What stage are you on, Veeky Forums?
What stage are you on, Veeky Forums?
I vacillate between 5 through 7 to be honest senpai.
>books as an identity
you've gone too far, you need to go back.
that's the gayest thing i have ever seen holy shit
8 but i don't have that huge a hoard
The anal stage.
7, except I skipped 3-5 because I'm not autistic
your mother's dick
OMG. This is so true!
I have never been on any of the stages
I've been on stage 6 all my life, just like the rest of Veeky Forums.
I'm the little girl at the end. Y'all can't fuck with me.
You have to go back
Thats me in blue
I can uironically relate to the first four
And 6.
Honestly I'm on 6 right now I been slacking, need to get back on my shit.
i only relate to 1,2,8,9
that books as identity shit is queer and the wannabe writer shit is gay and the escape from human interaction is queer too god damn that pic is gay af famalamadingong
Good luck, sneppy.
the stage where I know Grant Snyder is a dumb cunt
2 always and forever
And 8, too
fucking 8
whatever. the truth is, most books are worthless garbage and suck, like people. Just pick the few that are really worth it to you.Dont waste your time with the rest.
I identify as a hardcover.
Just emerging from stage 6, it's a horrible feeling having to relearn how to enter the deep reading focus. Since i've used so much internet the very way I read has diminished into an unfocused 'skimming' which makes it hard to enter the meditative state of absorption. Funny thing, right after I started reading again I came across "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" by Nicholas Carr which basically described the very problem I was going through. I think it's a very important read and a real emerging problem.
I like how the artist has no self-awareness and thinks that these stages that they personally went through in any way represent a progression shared by others or that these behaviors represent discrete stages at all.
i'm at the stage where i haven't read a book since i was 12
1-4 when I was younger to be le xD so different. Never did 5 and then 6 when I started college. Pretty much at 8 all the time now
That picture takes one person's personal experience with books and reading and applies it to readers in general. What absolute dogshit.
This. Modern book culture is cancer
Hanging on to 5 but likely slipping into 6.
I go from 2 to 6 to 7. Repeat
Definitely at 8, as I usually buy 20-30 every month.
Though I'm on the path to 9 right now, with having children.
Step 8 should come after Step 3.
This isn't tumblr, you faggot
I think steps 3-4 are usually in high school and college, so most wouldn't have the financial ability or space to hoard.
I'm passing books off to the next generation because I don't have room for them and Kindle exist. I don't have one but I really want.
Does anyone know if you can put pdf files into it and read them? I don't feel like buying the books I've owned again. Are they podcast compatible?
What about audible?
reddit. people who want to be 'readers' should kill themselves along with the people who want to be 'writers'
As far as I'm away PDF do work with Kindle. But try and get EPUB if you can, they're a bit better.
Thanks I'll look into it. However I do have an audible subscription and I heard you can switch from audio to reading with a kindle which sound cool.
7 and i'm 25 yo
so my life is winding down?
Well fuck I was gonna smugly post about some Reddit-tier "this is so me!" shenanigans but I'm going into stage five and the comic's been accurate so far.
Rediscovering books. Went off them for 3 or so years due to social stresses. And Skyrim.
Now I find vidya boring, so I am currently 300 pages into War and Peace with some Huxley and Wordsworth lined up.
say this about movies and you're right. Books are never boring desu senpai
I thought this was some pathetic meani gless reddit art but why did it hit so close to home? Am I a pseud?
1. Good old days when reading was literraly thrilling and new.
2. Reading 5 hours a day, best time of my life.
3. Start university, read more nonfiction and attend book clubs.
4. Failing uni, losing all friends and gf going full neet while reading.
5. Hell
6. Depression and apathy
I'm stuck at 6 help me lit.
Hardly. You're just on the Eco Trajectory, user
I'm a shitposting pseud. I'm not even at 1.
All my knowledge about books stems from Wikipedia summaries.
>tfw 7 slipping into 8
The stage where I read the top Veeky Forumscore and then stopped reading because there are no more good books
I have 6 every 3 months or so.
Solidly between 7 and 8 at 26 years of age.
That would be 6.
Writing books
It hurts
I've been stuck at six for the past four or so years. Used to read 50+ books a year, haven't even touched one in over a year.
How is the phase supposed to end?
same yo
7 rn, but ive been through all except 9 and 5.
Cool, thats me in the white
Either 7 or 1
you're doing it wrong if you are anything but 5
But substitute meditation for the tv.
dont forget 8
kek this. only on 8, lapse into 6 from time to time.
>stages of the reader
>good reads reader to youtube book hoarder
>ends in being a lonely cuck with a cat
is he giving the books to his wife's son?
if my used book scouring is any indication, books get passed for a generation before being sold by idiot family members
5 with a constant spattering of 1, 6 and 8. On the odd occasion I get to do 9, which is lovely.
This is honestly very accurate.
6 desu
Just started into stage 8 my dude
Lovely? Are you gay? Asl
7 and 8. I want to read and reread paradise lost all the time but there are a lot of new unread books in my house.
No, I just thought it better described my feeling as opposed to 'nice.'
Between 7 & 8, part of my rediscovery has been ravenously consuming and purchasing more books.
Who the fuck goes through 3-5, that's some autismo shit right there.
What stage are you on, Veeky Forums?
6 sometimes 7.
I dunno, I just like reading. Is there a stage for that?
3,4 and 8
>posting about how humble your love of books is on lit
For me, 5 came be4 4. I'm at 7 right now, I don't think I'll ever move to 8. Definitely not 9. I will never die. Or grow old.
>Daily reminder that 7 is when you stop reading for the plot
>tfw 3 through 8 because I will never have children
7/8 combined
All 8s ITT need to post their hoards.
8, hopefully it will be nine if I manage to get a mate.
Just kill me now.
Veeky Forums comes between 6 and 7
>Who the fuck goes through 3-5,
I did it, and it happened because it turned somewhere from one school to the next I just stopped being able to make friends. So there was a good two years where saying hi to someone as I passed them in the hallway would be the highlight of my week.
My grades also sucked. I overcame my crushing sense of inferiority by deciding my patrish e/lit/ism made me better than everyone else.
I was at six but now I'm back to four