I hope this book isn't just another edgy 'dude absurdity' book like Camus was.
Just marathoned the Prologue. What did he mean by this?
It's more of a "Wow everyone is stupid except me" tome.
dude nihilism lol like lmao
The language is beautiful, but you'd get a better understanding of Nietzsche's ideas from Beyond Good and Evil. Zarathustra kind of drowns in its own poetry.
Yeah, really deep """philosophy""".
ITT: niggas whomst've read the first 3 pages and think they aint ignorant teens
Kill yourself reddit.
In this post: negroids whomst'd've glanced at the cover for half a second and understand the entire book
other threads like shadows fly
this only you bumped
Why has Veeky Forums become so plebeian and ignorant? It used to be so much better.
Do you guys come from reddit? from /b/? I don't understand why you post here. Ever since Veeky Forums stopped being elitist, people like you have been coming more and more, gradually taking over.
theyre just pretentious high schoolers who think they're smart and use words like precocious to describe themselves but really theyve read like 8 books and just want something to feel proud about since they suck at everything else in life
>i just read one part of a book
>is it just like the only other book ive read?
But we used to repel them. We used to break them, humiliate them if not into submission, at least into leaving. Now they rule this place.
it's because the board now lacks the atmosphere of an old e/lit/e french salon fused with the violent Greek " ἀγών " which it once possessed.
We don't have experts to come in and shit on newplebs, tell them to go back to reading catcher in the rye: we've let people who fap off to DFW actually have threads and not shame them out of here, and the American election has made everyone care about petty politics more than the canon, so you get effete antifa wannabees and braindead alt-right meme-spouters bickering about who is more sophisticated when neither of them read anything written prior to the nineteenth century.
If we want the board to be good we have to shit on people all the time and cultivate a culture of elitism again.
You idiots will never understand Nietzsche. Get the fuck off Veeky Forums plebs.
I agree. Btw I used to post
>please leave immediately and never return if you agree with any of the following
on a daily basis.
But the mods, my friend, the mods side with the mediocre, with the rabble ; they will ban you for telling people to get the fuck out. They helped make this place more like reddit. And it just keeps getting worse. Reddit users come, they just see the garbage, the retarded shit, the dumb sci-fi threads, and are just like "woah this board is actually quite like reddit but with another template," so we have to deal with them, and they start to form sort of gangs, and will side against anything rare or noble to further wallow in their mediocrity like an animal in its shit. I fucking hate them, I fucking hate the plebs, I hate them so much, I wish I could personally see them and look them in the eye, and tell them to fuck off. Most of them must be fat fucks, gamers and losers. I'm always losing it whenever I have to deal with how base a man can be.
Stop being lazy and tell the idiots off. This board works when every poster thinks critically about the texts they've read, posts thoughtfully about them, shits on idiots, and bants with each other.
There's just so many of them now, and not a single good thread. And the mods side with them. If I make a good thread I'm just gonna get stupid replies and it's gonna drive me away. I think I'm just gonna leave, but that would have them winning. I can't figure out what to do. Just join every pleb thread and tell them to fuck off with a load of insults? I'll get banned.
Some of them can be reared into respectable people, but they must encounter anons with unfathomable arrogance backed up by true knowledge of the subject matter. The good ones will feel terrible about themselves, and will remake themselves. They will read the good books, they will despise their former selves, and attempt to create a new personality, bringing about their maturity.
The others are just too low-blood to make it, probably the descendants of products of incest or the sludge of some peasant caste in a past age, the kind with big foreheads and squinted faces, who hunker through the streets and yell at anyone they deem "tryhard" or "hipster," words true for some but used falsely by them against anything or anyone remotely Olympian. These must be simply embarrassed with ad hominems, doxes, literary gang rape and dunce caps until they get the fuck out for good. That's all they can understand, so we speak their language.
Trump won, we dont have to listen to you elitist globalists anymore.
He's kind of right, though. Nietzsche is great, but he had a bad habit of overestimating how groundbreaking and significant his own ideas were. He also overwrote the fuck out of a lot of things, which gives him some of his charm but can also get tiresome and clashes with his own admiration for Greek-style lightness of style. His style stayed Wagnerian even after he gave Wagner shit for being Wagnerian. And he wadted a lot of words shit-talking other thinkers even though it did little to elucidate his oen ideas. Dont get me wrong, I'm a big Nietzsche fan, but he had flaws.
>overestimating how groundbreaking and significant his own ideas were
I'm sure your estimation of which ideas are great ideas is truly interesting and groundbreaking.
Dubs versus dubs. One versus many.
The One versus the plebs
Anyone else like to say "Zarathustra" or do I have autism?
Why would it matter? I'm not claiming that my critique of Nietzsche is original. I will, however, claim that it is accurate.
Cont... and I'm not claiming that his ideas were not significant, just that they're not quite as significant as he claimed them to be.
You'll love it if you have an appreciation for poetry. Nietzsche really proves his capability as a good writer with this work.
You could critizice literally anything with a comment as shallow as this, but what matters is if you can support the claim with context. You obviously haven't done that and I wonder why you even bother posting on this board. Seriously gtfo of here and go back to the shitty board you came from. Leave the discussion of serious things to the big boys. Why bother even posting if you're too stupid to contribute?
>You could critizice literally anything with a comment as shallow as this
No you can't. He wrote "It's more of a "Wow everyone is stupid except me" tome", which is actually fairly specific. And, I would say, rather accurate.
>implying he is wrong
tips hat of humbleness
>muh secret club
What about making quality threads instead of meta-bitching?
>b-but the mods and the plebs opress us!!!
Why are you even here if you don't like it? Go talk with real life intellectuals if you want decent discussion instead of a mental cock circlejerk or shitty memes.
Why are Nietzsche fanboys so insecure?
there's a lot of redditors ITT
I understand it as celebration of life, beauty an bravery in face of inevitable end.
is there a better Veeky Forums out there on the web? I wasn't here for the golden days, but I love being elitist and want to participate in intelligent discussions beyond those in real life, since writing is such a superior platform for lengthy discussion. am willing to pay.