Why do you guys love this? Should I read it?

Why do you guys love this? Should I read it?

I liked it. Its very scenic. Read for the prose and style.

It's unique aesthetic portrayal of nature and violence.

The question is: is human violence as much a part of the landscape, that he displays with such precision?

honestly, I read half of it and set it down. You'll get the gist of it in the first 50 pages.

it's a great book and you should read it but you're likely to get a bunch of posts here saying it's bad because people here care more about being contrarians on the internet than literature

>Prople who don't like a shitty book are only being contrarian.

Blood Meridian sucks and you're wasting your time reading it. McCarthy's prose isn't even aesthetic.

thanks for confirming my prediction, friend

i read it several years ago, barely understood what was going on, and still felt it had some of the most striking language this side of moby dick. read it brudda.

>it's a crossover episode

Read moby dick first

>isn't even aesthetic
That's not even the correct use of the word

It's okay, OP. This is the first McCarthy I've read. I love Texas and the southwest, and this is pretty comfy, but Cormac really should have written a shorter, better book.

Yeh. I'm halfway through it. I'm good. Also, in the shootout when Grimley gets stabbed the author refers to the lead ball coming out of their black powder revolvers as "bullets." Fail.

Yes, it's great. Paradise Lost is also great. Both would have been better if the author didn't go on for so long.

I can't bring myself to read it after experiencing The Road. I am of the opinion that you should find out for yourself, and that no urging from any of us could truly make you decide to read or avoid this book.

I am curious, is there something beyond catharsis in ultraviolence? Is there a numbing sensation that averts one's fears of death and suffering by inundation?

Hi. I just was the recipient of a great blow job. You may ask why I chose to share this with you and shit up the thread. Well it may be that I'm bitter this middlebrow book is one of the few that generate good discussion.

Blood Meridian is wholly different from the Road
If you didn't like the road you will love Blood Meridian

>Paradise Lost
>would have been better if the author didn't go on for so long.

absolutely disgusting. the state of Veeky Forums these days, i swear

Well that's just my opinion, asshole. I can't believe how intolerant some people are

Why do you say that? I did not particularly enjoy The Road simply because it felt to me like a scenic train ride, and one I had been on many times before.

I am not a fan of explicit violence in my literature, I am not against its presence, but repeated graphic presentations do not entertain me in any fashion. It feels a cheap way to get my goat, if you know what I mean.

Saying "it's my opinion" to qualify a statement doesn't alter its stupidity. Everything anyone says is their "opinion" you goddamn idiot

don't take it personally, Veeky Forums doesn't exactly bring out the best in people

>opinions can be stupid
beliefs can be stupid, opinions are sacrosanct

Blood Meridian definitely does not suffer from a lack of substance if that's what you're worried about
It isn't just a western

I'm sure it's substantive, no question. It's just that I'm unsure I am willing to trade discomfort from the ultraviolence for whatever substance that it might have. I may read it some time, who knows.

It's honestly one of the better books I've read, and I consider myself well read.

This guy is not me.

And it's an ancient criticism of Paradise Lost that it went on too long. Milton goofed, just like McCarthy.

>I am curious, is there something beyond catharsis in ultraviolence? Is there a numbing sensation that averts one's fears of death and suffering by inundation?

desu I don't get it. the people in the book live by the gun and are recharged by drinking, fighting, and raping. But it's just a book written by a sperg who goes on for nearly 200 pages about guys reloading their powder, wad, and ball and then makes the mistake of using the word bullet. Regeneration by violence or whatever is a dumb theory put forward by ivory tower fakes, and it has no meaning today. Middle aged kids like me were raised on Quake, Doom, and Tarantino films. McCarthy's statement on human violence seems half-formed, to me.

And there's the problem I have been chewing on for quite some time now, is violence something I should cherish, and even apply in my own life, or to indulge in small doses vicariously, if at all? Violence has done nothing for me thus far, though I wonder if I haven't broken through the boundaries of heartlessness in my violence, and rather have only been a victim of my own dilettantism .

It's good but overrated. At least that's the consensus on lit.

new age, hipster faggot.

Violence is inescapable. You kill to eat. You compete for a job, then compete for promotion. You pay taxes that go to bomb civilians. Violence exists in the wild, from amoeba to wolves. Human violence in competition for resources from individual to superpowers is no different.

Indulging in violence is for psychos. Accepting and folding it into ourselves as necessary is patrician.

If you haven't killed a person you cannot create or appreciate real literature.

Give me your name and address and I'll make a start