Pitch me your ideas for a young adult novel
Pitch me your ideas for a young adult novel
A teenage girl realizes she has fallen in love with someone she has met on an internet message board, but the twist is the board is anonymous. I hope she can still track me down.
Good for entertaining.
A (not powerful) girl discovers, through her clever code cracking, that the faceless school bully is infact the disgusting drama teacher (he looks at the young girls for 'a moment to long')
the girl is able to rally all the students, even the cool kids and jocks, into killing the teacher in sometype of ironic way (based on the way he bullied them?)
A young girl discovers she has the power to....
I actually enjoyed this book.
become anime.
Mind control her Instagram followers through DM commands
Starts a war
Teenage nazis vs teenage communists
Self-insert fanfiction with Harry "the Stylee" Styles and Zayn "the Enricher" Malik.
Marx makes an appearance as a transsexual, transgender, polyphemus teacher in a prestigious ivy league uni where magic is real and Zayn and Harry study magic. The reader is the main protagonist, and Donald "the Blumpf" Drumpf is the antagonist.
My diary, desu
In a dystopian future where the world is ruled by vampires, a strong independent teenage girl and a young prince of the night fall in love, and a forbidden courtship ensues. She's becomes captured by a cell of the resistance, and finds herself smitten with their leader, a poet and writer of subversive material whose eyes shine when he speaks of human freedom. He wants to use her leverage on the prince to infiltrate the vampires inner circle. A love triangle develops and loyalty will be questioned.
this gay black trans-queer cyberpunk horseradish who dont need no fertiliser goes on a quest to earn money in the world but has no struggle because xir's daddy owns a multiplex and zhe's mommy is a teacher of women/trans/dingdong studies and both earn 50 million a day for being mixed race/dual heritage/people of colour and in the end zhe smashes le patriarchy. page 55 has meme pictures you can colour in!
> tfw i was that teenager who thought it was the coolest idea if a guy in a movie could turn into an anime and live life in the anime world
tfw always dreamt i would play electric guitar at the talent show in front of everyone
> oh shit it's free bird
> i nail it
> that'll show all my bullies and people who don't like me
> maybe now i can go to prom
The character is a gay, black, trans activist that hates Asians.
Love triangle
A poor teenage girl born in a poor country decides her life has no value and decides to take part in a game in which the loser lose their life. Everybody needs to go through a series of logical tests which must solve before te others, but soon alliances start to form between the participants, and feelings of love, hate, and revenge will undermine the logical mind everyone needs to have in order to survive the suicide games.
Depressed girl meets an old woman with cancer and helps her with a garden or some shit. Along the way the girl stops being depressed and meets a boy but the old lady DIES.
So she becomes even more depressed and streams her suicide while some guys on /b/ wank to it and call it the most ebin meme of 2017 the end.
Ashely, a girl who is perhaps a bit too open-minded, has been crushed for months. Her grades are slipping, she's grown pale and thin, and it's all because of her girlfriend, Cheyenne, recently committing suicide due to the outrageous rumor of her oddly private parents participating witchcraft. Even stranger, the parents have now left, almost as if they were never there at all. After a terrible confrontation with some of the bullies, her hair torn and cheeks laced with scratches, Ashley ventures to the abandoned house of her deceased lover's family to mourn. She goes into what was once Cheyenne's room, laying on the disgusting bed, stained with bloodstains...but finds an expressionless white mask under a pillow. Ashley takes it home, keeping it with her.
The next day, however, she's in trouble. The bullies, the manipulative cunts they are, have gotten Ashely suspended. Her parents are livid. She goes up to her room, cries at the mask, and, in her own young misery, attempts to cut herself with a razor atop her bed.
As she tests the sharpness on her finger, the blood then trickles down and drips onto the lips of the mask, it laying on her lap. Much to her astonishment, the tiny drop spreads across the lips, making them fully red. She stares, gawking at it. Out of curiosity, she then dons the mask...and what she sees in an entirely different location: a forest, trees, and the autumn moon shining down hauntingly. She's looking through someone else's eyes. She looks down, trying to get a look at her hands and finds large, charred ones instead.
She takes off the mask, confused, scared, and believes she's crazy... however, later, she sneaks out to go back to the house. This time, there is a book under the pillow, filled with spells, ritual sacrifice, and etc. She learns that this mask controls a soul that has been bounded to be a slave to the wearer's every whim. Putting the mask on again, she then proceeds to make this "soul" arrive at the abandoned house. It's a huge body of a man. His face is hidden by a mask as well, exactly the same as the one Ashley wears. He's muscular, huge, tall, and his flesh is somewhat rotted. The clothes he wears are practically decomposed rags, all except the mask that is permanently bound to his face.
Ashley, now in control of a supernatural mountain of a man, proceeds to use him as a vessel of vengeance, brutally slaughtering those who wronged her deceased lover but eventually grows into killing those who she despises. The more she kills, however, the more the "vessel" resists. Ashley must maintain her secret and find a way to keep her puppet in control so she may continue her mission of cleansing the town of what she deems as vile, arrogant, and disgusting.
Did I do well?
Stream of consciousness, sort of Joycean but toned down for the YA crowd, that takes place all during one night at a party and after it, that follows the actions of one kind of depressed kind of awkward walkflowery guy as he basically feels isolated and alone before he meets a girl and drives her home, they talk and do some bullshitting and and philosophizing then they get to his house but they don't fuck and then she's not there when he wakes up the next morning.
Sounds a bit like Goosebumps for edgy teens, not to say that's bad.
This is the most MFA thing I've ever read, but I unironically like it.
That's a fair description of Funeral Rites by Genet tbqh
A navy captain from the far future is transported to a parallel world with RPG mechanics, but he mostly shoots the shit with the guard at the gates in the first big city he finds.
Teenage girl struggles with faith and sexuality in near-future England. Other themes include the dissolution of privacy, eating disorders, drug use.
the twist is that it's a positive portrayal of religion
A young man in 21th century America starts a long journey to undermine a system of corrupt, powerful, and morally depraved persons named F4-MA-L1. He utilizes deep cover to infiltrate their organization. The organization has ties to his family, who either have no idea of his purpose, and think he is a member of the organization, or knows what he is doing and entirely disapproves, but cannot risk blowing his cover.
The young man contends with threats and attempts at demoralization when an insider discovers his purpose, and is trying to quietly make him leave before another Umbrella organization, code named UR-5U-7A, comes down upon the superiors within the original F4-MA-L1 that allowed the infiltration. The young man comes to realize his cover is all but blown, and the organization begins to try and oust him, but they refuse to risk their own reputations and careers, as well as that of their organization, by bringing him into the public light.
The rest of the story details how the young man, fully aware that his cover is blown and there is actually nothing the organization can to do him without fear of retaliation by a larger, more powerful organization, begins to tear down the institute from the ground up. He sacrifices much in his task but is ultimately unwavering. The book will detail a several years long clandestine power struggle between insiders in both organizations (as some of the insiders in F4-MA-L1 have contacts with UR-5U-7A), as they scramble to cover up the fact that they hired an agent before their own superiors know they must finally open the can of worms the young man has been prying at for so many years.
hot teens fuck. it's like erotica for teens.
Basically it's The Twelfth Night through the perspective of the teenage girls and eunuch actors and their lives during rehearsal and performing the play and what not. At one point there would be a boy playing a girl who is pretending to be a boy. Lots of gay romance too. Real big YA appeal.
Low key I would actually enjoy this if it was well done.
A young shopkeeper's son spends his time in a shitty suburb, all the while as he endures the physical abuse of his father and boys his own age. As he grows older he begins to masturbate a lot with children his own age, allowing them to get a feel every once and a while. Eventually, he grows older into a teenager, and takes a job as a protégé to a jewelry salesman.
One fine day, on an act of impulsiveness, he joins the military under WWI.
Then he becomes a doctor and he starts hating the Jews.
The End.
A school for wizard warewolf vampires, or some shit. It doesn't actually matter, just any sort of hodgepodge of stale ideas.
This is no YA idea. This is way too complex for them. All they're concerned with is fucking and partying, ignoring huge student loan debts, and generally not having a fucking clue about the world at large. This protag seems like he's in it for the long haul for a huge payout.
I agree. YA is a trash genre simply exploited for $. This is some deep shit.
An unpopular teen wakes up on Mark Zuckerburg's malfunctioning private submarine and has to somehow accumulate 30,000 facebook 'likes' before the air runs out.
There's also a werewolf on the submarine who just wants to find love.
A kid with autism enters his second year of university
His whole life, he's been able to speak with aliens from distant worlds. He can connect with them by stargazing and attuning himself to their distant communication frequencies
It turns out he's not the only one who has this ability, there are others in his city with this ability.
Some use it to learn advanced mathematics, science, or engineering
Someone is abusing this knowledge to gain influence within the CIA and NSA.
They start to target him, when protag uses his advanced science on a thesis paper
Protag gets roped into a secret society whose goal is to broker an alliance with an alien race and bring them to Earth, in an arms race with some other assholes trying to do the same thing