Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins!
Veeky Forumserary confessions thread. Confess your sins!
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I think Rashomon belongs in the trashomon
I steal r9k greentexts for literary purposes.
> heard "American Gods" TV show was "like, really weird, it doesn't make sense"
> can't help but smugly laugh, pointing and poking people who believe this is real
> one time I farted right next to them and ran unable to hold back my tears of laughter
I've read one Greek play.
But I've read 90% of the lit top 100
I think literary fiction is a huge meme, but genre isn't any better.
>Gravity's Rainbow is unfunny and boring
>I can't believe people don't "get" that The Republic is satire
>The Sad Puppies had a point that applies to contemporary publishing in general
I've been strugglin with finishing GR, less than 200 pages left, and I've been reading passages (or whole chapters) from other books I've already read for the last 2 days
I like to think that I'm doing some kind of cervantian experiment
everyone does that, is a goldmine, really
Marlon James is one of our generation's greatest authors, despite his far-left political views which fortunately do not enter his work.
Aristophanes isn't much better than shitposting.
I sometimes read YA fiction and genre fiction if I'm a little mentally exhausted by giant drought-excluder books like Les Miserables, War & Peace, Brothers Karamazov, etc.
Infinite Jest wasn't big Dave's infinite best.
Blood Meridian is great.
I actually don't like most of the classic books I read, I just do it to create an illusion of intelligence. It's probably because I desperately need to confirm a false sense of intelligence, because it's all I have going for me.
I wish there were more television shows/documentaries about authors and/or great pieces of writing. What I would give to see a documentary about Infinite Jest with people exploring the meanings/intention/history behind its making, or Ulysses or something. I've read the book and now I want some form of discussion on it that contains inputs from literary critics or professors or something like that.
Which classics have you enjoyed?
Which classics have you not enjoyed?
What makes you dislike most classics?
pls respond, genuinely curious.
makes u really think
I enjoyed the Odyssey, the Iliad and Don Quixote. But other classics such as Moby Dick just didn't appeal to me. I regret to admit that I'm into epics, mythology and genre fiction such as Lord of the Rings
>I wish there were more television shows/documentaries about authors and/or great pieces of writing.
there is, it's called a class, fuckhead.
charles bukowski inspired me to quit my job
bukowski didn't quit HIS job, u just got cucked, good lucky finding more work, nerd
Moby Dick is quite different from Don Quixote and Homer though really. A lot of people aren't too keen on Moby Dick ( I personally love it but I completely appreciate that it isn't for everyone). Nothing wrong with epics, mythology or genre fiction though, user. Everyone has their preferences. No hate, mate.
Wow, no need to be rude, you sound like a major cunt.
I watch classes on YouTube already and interviews with authors, but if I'm watching TV in the morning or evening sometimes it'd be neat to have more on the programming schedule that focused on literature. There's enough documentaries about classic albums, improvements in technology, classical art, etc. There isn't much regarding classic literature and it's just a bit disappointing.
No need to be rude, just makes you sound like a mega cunt who doesn't understand simple manners, buddy.
t-thank you user
it's dicaprio OP
There's no philosophy which can save you, especially not in this post-Industrial society where the threat of instantaneous annihilation and resigned fatalism has already reaped its holocaust.
feel free to go back any time
I don´t read as much as a i want because i spend almost all day in front of a computer and when i try to read at night, my eyes are always to tired. I use eye drops and it sometimes help, but not too much really. It´s quite frustrating, especially since i´m young and i shouldnt have these kinf od issues. Maybe i´m going blind
Do you speak spanish maybe? There´s a mexican tv show about universal literature called La Otra Aventura, and it´s really good. They talk about various topics like Illness or Suicide, and how they are represented in literature, or they might talk about an especific author, like Borges or Faulkner.
I´m not mexican myself but fortunately, they upload all their episodes in their youtube channel
I'll have a look, user, thank you.
books are for cucks!
books are for cucks!
I buy art monographs and only look at the pictures.
I have tons of books on different artists and don't even know what their lives were like.
who gives a shit what their lives were like? are you a fangirl looking for gossip? pick up a copy of people magazine next time you buy groceries
I steal romantic lines from books to use on girls and it fucking works like magic
I wish I could afford those kind of books but they're so expensive. I'd love to buy books on art and photography but alas, I can only afford literary classics in paperback.
>A artist's life has no influence on the type of art they make.
i take ideas from obscure love songs that pleb chicks havent heard...i was so pissed when kendrick lamar stole "our love was often a verb" from digable planets, i'm like fuck u faggot now i cant use it
girl you must b an angle cus ur pussy look tight in that skirt tsssssskk can i get to fuck up in dat n beat up da pussy??? pls respond
most of the ones i know are pretty heavy, so you can't use them at the bar to pick up chicks without the risk of coming off as a bit of a creep, but i'll tell you what I know.
here's one i used on the girl i'm pursuing now when we were at a party.
"You're beautiful. But not like the girls you see in the magazines. You're beautiful for the way you think. You are beautiful for that spark
you get in your eye when you talk about something you love. You're beautiful for bringing a smile to everyone's face even when you're sad. You're not beautiful for
something as fleeting as how good you look. You're beautiful deep down in your soul."
- Fitzgerald
she loved it, so this is proven as successful.
also try "you and I, it's as though we had been taught to _______ in heaven and sent down to earth together to see if we know what we were taught." and fill in the blank with some activity you're doing together. the original line is "kiss," but if you're dancing or playing Twister or what the fuck ever you can slide that in as a replacement.
and clarification, when i say "pursuing" i mean romantically, not sexually. The distinction needs to be made, as a girl you want to hook up with likely requires something sexier.
it took me 7 months to finish GR despite having read exactly 1/6 of it in the first 3 days.
I hate everything I read.
i donno dude, sounds like the kinda shit that would make a girl go "awwww ur so sweet, let's be friends" i wouldn't
gonna try this T B H
the kisses that followed says otherwise, but to be fair it does vary from situation to situation.
Probably only worked for me in that situation because
>we both have an interest in each other and both know it
>both of us were a little tipsy
>i've been presenting myself very confidently and matter of fact as opposed to meek/ sweet/ trying to be seductive
'The Trial' is an incoherent mess
I nearly wept at the end of 'Phaedo'
All I can say is you must've read a bad translation because The Trial is a pretty accessible book, user.
I only read non-fiction.
I read Xinxia novels unironically but sardonically.
I just read technical books, I get bored with sci fi or literature.
Delete this
i havent read a book in weeks but i still browse Veeky Forums every day
I read The Stranger my senior year of high school (five years ago) and despite all that I've read, it's still my all time favorite.
>Aristophanes isn't much better than shitposting.
Spelt Plato wrong there
>>I can't believe people don't "get" that The Republic is satire
glad to see we're graced with the presence of someone who has outsmarted millennia of platonic scholars
I read fanfiction instead of real literature.
Some of it really well written though.
No french book is worth the reading .
Most people on Veeky Forums haven't read any Greek plays
recommend me some
I don't like Steinbeck.
I am active in philosophy threads even though everything I know about the subject was learned by watching a tv show about a high school philosophy teacher. I only watched it because of a prominent homo subplot.
I didn't enjoy The Tin Drum a lot.
It worked because she's ugly.
Curious though, does she know? That line is so famous.
this makes me never want to give Fitzgerald a second chance
I write book reviews on FB
I only like cerebral fiction
Stephen King is an Okay author, just not someone who I'd be reading top priority.
I buy more books than I read
HHGG is a shit series.
>I buy more books than I read
Speed reading for the sake of speed reading. Also trying to speed read books solely for the satisfaction of having read another book. Help
no one is claiming it can