Why doesn't English have pronouns for more types of people Veeky Forums? French has il, elle, ons, nous, vous, ils, elles whereas English has him, her, us, you, them.
Why doesn't English have pronouns for more types of people Veeky Forums? French has il, elle, ons, nous, vous, ils...
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(you (plural))
Weird, the instant I started watching a gameplay compilation of that game, I scrolled onto this thread
In order to get dumb frogs to ask stupid questions.
You all
All y'all
Yous guys
You guys
it's on
>Yous guys
>Not yous b'ys
In finnish:
Me = Minä
You = Sinä
Him/her = Hän
Us = Me
You (plural) = Te
Them = He
is it true that there is no polite society in finland, and that day to day interactions and social structure are difficult for the average finn?
Do you even use plural pronouns, or are they just for translated works?
There's no word for "please", but we do say sorry and thank you when necessary. I wouldn't say that anything is difficult, we know how things here are and work, no need for chit-chat, but maybe in a socially outgoing country the daily life of a finn could be difficult for ex. if strangers start talking to you or something else distracting like that
Plural stuff doesn't really exist outside book language, which is different from spoken language, for example, "minä" becomes "mä", "sinä" becomes "sä" and "hän" often becomes "se" (= "it").
The book language is also used in official jobs and ceremonies or celebrations. It kind of pulls all the finnish dialects together, even though it's based on the western dialects
Don't forget Juan
English has exactly the same number of pronouns as French.
Wow wtf what about transgender, polygender, genderfluid, third gender, non binary, etc?
Zim, zeh, zir
Tim teh tir
Lim leh lir
There are so many!
Those are young enough for me to disregard them. Plus, those are talking about genders. What pronoun is there that you use for people you don't know very well?
Fun fact: The Finnish translation for Ulysses uses a new pronoun "hän" for he and "hen" for she since Finnish lacks gender specific pronouns.
They is used for ambiguous situations usually.
We don't have an informal "you"
Not since Shakespeare's time.
"Yous" is common where I'm from
Sorry, I meant 'ye'
I use ye frequently and the girls love it
Both of these are used here (Ireland)
Ye Tyrone here
the hell are you talking about?
il= he
elle= here
ons = slangish type we
nous = regular we
vous = you
ils = they (masc)
elles = they(fem)
This isn't a vast amount more, or very different from english.
how does one pronounce that?
like yee, like a pirate "ye scoundrels"
> ons
It's "on", you doggy-styled, blubbering and backward monoglot!
>not being Japanese
>not having three main male "I" pronouns, 2 main female "I" pronouns + others but then usually just omitting pronouns anyway
>not having 3 main "you" pronouns but then just calling people by their name instead of using a pronoun in many cases.
Shiggy diggy.
The fuck?
holy shit OP that is one scary bugger made me look
>slangish type we
But that's wrong you faggot
>What is "ya" for $500 Alex
Eg. "How the hell are ya?"
>Forgetting "thee" and "thou" as well as "tha"
Based Yorkshire
That's more colloquial though. What I meant is that we don't have thou and thy anymore, except in Yorkshire apparently These used to be equivalent to the French tu. If you call a stranger "tu" instead of "vous" it's considered rude.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
"Thou" is apparently directly related to "tu" through an Indo-European root, funnily enough
what are you on senpai:
Je - I
Tu - Thou
Il- He
Elle - She
On (not ons) - One (or we)
Nous - We
Vous - You
Ils - They
Elles - They
mfw the only difference is that the frenchies distinguish between a group of females and a group of males
based shropshire, please and thank you