Is the English language a good language for written works...

Is the English language a good language for written works? Is there a forme of literature that it is particularly good at? Or is it just a lingua franca for those without a large population to support a culture of writing?

English is the best language for written works only if American English is used.

American English is butt-ugly. British English is much more pleasant.

It really isn't, its clunky and overly theatrical

Fuck you.

Oi Mate. Ai delinquently spectate that indubitably doest prospect so. Corr blimey me bollocks wot a spectacle does envolope

Gabh mo leithsceal mo chara yank ach nílimid anglophones tá do pictiúr bollox




Oh shut the fuck up you cringey Shinner


Vote sinn féin

I have and will but I wont be happy about it

In what way is it "theatrical"?

It's exactly the same as American English apart from the spelling is more aesthetically pleasing and it doesn't have as many silly native money-centric/business-centric idioms.

>as many silly native money-centric/business-centric idioms.

Yeah the language of getting shit done as opposed to British idioms which make you sound like you're doing improv pantomine

>Getting shit done.
>Acquiring faeces in the past.

Doesn't make a lick of sense.

The fuck has licking to do with sense?

Hiberno-English is better than either so yiz can go fuck yerselves!

Hiberno-English is an absorbed subset of American English

You're really not providing very much evidence or explanation for your claims -- British and American English only really differ in spelling and slang, with a few very minor differences like 'fill in' vs. 'fill out'.


We're talking about the spirit of the dialects not your autistic reddit analysis


Fuck me you faggots are obsessed with reddit. I came here to get away from it and yet every ten minutes somebody brings it up.

Sounds like you should learn to write.

It's a very good language.
It's versatile and powerful.
Elizabethan poets dragged it kicking and screaming to a state of prestige on par with Latin and ancient Greek, subsequent poets and prose writers cemented the association. It's both a widely spoken language and has been at the zenith of civilization and sophistication for centuries now.
Other languages are interesting (especially Russian), don't get me wrong but even those who don't like the role of (the) English in the world recognize the Shakespeare is the greatest dramatist outside of antiquity and that the Romantics are preternaturally good.

This was true until the early 2000s, imo

>Gabh mo leithsceal
Níl ann nó ionat ach leithsceal. Deirtear "Is Fearr Gaeilge Bríste Ná Béarla Cliste" ach ní bheadh aon dóchas agam go bhfuil tú cliste as Bearla. Is uafás gráinne í do Ghaelainn.