So why do I need to start with the Greeks?

so why do I need to start with the Greeks?

Just skip it all and read Jordan Peterson

They set the stage on which the Western world marched along

okay, but why is it important to read philosophy chronologically, rather than selecting different thinkers from different time periods?

Because references to other philosophers are continuous. It's one of the reasons why starting to read philosophy is so daunting.

>rather than selecting different thinkers from different time periods?

Rather than what? I'm sorry, but I didn't read the first part of your post.

this. every "new" philosopher criticise/mention/agrees/etc with previous philosophers/school of thoughts. for instance, joyce was highly influenced by dante's divine comedy, which was heavily influenced by aquinas, which was heavily influenced by aristotle. yeah, joyce and dante aren't philosophers, but as you can see, regardless of which way or subject you go, you will end up with the greeks. they started geometry, they started math, they started literature, they started plays, they started philosophy, they started history, they started astrology/astronomy. there is no way around it.

Why do I need to read the Greeks?*

You don't. You should read something relevant and develop skills that matter rather than just masturbation rights over dead assholes who were wrong about everything.
This may sound facetious. I get that they are the archetypes of much of today's thought, and that starting with them, one can trace the history and development of much of the western world's thought, and I get that it's a tragedy that the world is unable to contour language to the specificities of large subject matter and that they're unwilling to read anything that isn't nostalgia-fueled and less than 140 characters.
That said, fuck the greeks. Study math, learn languages, learn actual fucking skills that can apply to the world around you. Read nonfiction. All the greeks do is give you masturbation rights in groups of the worst and most worthless kinds of people who have nothing to say and a million ways to say it.

how did i do?

Did you just finish reading Archer?

no. is this an insult?

Like it or not, you have been molded by a plethora of scattered ideas that carries a dominant leash in every step taken over the course of your lifetime.

Philosophy is an ambiguous term for said reason, but to me, it's ideal lies in regaining control of ones life, clarity of purpose, swiftness in thought and efficiency in action.

The Greeks are dead so fuck them all you want. If you ponder a bit, there's only one person getting fucked anyway.

Almost always rooted in the unfalsifiable and inapplicable to real life

>Regaining control

>Clarity of purpose
If you really started with the greeks you should only have more questions and less clarity and no idea how to define "purpose"

>Swiftness in thought
Like I said, mathematics.

>Efficiency in action
That's literally the last thing any philosopher is known for

>one person getting fucked
Anyone who believed reading through the western cannon would help them with their life.

Not really true. All of those things had been invented by China before Greece was even a thing.

>m-muh 8000 years unbroken history! Just don't ask any questions prease! ;^)


it's all over



I see where you're coming from. I don't think there's much to be had from engaging in further debate, likely to be gone by the time I awake. If you digg mathematics, try Gödel.

Mostly because yes, secondly cause proabably ur a stupid fuck.
Lv u th

Not an insult. There is one Archer story where he found Dostoevsky's crime and punishment in a dumpster. He picked it up and thinks someone will love it, to which he ended up selling it to a librarian for 50$, the latter said it's a rare find.

That's how I started reading it.


come on guys, its obvious I am talking about the western world here, considering the 'start with the greeks' meme (reading them to understand the western thought, literature, culture, etc), there is literally no reason to bother with asian Veeky Forums or philosophy other than pure curiosity (not saying they are not important or whatever, but for this matter, they are irrelevant)

>buying books
you already fucking lost pleb


This is one of the better posts I've seen Veeky Forums in a long time, I'm still going to continue to reading the greeks, but you made a well reasoned argument. Fair play.

>muh cultural bolshevism
directly to gulag

Start with the Sumerians, then Begin with the Babylonians.

you are retarded and shoul neck yourself immediately.

ANYONE who wants to take literature and philosophy seriously MUST read the greeks


>Study math, learn languages, learn actual fucking skills that can apply to the world around you

what the FUCK does that even mean? 80% of the people in this imageboard is either a NEET or a full cucked minimal wageslave, learning "something useful" such as math or new languages isn't going to change SHIT, they are just as useful and as "appliable" as literature and philosophy


Because they are a joy to read for the most part. Familiarize yourself with their mythology and you will find that a lot of the writings of antiquity are quite accessible and pleasurable to read. The language tends to be clearer and less convoluted than that of modern philosophy.

You don't have to commit yourself to every renowned ancient author, so just pick and choose here and there. The simple fact is, you can't be well-read without at least some exposure to them. Whether or not this matters to you is another thing.

If you genuinely think it's about masturbation rights, you're a moron.