Fedora philosophy books

I'm an atheist trying to get more into Philosophy. I have read the 4 horsemen, CARL sagan, Nietzsche, and a fair amount of counter-apologetics material, but now I want to learn more about the secrets atheist genuises realize.

Do you know any websites or philosophy books written by atheists that I should read?

No Christian stuff or philosophy of religion fanfiction please, Christians are brainwashed and moronic, and I know the difference because I used to be one. I want profound philosophical material that challenges me to rethink my assumptions and change my political views.



You anti-intellectuals

kierkegaard & descartes

Read Stirner's Ego, the final redpill on all ideology

>Do you know any websites or philosophy books written by atheists that I should read?
I don't, because every single relevant philosopher was a theist.

nice b8

The Irrational Atheist

>No Christian stuff or philosophy of religion fanfiction please, Christians are brainwashed and moronic
You're not going to learn anything from decent atheist philosophers until you drop this attitude. Also, I'm enjoying the "philosophizing on certain favorite assumptions that are not confirmed at all" Schopenhauer quote from a guy who like Nietzsche.

>I exclusively want to read people, who confirm my bias
I think reddit is the appropriate site for you

The more you read philosophy the more you start to believe in a higher power.

Also, modern Christianity =\= the whole of religious feeling. I know that as an edgy high school atheist this may come as a shock but please try to realize the full implications of spirituality.

>4 horsemen
I doubt there is any hope left.

a little early for /summer/ don't you think?


I think he'd also like Spinoza.

De Sade

JL Mackie - The Miracle of Theism
Graham Oppy - Arguing about Gods
JL Schellenberg - Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason

What the fuck is with his hand? try making the same sign without breaking your fingers.

>Read Nietzsche
>Writes like this

No you haven't.

As a hardcore atheist, who then became a Christian, go fuck yourself.

You know nothing.

Start with the Greeks.

No, you fucking faggot cumguzzler! Jews haven't said shit about what Jesus looked like. Why should they? He's just another prophet who was wrong.

>The more you read philosophy the more you start to believe in a higher power.
>Also, modern Christianity =\= the whole of religious feeling. I know that as an edgy high school atheist this may come as a shock but please try to realize the full implications of spirituality.
Don't have to.

Then there's shintoism that's basically a non-normative animism. Probably the template for the turian "religion".

Do you expect him to take your advice after advertising you are a moron?

check out pic related

Not the OP. On the contrary, it is you who has fallen into delusion, and out of the truth. You are no longer in the truth, except insofar as the world keeps on turning as it always has, and so you can, in a larger sense, not help but be in the truth, though you are confused otherwise.

Your desire to belong to a community of human beings, and to feel good about yourself for doing so, is what has led you astray. On the contrary, it is more important to be right than for a society to cohere, and this is what irreligion entails.

It is no sort of credit to religion that it does have its cohering effects on human civilization (and of course it does). On the contrary, it is a discredit to human beings that they are not, in the main, good enough, strong enough, smart enough, any word will do, to simply acknowledge the absence of a meaningful deity in their daily lives, and in fact.

The reality of the unreality of god will always impose itself upon us, and it cannot be otherwise. Humans will either adapt to this (possibly ceasing to be human in the process, possibly beasts depending on one's point of view) or they will eventually cease to be. The tension of reality with the human need for storytelling cannot continue indefinitely while human beings also have a capacity for reason which is in totally irreconcilable tension with this other impulse.

Since your bid is to rhetorically dismiss the other poster, and since you yourself know perfectly well that you don't know whether he has in fact read Nietzsche, you would have done much better to level, and possibly accurately, a much more common and stinging rebuke: that he has not /understood/ Nietzsche.

When in fact, Nietzsche is about as useless as Aquinas.


Seconding especially Mackies book.

For an older work that whilst not pure atheism is materialistic (not consumerist) is Lucretius on the nature of things.

Added to that Hume's dialogues on religion are worth checking out.

Also remember that a lot of former athiests never lost their close mindedness and simply swung to the other side. Hence why
despite there being twenty five posters here there is only one post recommending actual books on Atheism beyond whilst there are a bunch like.

Hee hee hee, try "The Conspiracy Against the Human Race" by Thomas Ligotti, OP. Hee hee hee...

Jesus actually more likely looked like a 2000 year old Israelite, not fucking modern day jew you mong. He most likely looked like this.

You fucking twat.

There is no physical or archaeological evidence for Jesus' existence.

I can name one. The Gospels

That doesn't mean he never existed you fucking pseud. What's more, yes there is. Learn what scholars of pre-modern society define as evidence for a person existing before believing something fucking pretentious fedora tipper online. There's what, two historians with scholarships in antiquity that denies Jesus ever existed?


This guy is very wrong. I think there are maybe two people on my course who are religious. In fact the more you read philosophy the more you tend to realise that lots of widely believed statements imply contradictions or just don't really make any sense.

For example, Christianity, Number Realism, Presentism etc.

If you wish to read some interesting philosophy of religion I suggest you start with Descartes and try to analyse where he went wrong.

> t. Doing philosophy at a very highly ranked university

I am mad online rn

>There's what, two historians with scholarships in antiquity that denies Jesus ever existed?
Not saying that Jesus did not exist or did exist, but this is not true.

Additionally, OP is a retard. Nietzsche was not anti-religious and would have hated the likes of Carl Sagan. Nietzsche was very heavily pro-religion and was lamenting the decline of traditionally morality. This is not even a controversial interpretation. Look at the end of Beyond Good and Evil where he goes on about his ideal society being some sort of Hindu caste system.

>If you wish to read some interesting philosophy of religion I suggest you start with Descartes and try to analyse where he went wrong.
At the very beginning? AFAIK, his dualism was a hit job from The Vatican against hermeticism.

Yeah that's bad but there's other stuff. The fact that he proves God, by saying we perceive God clearly and distinctly, and then says that because God exists he allows to perceive that are true as clear and distinct ideas. It's known as the Cartesian circle. Descartes is usually one of the first items on an undergrad philosophy course as it's easy for the students to spot the problems. This is all from the meditations btw.