Does anybody have experiences with psychedelics and reaading? Please sure!

Does anybody have experiences with psychedelics and reaading? Please sure!

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You can't read on the come-up and peak. On the come-down it can feel like the most mystical shit you've ever read. Beautiful. I'm not sure what you want to know.

yeah i like it it's fun, provided you can focus on staying with what the book is saying.

Bumping with picks

what u read?

Shrooms was exactly what I had in mind. Do you do it often? I'm contemplating growing my own shrooms.

Dosage? The style of good? How did it chamge the experience?

paradise lost on an acid comedown sticks in mind

For those of you wondering thats my qt literaryy qf :)

I couldn't focus on a book while taking psychedelics. I forget everything about myself.

like 3 tabs of 200ug. was a truly complex, nightmarish experience doubting all my normal reality and feeling like my friends were demons were trying to trick me until the comedown when the sun came up and everything turned to gold. I don't want to go into it.

didn't do it often,

one time i was on 3g and that would it be really cool to read GoT Lol Felt really intense and had a vivd movie of it in my mind

and other time on like 1 tab of acid, which was really pleasant

you're not from windsor are you

Well thanksnfor the words guys

I've read parts of Anna Karenina and Hamlet at the end of an acid trip. For me the effect of acid on literature is that it makes everything that would normally be slightly amusing very amusing and anything that would be slightly moving very moving. At the time I was convinced I could better comprehend the literature but I think it just intensified my emotional response to meaning.

Only have experiences with salvia and can't imagine standing, let alone reading, after smoking it

Reading your own poetry on acid and seeing connections you couldn't make before is pretty cool, it's a shame the patterns aren't really there when you're out of it though.

>You can't read on the come-up and peak.

Simply false

I read Vonnegut's Timequake in one sitting on an acid trip. The novel lent itself to being a very interesting read while tripping. I think if you're going to read something of a substantial length on a trip it should be something that is "trippy" in and of itself like Timequake.

During that same trip I was reading about Virginia Woolf, specifically about her mental health issues. I ended up having an experience that, like many psychedelic experiences, is difficult to describe in words, especially in a form like a Veeky Forums post. The best I can do is to say it was a transcendental, out-of-body experience, something where I was in an alternate plane of existence, where I felt what she felt (or so I whole-heartedly believe she felt) during one of (her last, or, again, so I believe) her mental breakdowns. It was a hauntingly torturous experience, the most difficult "bad trip" experience I ever had, and I've had quite a few. It was especially difficult to come out of it because I was alone and didn't have anyone to help me out of it. I have tripped on a wide variety of substances for a total of something like 25-30 trips total with a significant number of "bad trips" and that one was bad enough that it's been a about four years and I haven't tripped again since (was averaging around 4-6 trips a year for the six years prior).

I mean the "trip" with salvia only lasts a few minutes, but I could see reading while experiencing the residual effects which, for me anyway, lasted anywhere from a few minutes to a couple hours. I wrote a poem while under the influence of the residual effects which was probably the only thing I ever wrote that was worth a damn. That was roughly 10 years ago, though, and it's long gone so I can't share it.

Its hard to concentrate on stuff when you're high. At least that's how it is for me.
I tried playing vidya, watching trippy movies, reading books and comics but failed almost every single time.

One time I tried playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R while high on shrooms, got bored and ended up having a really nice trip while watching Hunger Games.

There was another time that I got really high eating a chocolate cream with ( too much ) weed on it. Tried to watch a nature documentary while listening to psychedelic music but ended up getting bored immediately. Then I ended up cleaning the whole house and washing the dishes while thinking about the universe, neuroscience, nanotechnology and god.

Nowadays I don't even try to do something specific while high and try to enjoy whatever it is that I'm doing.

hey OP i tried to read last year around xmas while on tabs , instead i was stuck and amazed because of this show

i just got home from a night out drinking and i already have a hangover, what should i do for a cure

The text is too hard to focus on while tripping but reading poetry on the come down can be good, your mind is in a very open state.

Puke if needed, drink lots of water, eat some bread or toast, smoke some weed if you have some and get comfy for a long sleep.

I read some Inherent Vice during a trough on shrooms last year. It was pretty fun. I don't think everyone could do it but if you can I recommend.