Veeky Forums humor
No these threads suck
There you go senpai
>show me your tats
Your humor is shit, Veeky Forums
That shit at the bottom, by Joe Rogan, is diabolically dumb.
i jej every time
I don't get it
libertarians get out
>only libertarians hate gommies
The Libertarian and the Naive Marxist basically want the same thing
It's funny, here's one for the commies.
Fockn hell m8.
Jesus, did you guys make that booktuber delete all her social media?
I remember her being posted here ocasionally, but I just googled her and it seems she has dropped off the grid completely
/r/ing Katie
so not funny. this was the lowest moment in Veeky Forums history.
fucking r/books
is that pubic hair?
fuck off
Middle class BTFO
Not again
>This is who the public trust for their opinions. These are our generations public """""intellectuals""""""
without wanting to sound cliche it really is only teenage redditors who know or care about these people
t. ex-teenage redditor
It's mostly true I suppose. During my young edgy teen atheist phase these people were my main influences. Though it is concerning when some, admittedly "childish", liberals use them when attempting to create real political discussion
nice feet
I will never not laugh at this
Lot of decontextualised quotes there to create some of these dichotomies.... Almost as if you wanted to undermine both and not place emphasis on the actual target of those on the right. My guess is you're a quantum reality/self-help positivist/fart-sniffing lone-sock lover who doesn't like those who attempt to make the complicated, non-intuitive world easier to understand in manner similar to what priests once did for the masses. You'd rather it'd be easier to get a hand-job in a pew, eh?
And, yeah, why the fuck do some jokes walk and talk.
I never saw whats wrong with this or "i was just pretending to be retarded"
If youre just pretending youre just pretending
Heck off
Not taking any chances
I love the layers
Like how many layers of ideology is pol on? Doesnt that bury them in ideology rather than liberating them as to what the red pill claims to do.
I feel lit isnt on many layers of irony though.
New sincerety seems to have memed it into tolerable levels.
screw you
Watch your fucking language.
fuck you as well.
my mother is currently sleeping you sick fuck
Classic comedy
no thanks, m8
at the library
god damn it
saved. thanks.
Fuck you
hehe funny post
You cunt
Heaps of women like DFW what the fuck is he on about.
This is unironically well written
>I leave the store with a copy of Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception under my coat, unpaid for
Oh no.
how will she get to the library though?
Excellent work, Veeky Forums.
would fucking read that
Is that an anus