Do you guys think you are the most intelligent board? One of the most intelligent boards?

Do you guys think you are the most intelligent board? One of the most intelligent boards?

/tv/ is on the most layers of irony so they are the most intelligent board

somehow i expected this to be the first post. I even considered getting my phone and making the post myself.

layers of irony doesn't indicate intelligence, it just means you're not able to communicate directly and possibly have trust issues

how the fuck can people watch tv it's so fucking boring, the only thing i can sometimes watch is maybe charlie rose, but even then he always interrupts his interviewees with some pleb tier opinions that derails their point, how does he even have a job, he's not even jewish so it's not like nepotism is keeping him employed, but anyone, point is, tv is so boring it fees like punishment, that's the worst part of jail, nothing to do but sit in the day room and watch shitty shitty tv

What kind of response were you looking for?

I got rid of cable. Honestly, one of the best decisions I've ever made. If you want to watch a video, there's always plenty on youtube.

We are .. post some regarding literature on other boards .. watch the brainlets say the dumbest shit ..

Its obviously Veeky Forums. Anyone who has spent more than a few days there will know that. However I would much rather talk to and hang out with people from Veeky Forums


They mean the same thing, wordfag.

I can think of three possible reasons for this post.

I can kick your ass.

As much as I dislike /pol/, they always turn out to be right. My vote goes to /pol/. They're just operating on a higher plane.

Dude please relax with the trips alright??? Shit man just chill, dude quit playing man,

Yo are you in my house? This isnt fucking funny bro, this is over the line okay? Dude? I didnt mean it like that dude, i like the trips, i like that its 3 3s too, that it has that meta quality to it. U are the real genius! Dude knowledge is dumb not even ironically. Dont kick my ass.

Please daddy. Im begging (eu phor it)


how long have you been on this board, op
there is no discernible value here

Most intelligent board is probably Veeky Forums

But they still have that characteristic Veeky Forums glaze of "smart people pretending to be stupid"

No they do not.

3-D chess desu

ymous Thu May 4 18:43:28 2017 No.9464013 [DELETED] [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: Why should I care about philosophy?

Why should I listen to anything any of you say?

I'm so sick of your pathetic moralizing.

I really hope a nuclear war commences soon so you all suffer and humanity never has to take you philosopher's again for a very long time.

My bother enrolled in philosophy at the University of Toronto and I convinced my parents cut him off financially because it is a useless major.

He got in my face and confronted me about it. But I humiliated him in front of his girlfriend and she broke up with him. If he comes around here again I will call the police and have him charged!

Just out of spite because I hate philosophy so much!!!

Please nuclear war come to shut these idiots ASAP!!!!!

After having hanging out here or years, it's more
like 'stupid people pretending to be smart pretending to be stupid'

we are second only to /pol/

Opposite sides of the same coin, us and Veeky Forums

bad bait or just retarded, either way please leave

The concept of reading being for smart people is really dated. It comes from a time before universal literacy.

Clearly Veeky Forums.

Veeky Forums obviously

What an ignorant moron.

>three dubs in a row
Truly the smartest board