Rich white people do nothing entire book

>rich white people do nothing entire book

it's not my fault if the only woman writer you know is a mediocre meme from Veeky Forums

everyone replying to this thread following this post will reincarnate as a syphilis bacteria

>woman writer

>George Eliot

who is Jane Austen?

lmao he doesn't know

George Eliot is a woman, dude.

why would you even bother to specify race there, there were literally no rich blacks at the time.

fucking hilarious post

>its a OP has shit taste in books thread
Middlemarch is wonderful

>The British monarchy aren't lightskinned blacks

It's a social drama about people from across the classes. It's great fun, like watching a soap opera but more astute.
Try harder.

At least then I'll get pussy

Not zero, but close.

It is a very American thing to do. They literally cannot stop looking through black/white goggles.

Slavs are not white

>not being white

Russian nobility is descended from Snowniggers.

Wait yeah good point

I think you mean this

George is a man's name, broski.

You don't need to keep making the same joke. You did it, you got your replies.

is victorian literature the most boring shit that's ever been created?

before starting reading seriously I probably would have felt that russian literature from the same period would be more boring, but that's not the case at all. that stuff is rich and fun to read.

i agree
took a victorian class once
why do people like dickens or austen ffs

It's less about the era and more about the class.

Why wouldn't you like Dickens? He inspired generations for a reason.

Austen has great bants desu

Russian lit from the same period IS Victorian you pseud.

If you mean Victorian's okay.