Postmodernism ruined evrything

postmodernism ruined evrything

i think irish people are just confused most of the time.
Its the lack of identity thing.
Post-modernism fucks with those types

Is this the life invader office?

I'm always confused and I blame Bret Easton Ellis.

This photo is not postmodernism. Hipsters who do things ironically is a good example of mainstream postmodern culture. If anything, this sort of thing is a reaction against postmodern detachment, i.e. the direct opposite of what you're implying, you dumb stupid idiot.

postmodernism ruined evrything

>irish people
>lack of identity
Lol fuck off Nigel

i thought we were critiquing the design and decoration of that room?
because it's gross

nah it's true.
Most of them left and the other ones were betas who sucked britain's dick.
All they have is beer for culture, only adding to the confusion

blame this guy

Wrong. Post modernism is just a reaction to a decaying and dying civilization.

That's very silly. It's a reaction to the fact that the trajectory that art and science and history have been taking since the beginning of modernity steered us straight into fascism and the holocaust.

I don't see the problem here. Looks comfortable and welcoming.

>betas who sucked britain's dick
LOL, you aren't confusing Northern Ireland with the Republic of Ireland, are you?

The booths and chairs look sorta comfy. At least I like having chairs with corners, though I thing the backs should probably recline a little more.

>modernity steered us straight into fascism and the holocaust

Looks like England to me. Care to point out one aesthetic detail in that picture that embodies Irish-ness?


God, I would love to run those sticky flags across my face and get meningitis.

>Its the lack of identity thing.
The Irish are the only anglophones on the planet who still have an identity

The point of the picture isn't Irish identity. The image is a British bomb specialist who is approaching a car that supposedly has a bomb planted in it. Planted by the IRA. How can you say Ireland is sucking Britain's dick when the IRA has existed for 100 years and virtually every Irish political party wishes to reunify Ireland? You have to be acting retarded on purpose.

where are you from?

Ok boss, sorry I'm not intimately familiar with the history and politics of your serf island.

How is that at all relevant? I'm from Botswana.

Post modernism is the cause of the dying west.

Well, I had assumed you were British, and I would have thought that Brits would learn about the Troubles in school, since it involved Northern Irish who are British citizens, and was only a couple decades ago, unless I'm wrong and you didn't since the British don't give a single shit about Northern Ireland, or you're some retarded LARPing anglophile that lives in canada or some other cuck commonwealth country. Which is it, boss?

We don't learn about the Troubles because it might cause "racism against Irish" or some nonsense.
Tis the same reason we don't learn about much of our own history.

>lives in canada

who said I was LARPing though? Idc about this shit on a personal level, I just agree with that guy

im half irish can confirm I am very confused most of the time

Eireaboo here what's the best way to learn gaelic

I'd argue that it's the complete opposite. You can't help stupid. But post-modernism opens vistas to write about and into any subject without restraint. It's simply liberating.

It's liberating because it erodes at the foundations which hold Western society together.
You can only do that for so long before it all collapses.

Although, an post-modernist essay on post-modernism could potentially still be post-modernist to the point of resonated with the laymen's common sense. Nobody loses. If you catch my drift.

I'm starting to really, really hate google. It's a useful service, for sure, but I can't stand their corporate "ethos."

See also: Cuck Zuckerberg

Not even playing real guitars. I hate this manchild shit.

>the British don't give a single shit about Northern Ireland

it's this one.

There has been an explosion of new construction techniques and materials and tech etc.

What we're seeing in modern architecture is naive art and mud huts. Nobody knows what they're doing with this new stuff.

The answer must be to embrace the new materials in our pursuit of beauty.


But that's a modernist interior

Brits don't care about Northern Ireland.

t. Brit

He really should have known what that image was though, even as a fucking leaf.
That's not even remotely true. Stop spreading /pol/-tier memes.
Society's weakness is my strength &c.

i'd love to see how you differentiate modern and post modern architecture (don't bring in deconstruction)

This is the most hopeful thing I've read about post-modernism. I pray you are right.

>durr delineate two things but don't use a well documented signature of one of the two XDDDD

i kinda consider deconstruction a distinct branch of post-modernism.
Post-modernism as a whole is really just advancing the strong parts of modernism (albeit sometimes to a negative extent as in the OP's image), deconstruction on the other hand is just playing god in a careless way just to say you can

On one hand I would say the image is somewhat a combination of the two, but even still it would be dumb arrogant and self-serving to make a snarky comment aobut how "thats clearly a modernist design"

It says God instead of Allah

kek, the Irish music scene will be dominated by black rappers by the year 2025. Your going to get dragged into Stand on Zanzibar just like the rest of us.

I wish more artists today were like Julie Mehretu.

She is very abstract and post-modern, but still firmly planted in the whole history of art.

Very few people even manage to straddle the line between standing on the shoulders of giants before you and yet be innovative. Especially in the era where a glove lying on the floor of a museum is mistaking for an artpiece.

Modern architecture involves the restructuring of traditional architectural forms in order to expand upon the possible utility of said forms. In OP's picture, all negative and positive space is being used (and was evidently designed) to meet the demands of the prospective inhabitants of said space, with a clear intention for multiple congruent uses of each installation.

Postmodernism architecture would then be restructuring those forms to deliberately subvert the expected use of said architectural forms, and aside from deconstruction is pretty uncommon because it intentionally makes the space uncomfortable or unwelcoming to use.

this is what the future looks like with braindead leftards in charge

To clarify, the only thing in that picture that doesn't seem to serve a purpose beyond subversion is the balsa wood shit hanging from the ceiling, but seeing as it serves no purpose whatsoever and subsequently has nothing to subvert, it can really only be called kitsch.

its subverting the non-anxiety inducing air of that room.
Don't overly intellectualize the difference between modern and post-modernism.
It's literally always a self-serving mistake that no one else will give a shit about understanding.

>hurr betcha cant delineate these two aesthetic ideals
>bbbut don't use this clear example of aesthetic delineation between the two!
Off yourself

nah i think it's just foolish to make deconstructionism the key component of post-modernism.
It's not entirely accurate.
You just wanted to play smart-guy. nice try you worthlessly educated half-man.

>Still thinking postmodernism is a cause when it is only a symptom

It was the ultimate art piece.

And you're getting butthurt about what, exactly? The only one who was talking about deconstruction was you, and now you're just platinum mad that someone took you up on your bet.

Guess what, turns out there's not a postmodernist boogeyman hiding under your bed, jumping out and creating forms of expression you don't like just to ensure that your life is so unbearably shit.

That looks like shit to me, honestly.

you're the one whose butthurt. Your post made me lol from the projection. what boogeyman?
I frankly don't give a shit about post modernism as a whole because i kinda don't think it exists.
My beef is with deconstructionism, the point being, as you conceded, that it's influences were on display.
I just find your whole snarky "umm thats modernism not post..." attitude detestable


So what? I don't give a shit if you think it looks shit. She's still an artist.

Do you have problems recognizing musician's skill and creativity even though you don't like their music, or are you that blind and autistic?

>says that people giving earnest definitions of words and applying those definitions to reality is 'snarky'
>claims postmodernism doesn't exist
>invents a concession of claims when no concession was made
I'm sensing some MERELY PRETENDING in the near future

If it's the direct opposite, then why is everyone getting even more gangly, malnourished, nerdy, casual, undisciplined, and open to trying pegging?

not at all.
The point was and always has been that this building had disgusting elements of post-modernism at its heart, mostly a deconstructive element.
I was challeging you to to prove to me without using that keyword "deconstruction" that you could define the difference between modern and post, and you could not.
You had to use deconstruction.
It's therefore a post-modern design.
stay mad baby-man.

>Do you have problems recognizing musician's skill and creativity even though you don't like their music, or are you that blind and autistic?

Jesus christ just chill the fuck out. Are you sure you aren't autistic?

The painting's just not my cup of tea, all right?


I dunno just not my kind of aesthetic. Just viscerally. The composition doesn't really do much for me. I'm no art expert though.

Fair enough.

>I dunno I just dunt like it
And you expect us to care about your opinion?

Because innovation is a concern of modernism, not postmodernism. Also abstraction is modernist.

Those foundations erode themselves. Postmodernism is the logical conclusion to the inadequacy of modernist ways of thinking and models of nature, it isn't some outside plot.

>being this unable to read

>aside from deconstruction [postmodern architecture] is pretty uncommon because it intentionally makes the space uncomfortable or unwelcoming to use.
This has nothing to do with separating Modernism and PoMo architecture you actual fucking illiterate. It's just a tangential statement about the rate of occurrence of one ELEMENT of postmodernism, and a conjecture on why that rate is what it is. Divorcing deconstruction from postmodernism as you claim does not in any way effect my breakdown of the specific architectural principles in OP's picture, which you'd know if you were capable of sentient thought.

You just punched in 'ctrl+ f deconstruction' and declared yourself correct.

Fucking hell how does this board suffer from critical thinking flaws this badly

He wasn't the one who made the original post about it being a modernist interior, that was me, he just jumped in to clarify WHAT YOU ASKED HIM to clarify, seems ridiculous to now complain about the distinction he made and that you asked for

RATIONAL innovation is a concern of modernism.

Rationalism has nothing to do with art, unless you're making Socialist realism.

No that would be empiricism, what follows is God's divine punishment.

Nope, artistic innovation. Literally what the avant-garde is.

Jesus christ you write like a faggot.
Youre obviously very educated in retarded semantics but you still miss very basic points.
You could break it down any way oyu like but the building is a post-modern design on the simple fact that it was made by Google in the modern age with some clear deconstructive influences.
You provided definitions to defend a very narrow presupposed, snarky little opinion that you hadn't even fully considered and are now very mad because i am aware that you care so much about how smart you can seem while saying nothing.

innovation has been a thing in art since art was a thing you fucking uberspergs

Modernism and PoMo are just a conglomerate of different developments in different fields that should be clearly seperated into their individual parts. Metafiction =/= Dadaism =/= Minimalism and so forth

Avant-Garde is shitting on the desk

Jokes aside, 99% of 'Avant-Garde' is actually Apres-Garde and just not popular enough for the influencing work to be quickly recognized

Is that why Byzantine mosaics stayed the same for 1000 years?

I know that's what the avant-garde is, but in practice pomo's just claim what they are doing isn't innovation and yet it is.

You can't escape the framework of conceptualization in art just because you say so out loud.

Goddamn stay mad

Not really, especially not Innovation for the sake of Innovation, or, in the case of PoMo, "innovation" "for the sake of" "innovation"

I did not say any of that. Post modernism is just a run off of modernism and deconstruction is a facet/extension of that, but not the key factor.
But i literally work at google and make 150,000 a year so yeah, stay mad and enjoy your art degree big boy.

For fucks sake

The great irony is that this idea of just conglomerating aesthetic movements, is in and of itself pretty philosophically post-modern. It speaks to a deep seated cynicism and is expressed through an intentional misrepresentation of thought.

Postmodernism is a kind of 'final innovation' but there hasn't been real innovation in art since the early 70s. Think of the difference between Cubism in the 20s and Abstract Expressionism in the 60s for a similar timeframe of innovation. Postmodernism was an escape from the depthless historicising and labelling by art critics where painting was judged by how it improved on the painting that came before. It allowed for earlier artists into the art canon like Duchamp who did not feature in Greenberg's aesthetics.

Sure thing bud

>Google worker
>is insecure and argues with anons on a Mongolian horse archery forum
That actually checks out.

It's the tracing of trajectories in art rather than hierarchical origins and conclusions. It isn't necessarily conglomerative.

To frame pomo as an intentional or planned movement is pretty misleading; though its certainly become such since its inception. Duchamp is probably one of the earliest intentional postmodernists in art (though I'll admit my art history scope is fairly limited)

i wanna emphasize how much i lol @ how mad you are though. I'm not lying about the google thing either. I have extensive art-world connections, and own my own gallery too.
But no, you know the literal definitions of amorphous art movements.
Gj you worthless faggot.

That's a historicist approach, one that would ironically be rejected by post-modern thought

>But i literally work at google

my condolences...

Just so you're aware, this on the scale of saying "socialism = welfare state" in terms of "you know so little about what you're talking about that you literally should just read a book".

I am now aware of your directionless critique of my response, thanks

>and make 150,000 a year
I can see you clearly have your priorities in order.



i hope youre being sarcastic.
I'm actually a very successful artist and programmer with extensive interest in law, psychology, and literature.
I'm on the cutting-edge as far as I can tell.

What do you mean by there haven't been any real innovation in art though?

Because anything that has never been done before is by definition an innovation, which I'm just going to assume by induction has happened since the 1970s.


what, like Dune? lol.

Yeah the cutting edge of a razor hopefully