roper is safe?
> hochverräterischen Gefreiten
When did he commit treason in WW1? As far as I know, he was even awarded honours for his service?
worth learning german just to read the unadulterated words of the fuhrer
>Bullshit Alter
Wait, David Irving seems legit in this
I thought he was just a Holocaust denying neo-Nazi?
((()))(I wonder why you thought that (()()()()(((((((
>do some searching on this david irving guy
>find recent news articles full of jewish historians who are mad about /pol/ basically
>they're mad that google even LINKS holocaust denial stuff
>this is a literal quote:
“I’ve no idea of knowing if his claims about his newfound popularity are true or not but you’d have to be living under a rock not to see that this proliferation of racism and antisemitism is being disseminated by the internet."
“This has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It’s about truth and lies.”
how can professors be so fucking stupid? "this has nothing to do with freedom of speech, duhhhh, if something is inherently false it shouldn't be allowed to be said!!!"
great, who decides? you?
they dont even have an elementary understanding or appreciation of what free speech IS, they dont understand that its not about "you can say things as long as i like them", the entire principle of free speech is literally ABOUT instances of speech you DON'T LIKE.
Dude no offense but is this the first time you hear about Jews or SJWs?
>listen to the audiobook
>start agreeing with him on the jews
>Norman Finkelstein
Michael Desch, political science professor at University of Notre Dame observed:
Not only did Dershowitz improperly present Peters's ideas, he may not even have bothered to read the original sources she used to come up with them. Finkelstein somehow managed to get uncorrected page proofs of The Case for Israel in which Dershowitz appears to direct his research assistant to go to certain pages and notes in Peters's book and place them in his footnotes directly (32, col. 3).[12]
>Finkelstein somehow managed to get uncorrected page proofs of The Case for Israel in which Dershowitz appears to direct his research assistant to go to certain pages and notes in Peters's book and place them in his footnotes directly
>Finkelstein somehow managed to get uncorrected page proofs of The Case for Israel in which Dershowitz appears to direct his research assistant
>Finkelstein somehow managed to get uncorrected page proofs of The Case for Israel
This is the greatest thing I've ever watched in my entire life
>heh, I may have mispronouned it, I'm sorry.
>No, you misspelled it.
Jewish ways
>Mr. Dershowitz, I've read your book twice, in fact I've read it six times, because I read Joan Peters' book four times
Finkekstein is a machine. He does not lose his composure at all.
this ^
Jewish people do seem highly allergic to criticism. A lot of them will beak off about white people, but God forbid if anyone responds in kind!
Granted they're not the only minority group to play this game, so maybe white people are the weird ones for being so tolerant and even handed.
holy shit