uncle Veeky Forums, what is the opposite of art?
Uncle Veeky Forums, what is the opposite of art?
Utter chaos probably
>Implying that every concepts/material thing must have an opposite
Nice fallacy
Modern art.
I bet you're fun at parties
Every human concept must have an opposite, for negation is the only true logical operation our minds can conduct. If you can conceive X, you must be able to conceive -(X)
>transcendental expression is bound by logic
Yes, humans can arbitrarily construct mental opposites. But this does not give it any ontological validity or proof that it objectively exists in reality
everything that can be understood by sense or reason alone
Whats the opposite of average you retard?
If average is x, then -x cannot be for example failure and sucess at the same time, doesnt make sense you fag.
Depends on the kind of average, dumdum
Statistical average aka 'most likely'? Then the opposite would be 'least likely'
To the Romans, an 'ars' was anything gained by learning: 'the art of science', the 'art of letters', the 'art of carpentry'.
Whereas the opposite, 'dos', was a natural, innate talent.
If you get a bell curve and select the mean as the most likely scenario then you have two tails which are the 'least likely' scenarios. But both tails are the complete opposite! One could mean disaster and the other could save lifes. How can both fail be so different but at the same time the opposite of something? The answer is that they are not
Veeky Forums
An object can have more than one sense
The more you know
hegel must pay for his crimes of misleading the youth
Interesting. Examples?
Was personally thinking in terms of creative fields vs uncreative ones. For instance, the opposite of a career as an artisan would be a career as a banker. Therefore, some aspect of the banking (or trading) industry must withhold the opposite of art.
examples in music: art of the fugue can be analytically explained 100% and most people dont feel like there is some emotional remainder. on the other hand punk is pure emotion and low entry barrier is essential.
bankers are creative balance sheet freestylers, from creator perspective. from consumer perspective their lies could be called an art of bullshit.
>Objective reality
Ahhh yes I like this meme
My life, desu
The unaesthetic.
Dada, obviously.
Also anything that conveys no value nor provide any entertainment. For example, random scribbles is nothing and not art.
nature is the only correct answer
Go to bed, Plato
Not everything has an opposite.
That's not an opposite, that's a negative or non-being, which is inherent in every determination.