Goodreads thread

Post away.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey, remember the last gr thread where it turned out google bots were feeding our posts to a puppet forum?

Really? I had no idea.

I only made this thread cos I like seeing what everyone is reading.

>post all your personal info so it can remain on phishing scam site for life


Would you happen to have a link to the last thread or the puppet forum?

Veekyforums or something like that, they are mirroring Veeky Forums threads for ad revenue. It's the same thing as with the better known Veeky Forums archives, stop being paranoid.

t. Nishimura

Lewis still makes me laugh

DESU, no matter how much I tried to get my dick wet through goodreads, I still came up empty. Site sucks, i cant believe they removed "readers near you".

Im fine with no more friend, im getting more game by posting my review of infinite jest as a profile picture anyways.

>It's the same thing as with the better known Veeky Forums archives
You don't know shit. They aren't mirroring. Normalfags (you included) that goes there would believe that it's authentic. The others say it's a mirror. This fag is taking people's plot ideas, work in progress, and slapping a randomly generated name on it.

To find shit about Veeky Forums archives you have to look specifically for it. This scrapper fag is openly giving our emails, goodreads accounts and a bunch of other stuff to anyone searching literature forum.

I wouldn't be surprised if you aren't the owner of that site doing damage control(scared someone goes to /qa/ and Hiro bans your IP from accessing the site), I also believe that you are the one that prompts specific threads so you can get juicy info to scrape from.

what would be the point of scraping goodreads accounts

To get email addresses so hiro can dox us all when he sells the board like he did with 2ch.

emails arent even listed on goodreads profiles

wow you dont like basically all the books you have read?

I thought they were ok :)

what books would you give 5 stars?


what is good book

doesnt work like that.

t. former professional email scraper

Profile pic is a safety puggo.

I accept almost anyone, always interested in what people are reading/what they want to read and what they thought about the book. Feel free to add, no bully pls thank u.

>me getting doxxed

I don't like the sound of that!

You can literally do the same with fucking Warosu archive lol.

I see he made sure not to scrape this thread. He knows we're onto him.