>god doesn't exist
God doesn't exist
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree
I disagree
I abstain
Can you repeat the question?
There, done.
>'you' don't exist
Question if there was one hypothetical
Read said qua statement
this too clearly true
Is this fedora meme the only defense christfags have at this point?
It's checkmate argument though
*blocks your epistemology*
Nah. Or rather, show how-
But god doesn't exist, at least not the man in the clouds type god who is portrayed in most organized religions. If there is a god, he is almost certainly indifferent to human life.
>the man in the clouds type god who is portrayed in most organized religions.
Imagine thinking this
The Logos exists.
>implying that Kant ever completely refuted Hume, and wasn't devastated after a life long struggle to give credibility to the existence of an 'I', 'god' and science/causality (all of which have been refuted by Hume)
Imagine posting cryptic messages on Veeky Forums
Get the fuck out Heraclitus
>no one can know whether a god does or doesn't exist, so having a strong assertion in either direction is a bad idea
>>no one can know whether a unicorn in space does or doesn't exist, so having a strong assertion in either direction is a bad idea
Define 'exist'.
Only in our minds, god didn't create us - We created god.
People who lack belief in a creator think too often about Humans and less often about the universe.
Il ne faut pas se demander si on croit en Dieu, mais si Dieu croit en nous
>Unsourced statement with a vague meaning
This is why noone takes you fedora's seriously.
Krsna totally exists, tho
>Fedora again
No seriously, what does that statement even mean? "People who lack belief in a creator think too often about Humans and less often about the universe."
Please explain it, or is it just some meaningless bullshit you wrote to sound somehow profound?
>being this much of a simpleton
What a stupid quote.
*block your path*
Gott ist tot.
Weil wir haben er ermödrert
Anyone who uses logic is an empiricist. There is no evidence to support the existence of god, so as of now there is no reason to support that belief. If the evidence presented itself I would believe, but as of now, the evidence doesnt exactly point in that direction.
God isn't something people believe because they have external validation of, it's a self contained thought.
It's self help dribble that amounts to "humans r baaaaaaad but nature is sooooooooo pretty"
God won.
The Empire Never Ended *makes sign of the cross* *writes in exegesis* *divorces yet another wife*
A self contained delusion*
Either way you can't bring empirical evidence into the question.
Plus everyone has their delusions and ideologies, if it's not God then something else is going to fill that void.
>God exists
>He made mankind so stupid that they will self-destruct never to return within just 20,000 years of learning how to farm
The point i was rebutting was saying we cant know either way. I hate to be meme-y but the burden of proof lies with the one doing the asserting
Stop autistically repeating atheist buzz phrases.
only white people are dumb enough to have entire movements arguing about whether a man-made character exists or not.
According to most NEETs, God in making the world enslaved it. According to Christianity, in making it, He set it free. God had written, not so much a poem, but rather a play; a play he had planned as perfect, but which had necessarily been left to human actors and stage-managers, who had since made a great mess of it.
Why is atheism considered edgy?
Isn't a "screw the rules, I do things my way" type of attitude usually one of the major characteristics of edginess? If so, then aren't religious people the edgiest people out there?
They go against the very basic rules of human existence, of everyday empirical thought and experience, by believing in something they have no contact with whatsoever. If you told the average joe that there's a teapot on the Moon, they'd ask you to show proof of it, because that's how the rules of human existence work. They even ask for proof on all sorts of mundane things all the time throughout their normal days. But we can never experience God or point to any hard evidence in its favor. And yet these people believe in God despite lack of evidence in its favor. Religious people ignore the basic rules of everyday human living.
Seriously, have any of you ever spoken to religious person where their side of the argument didn't ultimately just end in a petulant and defiant "Well that's what I think and that's that!" on their part? How is that not an edgy attitude?
If you care purely about the truth, then religion isn't for you. It is about faith. Whether or not God exists is irrelevant, it is about your spiritual relationship with him.
*tips fedora*
People don't mock atheism in general, but militant internet atheism mixed with misconceived sense of intellectual superiority.
Men smarter than you or me were religious.
>burden of proof
>buzz phrase
Do you think other perfectly reasonable and precise use of language is "buzz phrases"? Or are you literally too stupid to come up with anything better as a comeback than
>b-but buzzwords
That is a lot of bullshit to have to believe just to save face when you're on your deathbed.
You obviously don't want to discuss and are just trying get the better of me over an argument. I don't have time or patience for this immature circle jerk.
i agree they're annoying but militant atheists are way less dangerous than militant religious people.
A delusion is a faux sensory experience exclusive to the one experiencing it. It is incorrect to say faith/religious experience is a delusion then as it is not experienced through a sensory faculty, nor is it exclusive to one person.
Reminder that the war caused by atheists and pagans (Stalin and Hitler) resulted in more deaths than all previous wars combined
>implying most criminals aren't atheists
>only considering violent subhuman niggers in africa and the middle east doing "religious" killings
sure i can pull up all the wars in the name of religion too buddy but let's talk about current day, the retarded anti-science christian fascist right and ISIS/various other islamofascist groups. believe whatever the fuck you want personally but religion as an institution is poisonous and it needs to be reformed.
grats on having some kind of mental illness
US military isn't religious, yet it still dropped MOAB and celebrated it like something awesome
No shit atheism doesn't stop people from killing, religion just makes things worse. US is also only borderline secular theguardian.com
This /thread
Kant did refute all possible skepticism ever forever and banished it to the plebeian fedora tipping cultural layer of filth people wander in social networks these days.
But please, explain post how your experience would be able to show some kind of regularity without recurring to some sort of formal structure of the Intellect, or deny this regularity and look like an idiot.
Please do it.
>le most believers are not literalist retards meme
What's the matter cuckboy, you mad the prophet Elijah never manifested himself through your being?
Maybe for this generation raised by TV, ask a nun what God actually means to her.