So he actually said this.
So he actually said this
>Most self-absorbed man on the planet
>Complains about something else being self-absorbed.
He's not wrong, but its stupid to not read at all.
Man, I figured him a scholar of modernists for sure. Fuck me.
I agree with him, fuck books and the losers that write them
Who is this and why would I care? He's obviously not an author.
He's a troll. His mother was an English teacher and she also taught literature.
Why does Veeky Forums have such a fetish for outrage
There are faggots on this board who must spend hours every day scouring through shitty tumblr blogs just trying to find the stupidest shit they can to piss themselves off and make these garbage posts
Honestly still the GOAT
praise yeezy keeping it 300 like the romans
How does one acquire a book's autograph?
Correct. Why should I care about other people's self-absorbed thoughts when I have my own self-absorbed thoughts?
Luckily the worlds of music and literature are kept separate.
Oh, shit...
Yes you fucking dolt, only after year's nobel prize music and literature became seen as similar
Why do you faggots care what fucking Kanye West have to say about literature? I like his music and I barely care what he has to say about music, I'm not interested in his opinions at all, he's very clearly addicted to spotlights and will spew shit all the fucking time to generate even more clickbait so you faggots can go LOLLLLLLLLLL LOOK @ THIS NIGGER WITH SHIT OPINIONS LOLLLLLLLL IM SUCH LE SUPERIOR RACE / GENRE / I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE while the world will still be the same, Kanye will keep being a doofus while you will all still never leave your fucking basements.
Jesus Christ, go do something productive with your time, read a book, paint wh40k figurines, learn to paint, idk, but stop trying to feel better than other people because someone else was stupid somewhere in the world.
but Kanye West is objectively a dumb nigger, dude
The actual tards
“Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. I am not a fan of books ... I like to get information from doing stuff like actually talking to people and living real life.
cool your jets kanye
did shakespeare read books? did mozart read books?
>Why do you faggots care what fucking Kanye West have to say about literature?
Because Niggers care about him. Therefore having an argument alla "Why should I read? Even Kayne West says reading is stupid.".
How can he comment on books if he doesn't read any?
Are you fucking retarded? Do you think people care about Kanye West enough that they would drop their PhD aspirations because he doesn't like them? Anyone who's willing to do what some random cunt tells them to do was never going to contribute that much to anything in the first place. Stop pretending this matters, it makes you sound like some faggot E! journalist with a dash of "think of le chillun" soccer mom. Absolutely pathetic.
>getting upset at spergpais getting upset at dumb niggers getting upset at books
more like getting mad one of the few places I could have a talk without everything devolving into absolute retardation becoming yet another place for neckbeards to get triggered over literally nothing
Borges said, literally, that too.
>against intellectual and conceptual proliferation
Based Zen master Yeezy.
Other than Borges, are there any other writers who were/are outspoken about their hate for novels and stick to novellas/short stories/poems?
>I would never want a books autograph
Kanye is one of the best popular musicians out there right now but fuck, that is a stupid thing to say.
I wonder if it would be possible to manipulate Kanye into reading. Like, come up with an elaborate scheme.
Borges read like a million books a day
Dude. He was an English major.
His mom was an English professor.
Kanye West is a performance artist, you dumb idiot. Anything he says is part of his act.
Did the person who invented books read books?
>tfw everything about Kanye's PR is carefully planned
>tfw he knew that saying that he does not read was the right choice when it came to money and fame
I wonder how many think tanks are managing his public persona.
>i am a proud non-reader of books
it shows Kanye
His friends say he reads books all the time. He's just playing a character with his public persona.
>Kanye West is a performance artist, you dumb idiot. Anything he says is part of his act.
This. OP confirmed himself for being a more gullible hick than Kanye is.
Remember that the Kanye/Taylor Swift drama was also engineered to get them both attention from the start.
Of course it was.
Only literal morons buy this stuff at face value. Meanwhile they amusingly call Kanye a dumb black the whole time without realizing they're the real chumps.
>tfw his friends saying that is still part of his PR stunt
>tfw me aknowledging this was planned by Kanye
>tfw one user or two will be skeptic of it and call me a retard
>tfw that was planned by Kim and Kanye too
We can't escape it, he probably has 30 actual geniuses who have mastered behavioural psychologic working on his image. Al of our possible reactions are already mapped, at this point it's just a game of chess.
I am glad Kanye is inspiring his fan-base to not read
> klondike
> blonde dyke
What do you expect hes a nigger
>>tfw everything about Kanye's PR is carefully planned
>>tfw he knew that saying that he does not read was the right choice when it came to money and fame
Bite your tongue shitlord. Kanye is my wife's son's role model.
You know he's being ironic, right? He has a ton of literature references in his music
Never take anything Yeezus era Kanye says at face value