What does Veeky Forums think of Infinite Jest?

What does Veeky Forums think of Infinite Jest?

Has there ever been a more posted about book on this board? The image attached has probably been posted about 100,000 times already

Find a different image. Please

I have yet to finish it but Gately's a fucking bad-ass. Hal's chapters are really fun, also. Both are characters we can model ourselves as I think.

i liked it a lot. 5/5

ive been reading it on the train. im 450 pages in. ive been really flying through it, loved it all up until now. ive hit a wall with it. all the characters speak in the same David-Foster-Wallacey way and when they dont its some horrible cringey ebonics shit.

just stick with it, you'll appreciate it in the long run

Should I read gravities rainbow after this? ive seen alot of hate for GR.

finished IJ

pic related?

I liked IJ, and I decided to read GR. I did not like GR. Some people do like it, so I'm not going to say you shouldn't read it. But GR is the worst trash I've ever read.

What a based looking black gentleman.

holy shit kek

should i prepare for GR? im pretty sure ill just read it anyway.

read Crying of Lot 49 and V first.

i didn't prepare for IJ. does that count?

>fall for the meme and order it off amazon
>looking for the OP cover, or any of the blue sky ones
>yikes they're like twenty quid
>fuck that i'll settle for the cover with the vertical title and the lines on it
>shitty cover but whatever
>a few days later it arrives
>skip excitedly over to the parcel and open it
>they've sent
>oh god
>they've sent
>pic related
>glue my hands together and neck myself
Am posting from afterlife.

Seriously tho why did they pick this cover when there were so many other good ones, and what the fuck does it actually have to do with the book? Post-it notes?


looks like that cover is marketed for giiiiirls to be posted on their instagrams


>Liked IJ
>GR is trash

kill urself my man

Book covers are so shit in general. Like I can't imagine the kinds of people who actually read books liking any of the book club crisp white godawful covers that the publishers push onto every book regardless of content.

Why can't we get aesthetic book covers like we get aesthetic album covers. It's a travesty

Is this the wsition where the text is fucking tiny?


idk what the others are like but yeah my edition is an edition for ants

who cares bitch get a fucking ereader and stop struggling with nonissues

I just finished. It was a bitch to get through.
Maybe I'm just a retarded normie, but I do appreciate a bit of forward momentum in a narrative. There were bits and pieces but so much of it just was... a fucking stagnant, repetitious plateau of awake detail. I appreciate the hell out of awake detail but it would have been much more impactful if even an eighth of it lead anywhere. All journey and no destination. Which obviously compliments the subject matter, but that doesn't make it good. All references to non-entertainment doesn't make the fact that the book was rarely entertaining not tiresome.

is it more stagnant than the road

>thinks aesthetics is a "non-issue"
>is on Veeky Forums
what are you doing here homie

my faggot friend this is not /hm/, take your gay ass bulshit aesthetic sensibilities to tumblr and take a photo of some cool quote from your shitty book while masturbating to le aroma of books before i wipe my ass with them bitch ass nigga

That doesn't answer my question.

Damn that makes the red and white one with the eye seem good. At least it's not the worst cover of the meme trilogy. There's a Gravity's Rainbow one that is disgraceful.

It was quite a good read. Not that I read it or anything.

It's got to the point where I now idly come to Veeky Forums, see this thread has been posted for the eight millionth time and don't bother coming back for for 24 hours.

Sayonara suckers.

>likes IJ
>thinks GR is trash
So, this is the true power of a brainlet

Whats the second book? What did he mean by this?

The one in the OP picture and in every picture in the bookshelf threads is big with large and comfortable text.

*lits up cigarette*
you really sure youre picking the right fight here kid

when i was young they used to call our crew the "burnouts". we were bad kids. we drank beer, pulled stupid stunts, got arrested. we worked out at the gym 4 hours a day seven days a week, so you can imagine the kind of shape we were in (top notch). they used to call me "psycho", cuz i was the most unhinged out of a bad bunch. you see, i didnt have no parents, none id like to acknowledge anyway. so im a tough son of a gun, real problem with authority, you know the stuff. i play loud music, i drink good beer, any asshole got a problem with it he can say it to my face.

so but that cant last forever. me and the crew, we were burnouts like i said. we said we wouldnt get no yuppy job, no suit and tie shit. we was gonna be mercinaries. so when we wasnt stealing cars and scrapping, we was prepping ourselves. we was learning languages, martial arts, shit like that.

the rest couldnt take the heat, but i made it. saw a couple of em walking about the old hometown, they couldnt even make eye contact.

im six foot seven. i know crav maga. i know six languages. i could turn you inside out with three or four wrist movements. ive been in the military sure, not for long tho. too crazy for them. after i left that i went freelance like i always wanted to.

ive fought for every group out in the jungle. i toppled democracies. i toppled dictatorships. cuz im just in it for the green, dig? so when i come home and i wanna spend my hard earned cash on a copy of Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, i expect a fucking blue sky green lettering version, not some tumblr post-it note shit. and if you got a problem with that you got a problem with me

so im gonna ask you once again, and next time i ask it aint gonna be so nicely kid

you sure you picking the right fight
*flicks cigarette at you*
hehe didnt think so kid

didnt think so

Because music is cooler than literature
I've noticed the covers from rare/old editions are usually much better looking
Publishers are just fucking lazy now, I legit think Anagrama uses paint for all their covers, I want to bomb them, penguin too

what the fuck

Toastin in le ebin bread

I loved GR. Though if you dont want the crazy shit/haven't read any pynchon start with V. or Crying lot (or desu any of his other works).

GR was my first Pynchon and didn't struggle with it more or less than everyone else
What should I read next? Is Inherent Vice pleb tier? I dig the dude weed and the 70's lmao concept, but I don't want to waste my money on a letdown

the second book looks like Milk and Honey by Rupi Kapur lmfao

No. Don't listen to any brainlet who tells you to start with V and Crying. You don't need it

Pretty good original content (assuming it's original content, punk).

this kind of content is why Veeky Forums shouldnt be nuked from the internet

Well, at least The Cries of Loot 63 is an enjoyable book from first to last. GR is as about enjoyable as breaking your leg five minutes into the big game but still getting to bang the cheerleader after it's all over.

You mean the where's waldo one. Fuck that's awful

>music is cooler than literature
Makes you think about what's the cause and what's the effect. Does music have better covers etc. because it's cooler or is it cooler because it's associated with better aesthetic objects. Probably a mix of the two

I'm not sure if this is meta-genius or a new level of autism

I think it's somewhere in between

How old is this picture? I've never seen that warning sign above the door.

t. moved last year


it makes me want to kill myself. on many levels.

I have not laughed this hard in weeks. Amazing.

This was much funny than the replies would have you believed. It's afunny really

that is the only book by pynchon that i have read and found it really fun and interesting.
i got my copy for 40mxn.


i like it


its a symbol for how he hides a post it note in every one of the 26 sections like the coffee cups in Fight Club or the pedophilia in Alice in Wonderland

don't go straight to GR after IJ. I did this, got 100 pages in and had no idea what was going on so I gave up. I later came back to it after having read Crying of Lot 49, this time around I'm taking notes on characters, themes, important points etc. and I'm understanding it so much better now, even the parts at the beginning that people will say aren't supposed to make sense. Maybe it's became I'm taking notes on GR that I am understanding it much better this time around, but I definitely think that reading other Pynchon prior also helped introduce me to his writing style.

>It's a nigger-drug addict POV chapter

well god damn

It's like a Rube-Goldberg Machine that does a lot of complex stuff to say not much.

It's entertainment

I honestly think a lot if it is that you literally can't look at a book cover while reading it, but you can look at an album while listening. Plus albums are much more often about the feel of the collection, which means that all the aesthetic parts are important.

I'm dead lmfao.

With the quads too


>so when i come home and i wanna spend my hard earned cash on a copy of Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, i expect a fucking blue sky green lettering version, not some tumblr post-it note shit.
Wow! I was really getting into it too.

Are there any books that are writen this way and explore similar themes?

Just watch Once Upon a Time in America

I would read this as a book

10/10 best post i saw this week

I still don't understand if Veeky Forums hates this book or loves it. It can't be anything in-between.

It's a reference to the footnotes and shit, idiot.

Shut the fuck up dude

First off, the connection between footnotes in the text and post it notes is tenuous as fuck. Like oh yeah they're both notes lmao sorted. Second, reducing the book to muh footnotes is literally the most shallow thing they could have done, just because its Wallace's most famous stylistic tic

Stop defending this shit

Nah, it's pretty obvious.
Counterpoint part 2: Your mom is shallow.
Counterpoint part 3: Calm down.

>when you get kino'd the fuck out without even watching the film, just doing a google search

Have you never seen it? You should really watch it. Just be sure you have some spare time, it's almost 3 hours long.

Also, honestly, I just got that version and feel obligated to defend it. ;_;

Yeah I might have got a little autistically triggered you're probably a really cool dude. Have a nice day man

this is cute

the most Veeky Forums man in the universe

youre cute user
