Let's have one of these, memes allowed

Let's have one of these, memes allowed.



Why are Veeky Forums so bad at making those.
One box, one image. Why is it hard to understand?

>memetic realism

Here comes the meme regulator


Did you only read the Hades chapter? Odysseus is a fucking asshat for 2/3rds of the story and Telemachus is a huge beta cuck


Don't know how many of you read this


did you not read the title? user clearly posted the iliad, not the odyssey.




10/10 I don't remember gloves though

He thinks about his masturbating rituals and instruments before the dog part, and later towards the end he uses the glove




Painfully accurate; just finished this one.

I feel like I got both sides of that, desu

Oh lordy


Kinda glad I haven't read this one yet.




my sides


is the strawberry part the beginning or end? because i dropped the book right after finishing the first part. if thats the strawberry then maybe ill pick it back up

source on the middle? asking for a friend


wow pls vacate this board.


>still telling people to leave

how new are you

It's pretty clear that he's saying he doesn't like strawberry.

That's the opposite of what "strawberryfag" means

I'm not gonna lie, this guy's right. It's much more neat, funny, and actually harder to do if you just use one picture each. It usually ultimately turns out much funnier if you can do it with one image each and do it well. On the other hand, I'm too lazy to contribute myself so I don't wanna nag.

You're supposed to read all parts at once. every 2666 owner has five copies open simultaneously.

Then you should have kept your comments to yourself.

>I'm too lazy to contribute myself so I don't wanna nag.
>most words typed in the thread

>usually ultimately

oh boy, you've just embarrassed yourself in front of all your anonymous friends

Glad someone called him on it.

lets kill that guy

which one

Wait, i'm about to read it, what should I expect?


why is baudelaire in the flowers though?

Steppenwolf has chicks with dicks in it?

Was about to ask this
Will read if true


The author basically Girl filters himself on faceapp

that guy

just try reading it again, i did the same thing. I read the first part and just dropped it. Then once i bothered to read it again I read through the whole thing. Its the only book Ive read so far I can honestly call a favorite

Very good.




> Lydia Veeky Forumst
Oh shi-

>that pepe silvia bit in the middle

You must go to the pynchon reddit or something because there was an entire thread there about how that Pepe Silvia bit echoes Pynchonian zaniness and paranoia.

The best one I ever made was for Infinite Jest and it had one image in the middle and like 50 on the right.

The image in the middle was harry potter and malfoy playing tennis against each other.

I saw someone repost it like a year after I first did, but I don't have it anymore. :(

only /a/ ever does this correctly for some reason

Veeky Forums is basically /v/ when it comes to WEG threads


There's a trap-reverse trap situation going on at multiple times

Reddit did not invent analysis and comparison you fucking moron.

What's with the pool table?


Seems like you are paranoid about reddit
rightfully so

what does this even mean, a man pretending to be a girl pretending to be a man?

It was supposed to be a slash, but I fucked up. Basically there's a character that's supposed to be the feminine/emotional side of the protagonist (self-inserted author) and she sometimes reminds him of an old male friend, and in the 3rd act she dresses as a man to woe ladies at a ball and have lesbo sex with them.