Why is it so awesome?
Russian literature
>quiet flows the don
I unironically think it's better than War and Peace.
And I was surprised how Sholokhov is frank about excesses of communists too, given how he was communist. Also surprised Stalin allowed him to publish this.
I heard that sholokov didn't even write it
>Why is it so awesome?
Because you're a Western contrarian and you see something exotic in the Russian shithole.
That being said they have several great authors, but not more or better than any other big European country.
I'm actually a Slav.
Yeah, it's possible. But it doesn't matter, it's a great work.
more than italy
>I'm actually a Slav.
That means nothing.
Oh and name one American work that compares with Russian classics.
As you can see it's absolutely possible to be a great country yet lack in culture. It's clearly not about numbers and wealth.
It's not
t. Russian
No, it means you were wrong, I'm not Western and I'm not idolizing Russia, I just find that Russian literature is great.
moby dick
Ever heard of Faulkner, perchance?
Perhaps, I liked it very much. But there's very very few American novels that stand out.
Overrated in my opinion.
У aмepикaнцeв имeннo cвoя литepaтypa пoявилacь ближe к иcхoдy мoдepнa, тaк чтo ты изнaчaльнo вoпpoc глyпo пocтaвил. Moнyмeнтaльныe пpocтыни к тoмy вpeмeни yжe тoлкoм нe пиcaли и cpeдcтвa выpaзитeльнocти cмecтилиcь в coвepшeннo дpyгyю cтopoнy - cpaвни, нaпpимep, пocлeвoeнных oтeчecтвeнных и aмepикaнcких aвтopoв
Picked this up a while ago on a whim as I live overlooking the river Don, Yorkshire.
Can you convince me to start it?
A бoльшaя чacть нaших - Цoй-tier эпигoнcтвo. Eщё Cтeндaль c Зaхep-Maзoхoм пoтeшaлиcь нaд вoннaби-aнгличaнaми/фpaнцyзaми c 50-лeтним лaгoм
Didn't read any post-war Russian authors to be honest, besides Solzhenitsyn.
If I understood you correctly. I'm not Russian, as I said, I'm a Serb.
Grittier War and Peace, more tragic. Incredible and realistic description of Don region and Don Cossack culture, you'll feel like you're there. It's long as fuck but worth it, once you start you'll finish it in a few days.
There are some scenes that will make you drop jaw.
The recognitions
A smugglers bible
The first 120 pages are the comfiest description of traditional village life ever.
And after that it's time for the War, the Revolution and the Civil War. All of which are amazing in their own right.
While I do think every country has its special literature I also find Russia's 18th and 19th century to be extraordinary. Them turning into a full blown nation while still having the untamed Caucasus region which they went full zerg on for territory all the way to the middle east.
Reading about pushkin, turgenev, and lermontov all exploring all these untamed regions of Russia, oftentimes in exile or even in wartime fighting the natives is amazing. They lived in a time of romance as well as adventure, when anything seemed possible for a Russian man of means.
Also you really can't beat the stories of the landowners and peasants in their dachas and all the conflict russia had by having glorified slaves longer then anyone else. I think it really was a perfect writing environment for 200 years or so.
Sorry about switching to Russian then. Yes, you were correct
I also stated the fact that most of the classical Russian lit and culture is epigonous to the West (namely, French and English) with a ~50-year lag
Thanks, I'll start it in the morning