What do you think is the average Veeky Forums user age?

What do you think is the average Veeky Forums user age?

I always feel stupid when I come and I want to know if it's because I'm younger than most or if I'm just retarded. Or both.

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It's probably about 23 now.

can confirm just turned 23


I'm 7 and a half

I'm 27.

around 20 - 21 i'd assume

23 sounds about right, though there seems to be a long tail of really oldfags

I'm 33 so I assume that everyone else is too. It's weird that so many of you are apparently still students though.

Big milky boobies

Yeah they extend the average because there are so many 18 year olds.

Given how smug yet retarded everyone is I'll say 19-22

and yourself?

Only right answer.

nice so I've 2 years to catch up. better get started on that book-learning

I'm eighteen. Though I do try to avoid bringing down the average intelligence by lurking far more than posting.

I'm 25.


I doubt that's even possible, but good job so far

I would angrily fuck you.

i'm 21 but i've been here since i was 18
( i started browsing /b/ when i was 12 )

I sometimes think about the reality that many of us will continue to use Veeky Forums and similar websites throughout our lives. We'll probably still be here in our 50s, 60s and beyond.

I wonder to what extend the website will change. When will it become too old-fashioned for the hip youths of the future?

I kinda hope I never lose you guys.

Sounds about right, maybe 22. Which would likely make Veeky Forums one of the oldest boards on the site.

That's a nice pair of titties

I just turned 23 recently but I still feel 18, like I'm not qualified to speak about anything even though I am certain that I read (not just literature, I have a BA in military history and am looking into postgrad) more than most of my peers.
It seems like a lot of economic and political conversations, like educated conversations, require knowledge of intricate mechanizations that work behind the scenes that I certainly don't comprehend.

I feel like unlike other forums this place will always be where I am at home so long as I have little tolerance for polite bullshit which seems to only get worse

I can imagine a point in the future where there's a great schism between old and newfags. Wherever the newfags end up will likely adapt the culture jamming ethos of Veeky Forums to its new home and era while the oldfags will do a whole lot of curmudgeonly complaining.

>I am certain that I read more than most of my peers

That doesn't exactly take much

I assume this is a pretty old board compared to the others. I'm 19 and I usually find i'm one of the youngest around whenever age comes up

Can't fucking wait, wish 8ch*n managed to suck away all the /v/edditors

op here, i'm in the same boat (ish). couple years younger and whilst i'm a lot more informed than irl peers, there's absolutely nothing i can talk authoritively at length about. feel like i need to pick something and stick to it

32, here. I sincerely hope there is no Veeky Forums when I am 64. Come to think of it, I hope I am not around by then either.

Oh, I meant even in my degree program, not just in general. I already know that I read way more than the average person.

I think the site has a chance at staying somewhat "relevant" for a while as long as the moderation stays fairly hands off. Even though the mods are worse now than ever the site is still fairly free of bullshit compared to most other forums

Do you have any tips for getting laid?

Keep velveeta cheese in one of your pockets, women really like velveeta cheese

>Oh, I meant even in my degree program, not just in general.

Even then man, I went to do a Lit/Phil degree in reputable college and the literacy level of the people around me was straight up depressing

Hmm yes let me write this down

Pay out the extra to get a reputable escort and always read the reviews

Yeah I can see that. I was in a small program with pretty great professors who had no problem making you look like a retard around other people so in general I didn't hear very much idiotic shit.

Might as well carry around some tortilla chips in your stomach pouch


Not that user but get older and uglier. It worked for me

I'm a month from turning 23.

Gojira, the absolute madman, how does he do it?

Four months here

Just talk to girls and don't give a shit.
Don't read anything about how to talk to girls or not give a shit you've got to go by feeling unless you want to be some creep. It gets fun when you stop sucking at it.

dam OP how old are you and where you from

Friendly teasing is something every bitch appreciates.

I'm 25 and I feel the same.

19 here
kill me

Teasing girls always works unless they think they can do a lot better than you. Although t b h if a girl is into you you can say almost anything.



>u mad white boi

You know the "Don't forget, you're here forever" meme? It's actually not a meme and you really are here forever. I've been posting on Veeky Forums for almost 10 years now and I would never regularly frequent any other online community. Even as Veeky Forums has gotten worse, the whole rest of the internet seems to have also gotten worse, and what's more, it seems to have gotten exponentially worse, while Veeky Forums has merely gotten worse on a curve.

>slit eyes
This is actually much worse. I don't mind niggers taking white sluts but they better not touch my fucking waifu

40's...been here since Veeky Forums was still posting on papyrus scrolls.

I haven't been able to overcome nihilism since if first started creeping on me when I was a kid
I hate the fact that some mental wankery affects me so much, if it wasn't for pills I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning

Those are codices, user.

My buddy is the same way, except he was so afraid of being alone with his own thoughts that he would often try to get people to stay over and chat until he had work at 6am
When he was alone he would drink until he passed out.

He got some medicine recently that's helped a lot though.

I'm 51

I dont know why im here

Holy shit grandpa

That's nothing. William Shatner literally posts on /b/

I'm a landscape gardener.

21, here. Usually on Veeky Forums every now and then, come here occasionally. Probably not as Veeky Forums as many here, but surely more than most of my peers (non/lit/, of course)

you're here to enter a dialogue with other minds

Yeah meds help a lot, last year I was completly fucked in every sense, never went alcoholic tho, the few times I drank it made me go even more mental. I was alone 90% of the time, now too
Do you guys think nihilism is inherently related to mental problems?

24 here

No, but it makes sense how it would be attractive.

Attractive? What did you mean by this?

That the ideas would be more compelling to people who are orientated towards thinking pessimistically.
I don't buy any philosophy having inherent psychological pre-requisites

I don't find nihilism compelling at all, it seems like is something that just "happens"
I try to reafirm life everyday but it falls so quickly, is like trying to hold water with a web
Fucking christians live life in fucking easy mode

23 here

24 here. This seems accurate, to be honest, as I think a lot of people on Veeky Forums are around this age - the wave of people who came when the site really began to explode with the Habbo raids and ebaumsworld and things. Veeky Forums is early twenties burnout semi-oldfigs and fifteen year old edgy idiots. It's a condemnation of us as the older that most of the time you can't tell the difference.

I wrote this but not this although I agree with it

Actual practicing Christian btw
It is only easy mode if you turn your brain off and even then they still deal with much of the same bullshit as you

then why be a christian

Doubt is fundamental to faith desu


I actually think it would be a great thing for young people in the future to interact with older people on the internet. I think that's something that's currently missing from society--outside of their family members and formal settings like school and work most young adults today don't have much contact with the middle-aged or elderly

20 here.

Same, but over the last year I've been getting more confident and posting more. You'll get there.
I'm sure there's a lot more 16-21 lurkers around than one would think.

I'm 29.


i really want this place to get shutted down
i would stop coming here if it wasnt the only place to discuss things freely and if i had a real social life

Because I choose to be.
I don't care as much about metaphysical claims, though. I believe in God, and I believe that Christ is at the very least the Word, similar to the Islamic understanding.

Boy am I sure hoping I'm not here anymore by 23.

I have some bad news, bud

I used to think this, but I have a fairly healthy social life now these days, and I still come here all the time

you are here forever retard
don't you remember all those anons telling you to get out when you first started posting? they were trying to save you, now you are fucked

i don't. this place is full of shitposting, but the people here are also much smarter and more pretentious (and therefore more open to discuss literature) than anyone I know in real life.
even English grad students, unless you get a few beers in them they're too afraid of being controversial or wrong to really go off about their passions.

no, Veeky Forums lit is a great place, and I truly think it has helped me grow as a reader and writer.

Don't forget, you're here forever.

I'm 31. I've been shitposting for twelve years now. I hate it here, and I hate all of you, but I have nowhere else to go. I frequent other imageboards, but none are as active as Veeky Forums. I can't abide non-anonymous sites.

You were nineteen when you started and you're thirty one now. Utterly, utterly tragic. Shitposting is a worse addiction than heroin because at least with heroin you experience a euphoria. Shitposting releases the tension of life with a fraught, personal self-infantalizing grip around your throat; you see yourself acting like a faggot but there's you can do but type "top kek." You sell your soul for the low, low price of a cheap laugh.

there will be serious literature written about Veeky Forums in the coming decades. philosophy, psychology, and of course fiction, the fictionalized diaries of a shitposter - of course aptly named 'my diary desu'

The older you get the more you think retarded posts are just people pretending to be retarded. It's weird.

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra is literally the seminal novel of our age.


You are 720?

I'm older than most of you fucks and can admit that this place is one of the best to discuss literature.
The sense of shame you feel about posting here is preparation for your life as a Catholic in 5-10 years

I reject papal primacy in its current form, I am not a catholic

It used to be fun. Then a habit. Now my only source of social interaction.

Jesus dude why don't you get out and do something?
Are you fat?

I'm 24

I'll probably be a catholic in 5-10 years and I unabashedly love this site

Go out and do what?

I am not fat.

Join a book club at your local library or something. Go to the gym and work out. Go be one of those fags that sits in a coffee shop to read.