>4th year English major, on campus, making my way to class
>excited for today's topic: narrative architecture in post-war Polish fiction as seen through Hegel
>stop by library
>library assistant I know is working, call number QT 3.1417
>QT: "oh it's you user, it looks like the books you have on hold came in"
>sends librarian to retrieve my texts while she chats me up
>she's a PhD student in medieval metaphysical theatre, so naturally we have plenty to talk about
>librarian returns with my tomes
>"wow user, Xenophon and Luceraterius? I didn't know you were fluent in Ancient Greek AND Vulgar Latin"
>reminds me that my volumes are due next week, but she can make an exception if I return them to her in person, "over wine maybe?"
>class is starting soon, say goodbye and take my leave
>crossing quad, run into vice dean
>vice dean: "user! glad I caught you, have you had a chance to look at my manuscript yet?"
>"not yet sir, how does Monday sound?"
>vice-dean: w-whenever you have time! n-no rush at all"
>start thinking of how to summarize his highly derivative work inbetween finishing the latest chapter of my maximalist novel and my interview with the Paris Review this weekend
>class has almost started, say goodbye and take my leave
>just outside classroom, about to enter when I see a friend and his girlfriend walking by
>friend introduces me
>gf: "nice to meet you user, your friend has told me so much about you!"
>in one arm she's holding pic related
>asks me what I think of Murakami
>have a pleasant conversation about what we both like about his novels
>class starts, say goodbye and take my leave
4th year English major, on campus, making my way to class
You missed out the most important part
>and then I woke up
so when do they start clapping?
gosh you're so cool user, what kind of music do you listen to?
even if this is real you yourself are fake
death grips
gosh darn hearing this makes me want to gobble on your massive 10 inch cock while i jerk myself off over your hot, sexy superior knowledge and charisma
how you still manage to remain humble is a mystery
Don't mind me, just leaving my mark on this history making shitpost
music for this feel?
>1st grade English student, on recess, making my way to class
>excited for today’s topic: story time reading by Miss Helga
>stop by study room
>girl I know is reading, call number QT 3.1417
>QT: "oh it's you user, it looks like the books Anna took home just came in"
>sends girlfriend to retrieve my texts while she chats me up
>she's 4th grade student at my school, so naturally we have plenty to talk about
>friend returns with my tomes
>"wow user,みんなうんち (Everybody Poops) and Le petit Prince? I didn't know you were fluent in Japanese AND French”
>reminds me that my volumes are due next week, but she can make an exception if I return them to her in person, "over grape carton juice maybe?"
>リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー。jp
>class is starting soon, say goodbye and take my leave
>crossing quad, run into teacher
>teacher: ”user! glad I caught you, have you had a chance to look at my drawing yet?"
>"not yet, sir, how does Monday sound?"
>teacher: w-whenever you have time! n-no rush at all"
>start thinking of how to evaluate his highly modernist pictorial work inbetween drawing the latest lines of my post-postmodern ironic meta oeuvre and my interview with the Guggenheim this weekend
>class has almost started, say goodbye and take my leave
>just outside classroom, about to enter when I see a friend and his girlfriend walking by
>friend introduces me
>gf: "nice to meet you user, your friend has told me so much about you!"
>in one arm she's holding pic related
>asks me what I think of Brock
>have a pleasant conversation about what we both like about his pokemons
>class starts, say goodbye and take my leave
>medieval metaphysical theatre
I wish this was real
Cheers user; here's a well deserved (you).
>QT 3.1417
That 7 is incorrect. If you were going to round pi to 4 decimal places, there should be a 6.
derivative at the start but the twist ending (syncing up perfectly with the up until now unexplainable OP picture) really makes this shitpost a worthwhile read
This is more be believable.
When's the spaghetti happen?
u need a hobby famalamadingdong
What do you recommend?