What the FUCK was his problem???
What the FUCK was his problem???
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he wanted to diddle little kids
Too patrician
Fuck I really want to read him now, but I'm not interested in Lolita, at least not yet, where to start with Nabokovsky?
Pale Fire is his best. Invitation to a Beheading is also good.
>Invitation to a Beheading
Underrated desu.
I love it, but I thought it was the most well regarded of his Russian novels? Maybe underrated on Veeky Forums.
Beheading suffers from unfavorable comparisons to Kafka.
I'd say The Gift is his most well regarded: His big fat Russian novel, as complex and as detailed as Proust.
I don't think the Kafka comparison is as superficial as some people say (Nabokov himself included). Especially if you view Kafka through a gnostic lens. I know he said that he hadn't read The Trial when he wrote Beheading, but maybe he'd had some other Kafka. Still Beheading is great in its own right.
Also good to hear that about The Gift. I'm glad to still have some top tier Nabokov left to read.
his molesting uncle traded him blowjobs for his inheritance.
Based as fuck pedo dude. : /
Possibly one the few cases of genuine 2deep4u out there
I'm too drunk to read all that, can you summarise?
His molesting uncle traded him blowjobs for his inheritance.
essentially, his uncle took a liking to him in his youth, and his parents didn't interfere. the uncle was incredibly rich, and he ended up inheriting his millions, despite others being in line, he obtained the entire sum, apparently. there's a reference to his texts, where he seems entirely capable and happy tomdescribe various sex acts but shies away from oral. there's no proof, of course, just many interesting inferences.
okay, interesting.
thank you.
He didn't get any respect
Drugs and women. Which is to say, nothing went wrong.