I want to leave degeneracy behind, what book will help me...

I want to leave degeneracy behind, what book will help me? I want to be pure again or at least gain that feeling of purity.

define degeneracy without meme first

Doing things you define as bad and unhealthy for your mind over and over again.

The Bible

Not OP, but I think the answer would be behavior that contributes to the downfall of western society.

without memes goddamit

The bible loses all effectiveness if you don't believe in inherent evil.

>Exchanging ideas
>Doesn't want memes

Degeneration by Max Nordau

One of the defining features of degeneracy is that it doesn't ever completely leave you. Like a recovering alcoholic, you'll never completely put it in your past. You now have to live with those actions for the rest of your life.
The only way to get back to that feeling of purity is alzheimer's. Sorry, bro, that's just the way it is.

My diary desu or foundations for explorations

I'm not autistic so I don't mean to make a complete recovery. I want to go into that direction regardless.

A line of behaviour that, if practiced by all or most humans, would not sustain a mutually beneficial standard of life.

go to bed kant


I'm thankful for the few suggestions I got but come on Veeky Forums, give me some more material to work with. I will take a good fictional story about redemption too.

Start with the Romans, Meditations by Aurelius and Stoicism in general is great for combating degenerate thoughts. And if you're a Christian (even if you're not, really), St. Augustine's Confessions is one of the most classical tales of redemption

Hands down the book you need in this situation.

If anything Meditations made me stop giving a shit about "muh degeneracy" in other people. The message is to stop giving a shit about things you can't change and only focus on improving yourself in a restrained way.

Roman culture is nothing in comparison to the Greeks. In fact Roman culture has done far more damage to the world than good. Still does.

All the Roman mindset was really been able to grasp was Law. They knew nothing of Spirit.

>things you define as bad and unhealthy for your mind
What do you define as bad and unhealthy for you mind?


quit porn and masturbation forever