Ok, It is starting to become clear we gotta change our names to women or minorities...

Ok, It is starting to become clear we gotta change our names to women or minorities. The advantage they have is not only huge in the book industry but in social media you will get 10x more followers. Should I just do it and become a little chinese girl? whats the cons here?

Why not combine spic and asian for full points?

Your penname can be Meme Wang

The downside is that it is a lie, you will be living with yourself knowing you cheated. Also if you are ever caught you would be ridiculed the way manlets are who wear lifts

Write your debut novel about homos. No one can prove your not a faggot. Then once you've got your foot in the door you can write the stuff you want to write.

Don't do it user. If you attempt to game the system you'll have no other excuses left when you still fail. You're much better off just continue to write your mediocre shit and pretending that the blacks and women are keeping you down.

Don't let the truth in. It's too difficult.

I don't think that you realize how it works. It is a game of percentages and being a minority or woman puts you way above any white guy. They have quotas for this shit, you know.

if you choose an identity, an identity that is different from what you intrinsically are...
and you are ridiculed and attacked for choosing to be different, by people claim to champion progress and difference then....

you probably shouldn't try to make money off your hobby.

also, you're a shit writer and black men have a bigger penis than you

This doesn't mean that any no talent Veeky Forums user is going to benefit at all from pretending to be a minority or woman.

l m a o

Nope, my masterpieces will still be read 200 years from now. They will just be read with a japanese name

>no-talent white male writer gets overlooked for no-talent minority

so if you have no talent how do you distinguish yourself? if you're a minority you can market yourself as a "new voice". it's all about business. if you're part of the mass of people churning out garbage you have to find something to distinguish yourself from the rest of the garbage. minorities have it easier in this department but that just means the white guys have to think of something else to set themselves apart. the publishing industry isnt turning away great writers because they're white males. that'd be like turning down free money. they are, however, turning down garbage writers that are white males because they cannot distinguish themselves (they can't do it in their work so there has to be a personal angle).

Honestly, if you don't deserve to get there under your own name, you probably don't deserve to get there under an assumed name.

You faggits still dont understand.
Probably have crab in a bucket syndrome.
Let me break it down.
women and minorities have a free pass, and live on EZ mode.
they tend to be so horrible at writing that you only have to be 'ok' to get a deal.
you gotta use every advantage you can in life.
I think mathematicians said just 2 % is enough to change an entire model
Well being a woman, or minority, I see how it's different for them. 500 likes on instagram for posting any random bullshit. 100,000 youtube likes just for being a woman.
We're not talking 2 % here but about 30 % advantage.
Now you starting to understand?

>women and minorities have a free pass, and live on EZ mode.
i dont even care to be honest. i just started submitting to agents so it's too soon for me to be jaded with who has advantages and who doesnt. at the end of the day publishing is a business. if they think i can make them money then they will back me. if not then they're probably right. their entire goal is to make money. not to put down white men for the sake of putting down white men.

also, have you personally experienced the disadvantages? if so, how?

And if your writing isn't good enough for you to get published with a "-30%" advantage, you probably don't deserve to be published under an assumed identity.

AKA: git gud.

the advantage only really applies to the shittiest writers that everyone scratches their heads over how they got published. if your writing is garbage then you have to be marketable as a person and being a shy white guy isn't going to cut it. let women and minorities have that. if the publishing industry decides my work is garbage then i dont want them to publish me based on how marketable i am as a person.

this isn't going to work because to be successful in the current market you also have to whore yourself out doing interviews and readings and book fairs and whatever other shit, and you have a much better chance of not being invited to those if you stick with being a boring beige dude.

> women and minorities have a free pass, and live on EZ mode.

Lol. Sure thing sweet cheeks.

this look at the booktuber threads for proof
no one cares about their opinions, just their parts