Why aren't YOU studying for finals right now?
Why aren't YOU studying for finals right now?
Statistics is eZaF
Inb4, because I was too much of a pussy to take straight philosophy at uni so ended up taking politics and economics as well, and if I have to look at one more fucking indifference curve I'm going to kill myself. Sitting on my ass writing gay erotica is way more fun.
>spending more than a quarter of your life in academia
lmao fucking NERD
beaten to my own inb4, how embarrassing
Because I'm not a snot-nosed college brat, you little shit.
Im a NEET.
writing muh bachelorette
Here comes the summer.
I am on a quarter system.
But user, I graduated last year.
I really miss uni life
Thank god here in Spain the finals start around june and I can still waste my time in Veeky Forums and listening to xiu xiu another whole month.
Because I'm the professor. I don't have to study, I just have to get ready for mass amounts of papers to grade.
My finals were this week. I aced all of them.
>tfw finishing my mathematics class with a 95% when the average was a 63
Because I dropped out of a shitpiece LibArts college about a year ago due to both psychological and financial reasons, spent the last year working and unfucking myself and am only now pursuing re-entry to Academia
This is actually my plan for the following year. Leaving my uni at the end of the semester now because I'm completely not in the right place to care about my work.
Any advice?
I hate what I'm studying and can pass without doing it.
>I was too much of a pussy to take straight philosophy at uni so ended up taking politics and economics as well
Fuck, is this a common train of thought? This is exactly me.
because they start in june where I live
I graduated two years ago. There's been much less stress but also less direction. All in all I'm pretty pleased with where I am, considering two years ago I was doing a lot of drugs and was significantly overweight. Now I'm just looking for a real job.
Because I'm a fucking genius who doesn't need to study for something as piss easy as French Literature.
Idk, maybe we'll be grateful one day when we can get jobs that aren't serving in subway or teaching philosophy.
I dropped out.
I graduated years ago, and I haven't had finals in about twice as many years as that.
When I exited the building and realized I didn't have to do math ever again I nearly passed out.
I graduated 2 years ago.
I have an exam tomorrow and an exam Wednesday. If I don't know the info now, I'll never know it. May as well relax and think positively.
Yeah, the PNR. I used to get that. When you hit that point where you internalize you're either gonna fail or pass now and there's no reason to worry about it anymore. Probably saved my life in school. Enjoy it. Not everyone gets it, but when you're sitting, feet up on the desk and eating chips while everyone is having a meltdown because the printer isn't working AGAIN- man, there's nothing like it.
graduated with a degree in linguistics yesterday ;)
I am. I'm on a break to eat my tea, which is a delicious bowl of pasta. I have a law exam on Wednesday.
Because in summer semester here in Germany we have our finals at the beginning of august... yeah, you heard me, we are at the Uni until august...
Hey John, excited for your new album.
My departure was not exactly on good terms, I had no psychological support system and basically lucked out on having been screwed financially by the University because it took my parents' eyes off of my failing grades, at least enough for it to not become a topic of its own discussion. So no, I really haven't got much advice
cause I graduated from college in 2004
I remember sitting outside my law school reading a Hesse novel (Demian, I think? Maybe Narcissus and Goldmund?) about 30 minutes before my first final, Civil Procedure (a first-year course that is considered, at least where I went, notoriously difficult). The few classmates I ever bothered talking to all asked in apparent shock when they saw me why I wasn't going over notes. But I felt the same way as you. I did my best to prepare and I would only freak myself out by continuing to go over the material right up to the time the exam started like everyone else. I was better trying to lower my stress level by enjoying a good book.
What does PNR stand for? I have this feeling occasionally and could stand to have it more often.
Point of No Return. When you realize the outcome is going to go a certain way anyway, so you just accept the outcome.
Thanks, my PNRpilled friend :)
Is there any actual science backing the conception that there is such a Point?
I got time, I ain't got any exams until Tuesday.
is that messi
I'm an adult and finished taking classes nearly a decade ago.
>i stopped learning new things a decade ago
we know
I felt the effects of the PNR, but never understood why. It's kind of funny that I apparently internalized that logic over a decade ago, but now I'm hearing it for the first time.
Because i graduated, and am now waiting to start my comfy job with the government.
Because I'm thinking of the implications of Captain Kirt baneposting and how the spectacle has basically reached atom-bomb levels of power and that we might as well be living in the world Nick Land describes.
>mfw I get hopelessly behind every semester
>multiple papers late
>presentations and finals approaching
>somehow it always works out even though it makes for mediocre grades
how do I change
realize and accept for value the investment of time and money you are making on behalf of another, and with it accept the pressure of not fucking up.
Which, for many people going to college entirely dependent on the safety net of either their parents or their governments, is impossible - a big part of why Universities are churning out useless degrees and ill-qualified workers while happily burning their money in a drum behind the Dean's office.
They were last week and I got suspended anyway so I just dropped out.
The only thing that motivates me to do work (and I have a final in 8 hours, but here I am) is to remind myself that, actually, I do really want to know this stuff. Sometimes if the work you're doing isn't necessarily meaningful, you can make it that way with just a little more engagement, and sometimes the assignments are junk and it doesn't work at all
But it's the best I've got.
already took em, got all A's :)
You never did any math in the first place lol
>Graduate High School
>Have no aspirations beyond a vague interest in literature
>Panic, drop everything and pursue a trade lobster fishing on a small dock in Nova Scotia
>Absolute frozen hell
>Can count successful hauls on one-hand, were almost always under
>(third of it is just the skipper yelling at me or telling me to go home because the weather is "damned shit")
>Save up $80,000 over 4 years (still living at home)
>Get my own little flat, quit, start working at a hole in the wall convenience store selling cigarettes and booze to vagrants
>Spend free time reading, learning german and sleeping
whatever, I'm comfy
Wish I'd had the balls to do something like this.
>final exam of degree this afternoon
>don't really need to study, literature degree
>I'll get a 2:1 no matter what
>got a job offer already paying good money when I graduate
Suppose it feels good, I'm stoked to know in a few hours it'll be over and I can go home. But probs would feel even better if I'd actually enjoyed uni.
>most homogenised brainless people I've ever met
>safe space bullshit, everyone's a SJW
>didn't learn anything, feel more stupider than when I was at school
>didn't manage to make many friends
Any fellow medical students here?
Community college here, I'm finished em
I married a medical student 8 years ago. Better decision by far.
Last bit of shitposting before exam. 1.5 hours to go. Wish me luck Veeky Forums ;_;
My condolences.
Fuck off John, I'm working at the job I got with my degree.
You haven't put out a good album in 10 years you piece of liberal shit
Because I'm an adult who passed his exams years ago.
good luck :^)
Because I just finished WOOT WOOT
Because my test is in 40 minutes.
I don't know that. PNR is generally a technically term used when you use up half your fuel, so you have no option but to keep going because you can't turn back.
As far as the PNR in reference to schoolwork, it's just when you've done the most you can, and there's nothing else you can do. If you fucked up, you can no longer fix it, so accepting your fate is the only option. It should be said that I've never hit PNR and failed an assignment, so it's a good thing. It also only hits me about the day before a deadline, so it's not giving up. I'm sure there's a technical term for it, but basically, it's just accepting that you've done your best and there's no time left, so there's no reason to beat yourself up anymore. I don't know how to properly explain why or how it happens, just that it does.
All As. I could fail and still pass. Idgaf nia
Well I'm a freshman and just got a 42 on my applied calc 2 final so that's why I'm here
That test was stupid.
I'm going to fail the bar because our Con Law professor was a complete fucking idiot and made his test for children.
When everyone gets all the answers right, it allows him complete control over the midterm grade. So he splits them into those that paid attention and those that didnt. He then gets to take those that did well and choose the ones that wrote to his religious ideology and give them the A.
I'm sure everything will work out fine in the end, friend.
With Torts II, Property II, and Con Law done I can focus on the real tests for Tex Crim and Contracts II.
How exciting. Thanks dude. I hope it works out.
Thanks for helping me sort myself out, user
because i went to a trade school and now i'm earning money instead of paying money to "learn"
I only need to pass to enter the programme I want to and I'm only taking easy classes this semester.
Elements of a crime: culpability, causation, act.
Strict liability: specified in statute, normally no jail time
Criminal negligence: gross deviation from the standard of care
Reckless: disregard of the standard of care
Knowing: reasonably certain to happen
Intentional: desire for event to happen
But for test
superseding cause that is sufficient, while actors act is insufficient
Intentional: anything but an involuntary movement
Possession: has or is aware of object for long enough to realzie they have it.
Omission: statutory or duty of care
same, everyone always freaks out before tests and i'm just really calm, chilling. never got a phrase for it but happens to me every time. feelscomfyman
>tfw I've been in university for 20 years
talk about student loan debt hyuck hyuck
>eat my tea
>bowl of pasta
how long does it take for a bowl of pasta to brew? how many cups does it make?
>tfw the adrenaline of being completely unprepared and behind schedule makes me work and study better
If there's no fire under my ass it doesn't work.
because i've studied for 12 fucking hours today and i can barely type
>met a friend for a drink on friday
>ended up taking 200mg MDMA, over a gram of speed and 400mg of coke
>ended up in a different city 130 miles away
>didn't sleep or eat for two days
>didn't get home until sunday afternoon
That's why.
I tried studying today but I couldn't even type because my hands are covered in blisters from rubbing them together intensively. Not to mention the cold sweats and tremors.
Exams on Wednesday and I haven't picked up a book.
If you can type that you can study.
Delete this
because I'm chill studying to get into some kind of education next year
dad says I'm smart and that I should go for philosophy or literature but he doesn't realize how much of a brainlet I am
Also academic life seems fucking boring and I don't get along with your regular humanities folk at all
what are some literary trades, lads?
>boo hoo I did drugs and ignored my privilege of getting a higher education
already graduated. feelsgoodman
I'm either 26 or 27 years old.
>implying my school is good enough where I actually have to study
Because I have an avoidant personality disorder and would rather ruin my life than touch a book I'm supposed to.
>boo hoo I have no "privilege", better tell everyone else they have a privilege
Defending a coked up drop out? Nice.
>drop out
He has yet to drop out
>coked up
Drugs don't define a person
I fucking smashed that exam, gr8 feel :)
Because I'm unemployed and the state pays for my livelihood, wagecuck
Get some rest, stop shitposting. Youll be fine
>tfw finals were last week
god bless the sec for basing academic schedules on football
I'm 21 and have no formal tertiary education besides some certs for basic machining and welding
Work an alright job making prosthetics. What would a horrendously working class kid even study at university? Even engineering around here is a dying job
meh, I only got some booze money from amazon out of it
expensive cognac doesnt make you feel whole
Why did you wait to start your life at 22?
Literally me
Oil Management is so difficult.
>Drugs don't define a person
they do if they're addicted