If good and evil are relative, then what is the contributing evil when someone is charitable?

If good and evil are relative, then what is the contributing evil when someone is charitable?

>what is the contributing evil when someone is charitable?

Many charitable organizations misappropriate funds and only a fraction actually goes towards whatever cause they advertise. Look at the Wounded Warriors scandal from not too long ago.

anyone that is not charitable

You're enabling that old alcoholic tramp instead of giving him real help. Thus you're not only making his life miserable but also enabling society to ignore the an important problem as it is the homeless people situation.

If you are solely contributing to their health by donating food or working at a soup kitchen, then what would be the evil that's contributed relatively?

No help that his Victorian mindset could grasp.

You subsidize failure/bad luck
You feed those who will go on to commit evil acts
You spend time on one person in need while ignoring the many others you could have been helping in that same moment.

This is not /pol/

>what is the contributing evil when someone is charitable?

Thats why there can never be a truly benevolent dictator.

>You subsidize failure/bad luck
That's not an equivalent evil

>You feed those who will go on to commit evil acts
Not proven or credible

>You spend time on one person in need while ignoring the many others you could have been helping in that same moment.
Again, this is not time that can be better spent elsewhere. If you are helping as much as possible, then that doesn't mean that you are harming as much as possible.

You're helping to subsidize poor genetic inferiors, who are ultimately a net burden on society.

How is ego an equivalent evil to the good of saving someone's life?
Overtime ego could contribute to a greater evil, but charity versus the evil gained with ego is not equal.

That's not a computable number. The homeless that survive can just as easily contribute to society than the compared privileged group could generate a greater contribution to us.

Who said relative = equivalent?

The evil is not relative to the the good because they are not equivalent, therefore they are never relative.

That's not what relative means.


why are we even talking about this. The evil side of charity is the gratification you get from it. Its selfishness and self interest at the heart of altruism.

Taking advantage of other people's good will. For example, you help pay part your roommate's rent because he's doesn't have enough money to pay for that month. However, your roommate realizes that you're a pushover and expects you to pay the greater share from that point on.


The encouragement of sloth to those helped and the potential inflation of the helpers pride/ego.