1) Why aren't you writing right now?
2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
1) Why aren't you writing right now?
2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
>1) Why aren't you writing right now?
I'm tired
>2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
Because it's really fucking long
>3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
All of them
1. I'm deep in The Zone, STALKER.
2. Veeky Forums why I can't quit you
3. No, but plenty of great artists drank brandy.
>1) Why aren't you writing right now?
Because it's not the right time, I have to feel the right moment.
>2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
it's very complex and deep, so it takes a lot of time to do it right
>3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
No, they all drank matcha tea
I don't have an idea
I don't have an idea
I'm sure they may have dabbled in soda pop from time to time but coffee more regularly
I've done nothing but shitpost on Veeky Forums for the past 9 months and I'm probably 9 days out from killing myself anyways.
You can do it!
How did you know I was drinking pop and looking at Veeky Forums instead of writing my novel?
Are you psyche?
I'm shitposting on Veeky Forums when I should be studying for the final to my Shakespeare class.
I've written a novel, I'm working on another novel, and I have another novel planned after that.
I am writing ... but its a gender studies paper. Gender studies is a compulsory unit at my college. So far I'm aceing it but fuck me I hate it
>Gender studies is a compulsory unit at my college.
Funny thing is that I go to a Catholic college, and one day I was just chatting with this nun who teaches theology. I told her I was doing gender studies and she said she'd never heard of it, and that she couldn't even imagine what it would even consist of.
i decided to have a reading day tonight. tomorrow im gonna start turning my draft notes into my paper on percy shelley. should be finished with it by the following evening.
>1) Why aren't you writing right now?
I'll do it later today
>2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
Because I want to try and get some short stories in magazines for money as practice. But it's going to be a rough path since I'm not really well read so my writing is pretty dry.
3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
>1) Why aren't you writing right now?
I'm not a writer
>2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
I'm not writing a novel
>3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
1. I am, right now! (well actually taking a short break to formulate some ideas running around in my head)
2. I just started it today (If you mean my earlier novels, they are either done or I just don't have any passion for them right now)
3. Well, I'm sure my favorite author, Robert Heinlein drank a Coca-Cola or something, once in a while
>teaches at the college that requires it
>never heard of it
Nice story, son
>1) Why aren't you writing right now?
I either don't know what to write about (everything up to Nietzsche at least seems so boring and unoriginal, but it's not like I have a lot of groundbreaking ideas. Plus I really dislike symbolism in books), feel inadequate to write about it (either because of a lack of worldbuilding or lack of a plan) , or don't feel like continuing after less than a page!
>Everything after Nietzsche is boring.
>Nietzsche's last work was published 130 years ago.
Are you baiting, retarded, or lazy?
>Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
Real writers only consume solar energy and the morning dew.
>1) Why aren't you writing right now?
Because I'm supposed to be studying for my exam in nuclear physics.
>2)Why haven't you finished your novel?
Because I don't even intend to write one at this point. Now I only want to finish some poems (fuck fixed verse).
>3) Do you think any great artists drank soda pop?
oh boner not now
Good taste. Just see how is grabbing that microphone...
>I only write on my diary. Thing keeps me sane and healthy.
>Those arenĀ“t my aspirations.
>No, the faggots prefer to smoke and kill themselves slowly.