did nietzsche ever give his opinions on black people?
Did nietzsche ever give his opinions on black people?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you gaze into the negro the negro gazes into you
Aus meinem Leben, 1858 (From My Life)
Über Musik, 1858 (On Music)
Napoleon III als Praesident, 1862 (Napoleon III as President)
Fatum und Geschichte, 1862 (Fate and History)
Willensfreiheit und Fatum, 1862 (Freedom of Will and Fate)
Kann der Neidische je wahrhaft glücklich sein?, 1863 (Can the Envious Ever Be Truly Happy?)
Über Stimmungen, 1864 (On Moods)
Mein Leben, 1864 (My Life)
Homer und die klassische Philologie, 1868 (Homer and the Classical Philology)
Über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten, 1872 (On the Future of our Educational Institutions)
Fünf Vorreden zu fünf ungeschriebenen Büchern, 1872 (Five Prefaces on Five Unwritten Books) comprising:
Über das Pathos der Wahrheit (On the Pathos of Truth)
Gedanken über die Zukunft unserer Bildungsanstalten (Thoughts on the Future of Our Educational Institutions)
Der griechische Staat (The Greek State)
Das Verhältnis der Schopenhauerischen Philosophie zu einer deutschen Cultur (The Relation between a Schopenhauerian Philosophy and a German Culture)
Homers Wettkampf (Homer's Contest)
anybody know where i can get this shit? (pre-birth of tragedy stuff)
try thinking for yourself m8
Thanks it worked
But Nietzsche taught me that I don't need to think
I think he mentions not liking their music somewhere.
Niggers don't have will so they cannot power, and vice versa.
he was against abolition of slavery.
Just FYI Veeky Forums, there's a whole bunch of black peoples on the board right now, they're total mongs but it has nothing to do with them being black, they'll just post a book having never read it and discuss it entirely out of context like a fucking retard would. I don't know why they are doing this.
Oh yes, Hitler was a known sharpshooter. Why not just have him saluting
black people is dead.
He literally says that black people are more human than white people, ans that our istincts are inferior to theirs.
what did Nietzsche think of homosexuals??
They're driven by resentment against the ubermensch whom they perceive as superior, and work to bring him down to institute a morality of the slave as opposed to the morality of the master
This isn't as much as blacks as it is about the weak willed and the inferiors in general, but if you assume niggers to be an inferior race then this fully applies
How do you know this?
>They're driven by resentment against the ubermensch whom they perceive as superior, and work to bring him down to institute a morality of the slave as opposed to the morality of the master This isn't as much as blacks as it is about the weak willed and the inferiors in general, but if you assume niggers to be an inferior race then this fully applies
You're 100% white trash.
The man was a genius but he wasn't completely bullshit free.
Sort by bump order then look at the quality of the new threads being spammed. Its either black people or Canadians. Can't tell. But they're not discussing the books, or sometimes not even posting relevant topics. Its like /pol/ came here and is trying to troll but blend in, because its a slow board they can't really troll hard without being slapped with a ban.
Also I saw a few shitpost threads where some black user just clearly wanted to show his black hand in a picture, as if that would incite some sort of autistic rage on Veeky Forums. I really don't get it.
That's literally what Nietzsche says regarding the ubermensch
>IF you assume niggers to be an inferior race
Then the morality of the slave applies to them as well
That's how the Nazis interpreted Nietzsche and it's a valid interpretation IF you accept the premise
He probably never saw one in his life, but i doubt he would think any higher of them if he had.
Just before that line, on the previous page, he says,
>at least that is the conclusion a doctor may arrive at who has treated Negroes (taken as representatives of prehistoric man--)
The man took them to be pre-human, apes of a sort
You didn't understand Nietzsche if you think you can draw the division between the übermensch and everyone else falls along racial lines. Slave morality is inherent in Western culture
Do you really think that the Ubermensch would prefer the slave morality to the master morality?
You're either too stupid or too shallow to understand Nietzsche. Either that or you haven't actually read him. In both cases you're white trash.
He says it in the same treatise (the second one) of the Geneaology. It's a bit earlier than that passage.
Also keep in mind that Nietzsche was not a racial realist, he was more about culture realism. When he says that the african negro can be accounted as a prehistoric mean, he is talking about the context that shaped him more than anything: their morals, ethics and aesthetics, whoch at least in Africa are, for the most part, primitive. One should also keep in mind that this is not an insult in Nietzsche's mind.
Nigger can you read? Nowhere did I say the Ubermensch prefers the morality of the slave, it's precisely the opposite
>They're driven by resentment AGAINST the ubermensch whom they perceive as superior, and work to bring him [the ubermensch] down [IN ORDER] TO institute a morality of the slave
You must be stupid therefore I won't be responding to (you) any more.
I'm not saying I do, I'm saying it's the conclusion the Nazis arrived to
Yours could be a valid argument against it, the division cannot be based purely on race