
Is he mocking the reader with the "infinitely original author of charming sensibility" bit? It doesn't quite sound genuine, but is that just the translation?

desu I prefer stuff like this:
Coming! Hardly are those words out of the Second Coming!

art went to shit with Duchamp and all subsequent developments. he was just a memester who was jealous of his classically trained artistic siblings so decided to make a mockery of art for shits and giggles and no one stopped him.

also, found this on wikipedia lmao

"At about this time, Duchamp read Max Stirner's philosophical tract, The Ego and Its Own, the study of which he considered another turning point in his artistic and intellectual development. He called it "a remarkable book ... which advances no formal theories, but just keeps saying that the ego is always there in everything."

>he was just a memester who was jealous of his classically trained artistic siblings so decided to make a mockery of art for shits and giggles and no one stopped him.

>cubism is classical
>his sister isn't dadaist
bro you sound so mad you'd better be posting from a sherrie levine exhibition or taking some drugs for that

>Sherrie Levine

How did she get away with straight up stealing other people's work?

Same way Richard Prince did but without the talent.

He doesn't have any talent either

>he doesn't like cowboys or jokes
Skipping the Irish authors, then?

Bonjour Mssr Antipyrene because this place in which the dadaist should truly thrive and discover DaDA has now become commonplace and just enough for the normalcy of the sleepy eyed slugafutons. Is this a matter, no mustard, not yet forthwith the fabuloust energies.

Goddamned modern sensibilities with nothing forward except the imagination of the constant seekering the terrible succor of sweet numbing.

Can a rainbow shit stain even imagine a world without a comprable Hitler. A universe where the A_dolfus wasn't conceived of in the great unconcious and the evils of the occuring FIRST WORLD WAR were enough horror to destablize and rudder muddy the thinking of the human race or whatever the meatbags are passing for these days

Is lil' Triz, with his prescription opiates, mocking me?
>how come I don't know how to feel

>mockery of life
That's why people make the argument that the actual working-class who build items should be making/honored more than the people who design or conceptualize or....

>In Advance of YOUR Broken Arm

We could discuss this idea together. Of Duchamp going full out "Chess is better." , declaring below fourteenth street manhattan to be a republic independent of uptown and the beautifully layered work that is his last surreality displayed in Philly of all places.


... what?

>It's a "plebs fail to grasp the grandiosity of modernism" thread

Bababababa aroooooooutrtrttrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt APLSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH to be honest, lads

But not shitposting, it might look like dada (and it's offshoots) were just memeing but at least up until Fluxus, everything has a very clear explanation and reason to be the way it is, it's only after the 70s that memes took over (which is not to say that I dislike contemporary / post-modern art, just that things got a bit worse after that). If you're interested in art and want to engage seriously with these artists and thinkers, here's a little reading list to better understand modernism:
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Experience of Modernity (Marshall Berman)
After the End of Art and/or Transfiguration of the Common Place (Arthur Danto)
Theory of the Vanguard (Peter Burger)
Duchamp - A Biography (Calvin Tomkins)
And as many artist manifestos as you can, those were very important for the first fases of modernism.

Oh, also forgot, Benjamin's writings on art are great as well, particularly Surrealism: The Last Snapshot of European Intelligence, The Work of Art in the Age of it's Mechanical Reprodutibility and The Artist as a Producer

>Benjamin's writings on art are great as well
Skimming I thought you meant Walter Benjamin and I was almost triggered to death lmao

...who do you think the Benjamin i'm referring to is?

Benjamin Netanyahu

Please don't dare associate my husbando to a war criminal.

Duchamp wasn't really relevant until the 50s. He had no real bearing on the development of modernism.

Postmodernism. It's actually a really good idea. What else could anyone do at the time apart from adopt a detached, critical look at the world around you by photographing things that exist in that world, i.e. other art? Recontextualization is originality. The Levine works have us look at the original subject in a new way.

>...who do you think the Benjamin i'm referring to is?
Oh gee, this is embarrassing. I misread >(Marshall Berman)
as "Marshall Benjamin." Partly because I don't read aesthetic or art theory, and partly because I kept skimming. Either that or I'm a master trole; you can use critical theory to find out which.

La soirée dada du 6 juillet 1923 organisée par Tristan Tzara au théâtre Michel marque la rupture définitive entre dadaïstes et les futurs surréalistes (André Breton, Robert Desnos, Paul Éluard et Benjamin Péret). Face aux violentes interruptions de ces derniers : Breton, d'un coup de sa canne, casse le bras de Pierre de Massot, un journaliste (et non Tzara) appelle la police qui intervient. La soirée prévue le lendemain est annulée.


>Tfw our based man Breton btfos some talentless hack

>antifa was at it even back then

Wtf I love antifascists now

I recommended texts by both Marshall Berman and Walter Benjamin (even if you are literally hitler [metaphorically], Benjamin is amongst the few writers who was both contemporary to modernism and trying to make sense of it instead of just blindly dismissing or praising it)

>I recommended texts by both Marshall Berman and Walter Benjamin
Lmao well I know that now, buddy.