Thoughts on Christ?
Thoughts on Christ?
He's okay
he jewish
Not Veeky Forums. Proselytize elsewhere.
He is our Lord and Savior. but don't put this on Veeky Forums its not the place, you're only going to piss people off this way.
Christ is our Lord, the only Son of God. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day He rose again, in fulfillment of the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his Kingdom will have no end.
That's nice rote memorization, but explain the trinity to me
Protip: you can't
It transcends the comprehension of the human mind, all we can do is approximate it.
St Anselm.
he fights satan and doesnt afraid of anything
Jesus was way cool. Everybody liked Jesus. Everybody wanted to hang out with him. Anything he wanted to do, he did. He turned water into wine. And if he wanted to, he could have turned wheat into marijuana,
or sugar into cocaine, or vitamin pills into amphetamines.
Apocalyptic jewish preacher, probably claimed to be the Mashiach, got executed by the civil authorities, his devout followers had visions of him and started believing he'd risen from the dead. This soon grew into him having a divine aspect, Paul certainly thought so and founded a bunch of communities in the east Mediterranean (he never met Jesus btw and disagreed with the actual disciples on important points). It became popular among non-jews and reached a point where it became non-jewish and identified Jesus with God himself (80s-100 AD, when the Gospel of John was written).
1900 years later people read books by early believers and think he not only said he was God from beginning, but that he really actually is and was God and that the Hebrew scriptures are actually all about him.
socialist. Great guy.
4/10 face
Calling out the bankers, merchants, and the jewish elite is nazi if you ask me.
well he's God
this makes me angry whenever I see it
what the fuck where they even thinking when they made this and what the fuck was anyone thinking sharing and spreading it
Yeah this more modern replication is far more accurate.
did you miss the bit where he redistributed fish and bread to feed the 5 thousand
Didn't see him give any to the niggers and the spics
did you?
why does it make you angry that jesus looks like someone who actually lived in the middle east and not like something out of an Italian, Renaissance painting?
literally who
>implying you wouldnt let this god, literal and figurative, smash because of how baller he was
" 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than this." - Mark 12:31
basically this is tantamount to a rallying cry for radical egalitarianism regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, religious disposition........maybe not for the gays tho
His audience was a homogeneous population well versed in stamping out vermin races with the help of the lord. He was preaching in a nation that had ethically cleansed the holy land by the his own/his father's word.
Nice paper thin interpretation though.
This sleight of hand works can work well in pre-literate societies (the base of Christian history) where that kind of logic is attested to in mythical oral literature anyway, but it takes impressive levels of suspension of disbelief to accept in an age where even children's literature doesn't get free passes for the fantastic when it lacks consistency/logic.
Hell, once Christians started being allowed to read even they had problems with people asking whether such a thing as a Trinity is tenable.
One has to ask: why even bother with something that necessarily and inescapably, by the admission of its own adherents, transcends human comprehension to begin with? The answer is, of course, either based on utility (believe in the Trinity so you can be saved and not burn in Hell) or truth (believe in it simply because it's simply the fact of the matter), yet neither of these are convincing precisely because they cannot be affirmed in any meaningful sense.
His audience was the entire world. He knew what his place in history would be and he spoke accordingly.
take your hermeneutic/heretical nonsense elsewhere.
Do you really think the son of god didn't realise the gravity of what he was saying???????
>His audience was a homogeneous population
>LITERALLY lived in an economic cross-roads whose major socio-cultural issueof the time was the conflicting interests of a hyper-religious ethnic group, and its various neighbors of different religious and ethnic identities, being dominated by a foreign military superpower
Stop posting /pol/rat
you get people on /pol/ who unironically describe themselves as christian.....its hilarious
To think that a mithic character is the one person that has changed history the most is truly outstanding.
>An created character can change history forever
What does this tell about the human condition, Veeky Forums?
fake news