How do you study culture without getting mired in cultural marxism...

How do you study culture without getting mired in cultural marxism? Judging by publishing outlets's twitter feeds most of their contributors are fags and trannies paraphrasing 70s feminist pamphlets so they didn't even get to deleuze.

Mods delete this please

Sounds like the trick is to not be a fag or tranny

But seriously. It's called objectivity, and intellectual honesty. Something many people are no longer taught to uphold in favor of institutional indoctrination and subsidized partisanship

Retreat to your safe space pronto

This would be all fine and dandy were it not for the internet business model - race / gender baiting fag will get more clicks for his two braindead paragraphs than you would for 1500 well reasoned words.

And that's assuming that there is inherent value in a work proportionate to the size of its audience - argumentum ad populum.
Ultimately it doesn't matter how many clicks an idea gets if that idea is objective trash and can easily be refuted.

>How do you study culture without getting mired in cultural marxism?
Do you guys seriously honestly actually believe in the cultural marxism meme?

>falling for the kaltural marxism meme

There are a lot of things that are a meme, but sadly cultural marxism is not one of them.

My favorite active literary magazine is The New Criterion, which is a good alternative to the usual party line in lit mags today.

I saw that you mentioned Deleuze, however, so you really should just attend a university because they have plenty of safe spaces for LARPing as 20th century French intellectuals.

Everything people blame on "cultural marxism" is a direct result of late capitalist narcissistic individualism.

>Objectivity in literature

The name is rather shit but there's still a need to give things a name. "Cultural Marxism" will do.

>literal marxists are a result of capitalism


The obsessive hatred, bordering on psychosis, against products — i.e. against man-made objects — seems to be the hallmark of the pseudo-intellectual today. Hatred of consumption, a problem which no sane, healthy person has ever had. As if food and clothes, as if eating or dressing were bad. Such is the pseudo-intellectual's craving to appear to be raging at something, that he will rage at life's basic necessitities if need be.

The "consumer society" should have been called the "slave society", since there's nothing wrong with consuming, it is indeed the basis, the prerequisite, of all growth. Marx was at least healthy in focusing on production; Baudrillard's obsession with consumption is neurotic. Why not reduce it to zero and die of thirst in a few days, you fucking nihilistic little prick? Better yet just stop breathing; oxygen too is something that we consume.

What is "capital"? It is simply another word for money, which is a medium that facilitates exchange. Capitalism, then, is merely a state of things in which individuals are able, and allowed, to enter into exchange. That's all it is. Capitalism = Exchange. And since it is impossible for any culture and civilization at all to exist without exchange (indeed exchange is the number one prerequisite for civilization, with language itself understood as a form of exchange, the exchange of feelings), we might as well say that Capitalism = Civilization. To be against capitalism, then, means to be against civilization — which is par for the course for the kind of subhuman dreck which perpetually champions this nauseating, decadent notion. Just take a good look at them and you'll see.

The only way that some girl deliverate upload that kind of pic its because she want to someone to fap for her self.


You can read something without believing in it you dolt. Read their arguments...

Nah, behead those who propose subversive ideas

No idea. Social sciences, the study of cultures, are a total farce because it's nothing more than a collection of inbred interdisciplinary fields that all aim to explain the same things, often covering the same grounds, without ever realizing how redundant and often self-contradictory those explorations become. Even worse, you end up having two totally different fields that try to explain the functions at the same cross section of society, such as economics and sociology, making the conclusions that each field makes totally irreconcilable with each other. There's no ultimate purpose or epistemic foundation to "social sciences". Instead of philosophy, which has an extensive history of important questions that motivate the field of study, social sciences are just a historical collection of society-related topics that have all been motivated in academic departments by the ideologies of Marxism or neoliberalism.

Think about it. What the fuck is the difference between a "social history", "sociology", and an "ethnography"? They all aim to cover how social structures and cultural values develop in a particular population. They seem to approach the topic from similar (untenable) principles. The divisions are all from the "chain of citations" and the "academic bureaucracy" and not due to the fact that they're studying something fundamentally different from one another.

-- -- -- -- --

How would I arrange it differently? I don't know. I would start by wiping out entire departments and starting to reconstruct them anew depending on the element of society that they examine and the methodologies they use. Example:

Individuals & Societies (Social Sciences)

>(Background) Geography – World History

>(Governance) Political Science – Political Theory – Public Policy

>(Machinery) Communication – Economics – Law – Sociology

>(Examples of Whole Societies or Subcultures) Sociocultural Anthropology, Group Studies, & Social History

>(Individuals) Behavioral Economics, Biological Anthropology, & Social Psychology

>History & Philosophy of Social Science

>Political Philosophy & Critical Theory

It's not perfect, but I hope it's in the right step of reorganizing social sciences in order to make it progress towards understanding how cultures develop, thrive, and fall.

adorno was the kind of nigga who complained about classical music on the radio and together with brecht and benjamin wanted more political talkshows and didactic interviews with experts instead (naive wish if one looks at content of modern TV, playing music all day was the better option). his problem wasnt destruction of old culture but that the subsequent one still promoted "false consciousness" which brings us back to the basic truth that he was a marxist opposing everything that didnt lead to marxism.

Thank you based Nietzsche.

Studying the history of European culture and the Western canon is an inoculation against cultural Marxism.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean but Nietzsche, Spengler, Marx, Smith, Weber, and Comte are far more interesting "social scientists" than anybody alive.

You're touching on a larger point; all these social sciences basically exist to obfuscate the fact that there has been a singular historical line of advancement in societies, a deterministic set. While various societies have branched out into different developmental peaks, these independent branches have coalesced down to a single "successful" society that is the modern Western world.
The Religious, Philosophical, Economic and Cultural principles that define the modern West are exactly the principles that these social sciences attempt to debunk, discredit or outright attack, often in a twisted brand of liberalism or flat-retarded bastardization of Marxism as pointed out by

Normie please go.


Money has killed critical thinking in generations of Americans.

>cultural marxism
you don't know what either of those words mean.

>publishing outlets's twitter feeds

see pic related

>coopting my position as part of some limpwristed anti-capitalist talking point
Ramirez, get the chopper

neo-liberalism introducing market pressures and a "customer-led" dynamic into academic institution effectively killed the humanities and we're supposed to believe that humanity departments are a hotbed of leftists and marxists

Veeky Forums, please stop posting pictures of this scummy dope. she is physically, intellectually, and morally repulsive. thank you.

stop posting faggot-manchild anime shit.

What the hell do you even mean by "study culture"?

The increasingly absurd theories that subhumans within academia concoct to -counter- increasing inequality (and "consumerism") in fact -encourage- inequality to rise too, since they contribute to making a class of weak and stupid people ever weaker and stupider (egalitarian outlooks are self-destructive)!

This is the face of the subhumanity of the future: weaker, stupider, and more resentful than ever before. They will make Neanderthals look like geniuses and supermen in comparison. But, for the same reason, they will cause the Overmen of the future to shine more brightly than anyone has ever done before.

pls no bully

>egalitarian outlooks are self-destructive
No, its just that the title of egalitarianism has been coopted by authoritarians with no regards for its ideals. In truth most Western countries have been ethically egalitarian for decades or at least approached that line asymptotically.

You've put into words that couldn't possibly be more perfect what I already suspected for a long time. Thank you.

I hear you, but your argument leads to universities that only have a handful of departments. Which is nice but they'd still make up for it on post-grad stuff. You will not achieve anything because they'd still specialize in self-cannibalizing pseudoknowledge.

>single "successful" society that is the modern Western world.

Nice of you to pretend South Korea and Japan do not exist.

I barely read baudrillard and can see how you're simplifying him to the point of boring absurdism. Visit reddit and you'll see how consumer culture via social media is no different than mind control.

South Korea is basically an autistic STEMdrone cultureless paradise and Japan underwent a very careful but thorough process of westernization (the Japanese still managed to preserve their culture, though, which is impressive). Both of them crib massively from Western institutions - Meiji Japan directly modeled itself on Prussia, for example.

>thanking someone for confirming your biases
look at this pea-brain!!

But the will to model and adapt is an inherent trait of Japanese society, much like Arab Golden Age got triggered by shameless copying of Greek knowledge. It is something that makes a culture great.

*The only reason a girl would upload that kind of picture of herself is if she wanted someone to fap to her

It's not quite bias confirmation, it just clearly articulates and clears up my thoughts. It's not necessarily bad, since from here I have a good model to add to and criticize.

This really is quite an admirable trait of the Japanese, I'll give you that.
It's interesting how the West and Islam (though the former came after and took something from the later, to be sure) developed Graeco-Roman thought in very different directions, isn't it?

are you

1. assuming the gender of person in the photograph

2. assuming that 'she' cannot fap for 'herself' therefore implying 'her' disability?

>The fact


South Korea and Japan are heavily rooted in Western culture. They were cancerous before Westernization and traces of those cancers still remain in the form of an overbearing social structure (to the point of discouraging reproduction), as evidenced especially by climbing suicide rates.
If anything, South Korea and Japan are the poster children for the linear advancement of culture.

To be fair Islamic Golden Age is mostly a meme, Byzantium was always more advanced and they soon fell under extreme religious zeal that Ataturk tried in vain to change. I guess they can only be a hellhole with lamborghinis as best case scenario.

>climbing suicide rates.

meme, same with japanese culture 'dying off'

Also negative birth rates.

If you're using the academic definition, maybe.

You're impervious so long as you reject relativism.

It has a lot to do with the role of religious ideology in daily life throughout both cultures - especially how Catholicism took intellectual advancement and effectively locked it away, allowing the unprivileged to develop their own deep set of anti-authoritarian core values, ultimately leading to the reconciliation of these separate tracts of development through the Protestant Schism and following Reformations. Then the intellectual property long held solely by the Church became public utility, education systems took shape among a population already equipped with the skeptic mindset needed to adopt scientific principles.
Islam, on the other hand, has long held complete control of the identity and ideology of its people, only occasionally (and often by force) being interrupted by secular regimes, and missed the boat on conciliatory Reformation.

Japanese culture's just changing; it largely exists due to patronage from other Westernized cultures and as such will change to more effectively meet its export demands.
That this change comes from the outside in keeps it under control.


Ramirez, how much is this capitalist dog paying you? He is fleecing you, man. Don't you know he can't fly the chopper without you? We must seize the means, Ramirez.