Spending $50k on a degree which you could have taught yourself thanks to all the freely available resources the...

>spending $50k on a degree which you could have taught yourself thanks to all the freely available resources the internet now offers
there is no reason to study at a tertiary institution anymore.

>Living in a country where you have to pay for university

Okay, Hank. You're never going to learn as well as someone who does.

How does one become an attorney? They have to pass the Bar. How does one apply for the bar? The ABA requires them to have a JD. How does one get a JD? They apply to law school. When does admissions allow someone to attend? When the have a bachelors degree.

This isn't the olden days where someone could read books and then suddenly become a supreme court justice. That doesn't happen these days. You can't be a practicing attorney without going to a chapel of indoctrination.

OP gets btfo every time he posts this thread but he keeps posting, why?

Having access to online lectures is not a replacement for a liberal arts education. Fucking degenerates.

Universities come from a time when books and education were scarce. Now almost everything is in the public domain and books are cheap as fuck. The only advantage of university education is the possibility that you may meet some cool people, but most college "intellectuals" (including the professors) are psueds. Modern education stifles independent thought more than it helps it.

Who does online lectures. I know Yale has some. Who else?

One part masochism, two parts autism.

My university provided me a lot more than just the courses. The intellectual environment, the societies and clubs, the social networks and connections, the guidance and mentoring, etc etc.

These elements are also a very important part of universities, besides the educational aspects. I never regretted borrowing 15k £ to study at my university, also because I was a foreign student and it greatly improved my speaking / linguistic skills.

I agree OP, only in the case if you're doing a degree that doesn't matter.

Degrees that lead to real jobs still require that piece of paper that proves you have learned the foundation of your field. Any sort of intellectual/arts degrees do not need a piece of paper to show their understanding because nobody is hiring you for your philosophy degree.


>I never regretted borrowing 15k £ to join a few clubs and fuck sluts

The livelong connections, networking, personal intellectual development and linguistic skills I obtained at Oxford far outweigh the 15K £.

I studied philosophy is college because it was free for the most part.
I still had to get the books and shit.

So you're able to produce professional quality research/reports, manage projects and collaborate with peers in your field of expertise? Good job, OP, and good luck demonstrating that to employers without accreditation. On site apprenticeship and training doesn't exist anymore, the corporate sector has passed that cost on to the state and the state, by increasingly privatising the education sector, has passed the cost onto you.

You could have gotten more intellectual development on your own, without the type of parasitic opinions and attitudes that university education imparts on its students.

Who actually cares about any of that shit except boring suits? Not everybody wants to hop on the corporate treadmill and ride their whole life, especially not those of us who are interested in literature.

surely you could be an attorney if you just made it clear that you were unlicensed and do everything cash in hand no?

>The livelong connections, networking, personal intellectual development and linguistic skills
>still hangs out and posts on Veeky Forums

Show me a person who actually puts 60+ hours into self-education every week consistently and maybe you'll have a point.

No, that's illegal. Which you would know if your legal "education" wasn't you reading a book once.

No. Attorneys are in constant contact with the courts, even if they aren't in a court room. When you file things or when you have a hearing with a judge, or literally anything having to do with the law, all of your credentials are checked, otherwise you'll be charged with fraud, misrepresentation etc.

You may say, oh but couldn't they do contract law because it's between private parties? Well, who enforces contracts? The courts.

>Now almost everything is in the public domain and books are cheap as fuck

This is entirely false. Most research is hidden behind a pay wall, and a lot of books aren't freely available from google.

The benefits of university are discourse, mentorship, learning proper research skills, encouragement, access to a scholarly library

You have a lot negative and preposterous assumptions that aren't based on any concrete statistics. I think you're just generalizing and vilifying universities based your own negative personal experiences with universities.

It's Sunday, can't I browse Veeky Forums on the days I don't have to work without being considered a degenerate?

>spending $50k on a degree which you could have taught yourself thanks to all the freely available resources the internet now offers


>live in a civilized country, pay 15$ in taxes every year and get access to some of the best universities in the world

Amerifats on suicide watch

Show me a non-STEM college student who understands his field and doesn't just asskiss the professors and do work.

Protip: you can't. It's not about the information acquired, but college enforces bad habits in students. The only true education is education done by the will of the student, and college tends to obscure what we really want and what we really feel. And education is not the precious commodity it was, anybody can learn themselves.

Because this is a literature board, I might also point out that some of the greatest writers in English did not go to elite schools: Shakespeare, Blake, Keats.

>State provides loans for higher ed massively inflating costs
>"Increasingly privatised"
>Never took an economics course
>Being this delusionally communist

that CV is gonna look great with a phd from Veeky Forums and infowars university

Law is a non-STEM field, other than patent law which has a separate bar examination and requires a number of hours of stem credits depending on jurisdiction.

When there is only one test for an entire class and they are graded anonymously there's no reason to asskiss a professor. The only reason to go to class is so they don't drop your grade or kick you out of the class.

>Living in a country that piggybacks off of American technology and innovation
>Americans are fat and stupid meme
>Not educated enough to understand why America is the most powerful country in the world

That's only relevant for STEM. Literature students have no use for the endless stream of empty articles trickling from universities.
>You have a lot negative and preposterous assumptions that aren't based on any concrete statistics. I think you're just generalizing and vilifying universities based your own negative personal experiences with universities.
You're proving my point here. Invoking "statistics" to give your argument an appearance of scientific credibility? Psuedishness like this only comes from university.

They don't understand their field yet because re-deriving all of its core notions would take decades.
They're being told to take things for granted in order to be able to immediatly gain confidence with particularly complex tools: the more they study the more knowledge they'll have about both these tools and the results that emerge from this usage.
This method is infinitely more efficient, but it necessarily requires guidance.

>Shakespeare, Blake, Keats.
If you're Shakespeare you don't have to go to college... duh?
How many actual geniuses do you think there are on this board? There's no Blake for sure, but maybe there is a Beckett or a Cioran: guys who are not great but who can still achieve aomething. Well, these guys surely need a formal education that does not deviates into dogmaticism. University will help you with that.

Well statistics are more credible than the statements you're pulling out of your ass. But I guess they teach that at universities.

>muh CV
Some people are more interested in learning than in status games.

>the only two types of degrees are STEM and literature
>evidence and facts are tools used by the oppressive system of indoctrination!


You didn't make any statistical arguments either. My argument, in fact, is not quantifiable in that way.

Protip: the first one to invoke "muh statistics" when the argument has nothing to do with that is the loser. I made no statistical claims.

>That's only relevant for STEM. Literature students have no use for the endless stream of empty articles trickling from universities.

It would take you years to learn the research, close reading and editing skills by yourself that you pick up from lit degrees.

And without compulsion, most people, including people who aim to be autodidacts, won't learn those skills at all.

I'll just sit here and laugh as US becomes corporatocracy and the slaves drool over their gold plated shackles.

>state gives you money for studying
>Health care only costs 90 Euro per month (and is completely free if you are under 25)
>access to free internet, heavily subsidized food and free public transport
>access to jobs at the university to start your career in science
Studying in Germany really is a nice thing. There are better places but still pretty nice.

Oh user, I would have never known that had I not been on this website social network. Your ability to provide guidance and mentorship to such a grotesque and brainwashed peon such as myself has been helpful. I can not wait until you provide more deep insights into the world.

if by 'status games' you mean 'getting a job' then okay

then how do you explain this alpha male huh ?

That's a god damn television show.

But the values a degree holds are different from certificates from online courses. Most of us are studying to get a job and get financially secured. To us these online resources are helping to make our resumé a little more weight. Speaking from the heart, colleges suck. That is the biggest mistake I've ever done. Not a day goes by where I won't feel it will be all better if I just don't wake up in the morning. Being a third worlder sucks.