How do I overcome nihilism?

How do I overcome nihilism?

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Read Nietzsche. His philosophical works deal with being an 'active' nihilist in order to overcome being a 'passive' nihilist (which he saw as a disease)

Don't read Nietzsche. His philosophical works deal with being an 'active' nihilist -- but you still stay a nihilist.

I'm the greasy creep by the way. Also, Nietzsche will do the trick.

Once you discard your beliefs, there is no way of turning back. It's like opening Pandora's box: you either become an active nihilist in order to overcome nihilism, are you remain stuck in the wasteland of passive nihilism

Accept that there's no such thing as Nihilism if you ever feel pain or experience negative emotion
Then read Kierkegaard

Blake may help as well.

Protip: once you're over 40, young girls basically assume you have no dick. Riding the train becomes pretty interesting.

You won't escape it but to cope with it read Schopenhauer. Embrace a pessimistic outlook because life is a never ending series of stupid desires that prod you to be fulfilled. Expect constant disappointment and your happy times will be much more appreciated.

Maybe learn about Absurdism?

how is this going to help?


Camus' position is that exactly BECAUSE there is no sense, everything is still all right.

Read Tolstoy. Start here:

Reverse the black pill by taking the white pill and the red pill.

Expunge your radical individualism and find "meaning" through your kin and your pursuits rather than searching for an objective or material source. Become the fascist your soul needs you to be.

Gurdjieff pls

>Not being aware of the good news

Read Nietzsche

any form of transcendentalism, maybe get into some spooky Evola mysticism

>white pill and the red pill
the pink pill
the gay pill

What did he mean by this?

Find meaning in something that you like to do and is good for society in some way

Change the things you can, laugh when you can't.


starts from the earlier works or what?

by not being a teenage or 20-something little bitch.


If you were a nihilist, you wouldn't be worrying about this question at all. You sound more like an anxiety-ridden carestoomuch in denial.

The solution to your condition is more nihilism.

Make the conscious decision to quit wasting your own time.

The good news that God is dead and we killed him.

read The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism by Keiji Nishitani and some Nietzsche

Realize that you already know what to do, and that you are too weak to do so. It is only in knowing that we are weak that we even have the chance to become stronger.

Shut the fuck up Dr Phil

Learn how to play Wonderwall on the guitar

How did you become a nihilist? What do you mean by nihilism? If your problem is just that women won't sit next to you on buses, that's easy to fix.

it also helps to find a stairway in a college dorm or apartment building that feels like a good fit for you, and sit there playing so that everyone knows how deep and sensitive you are

Sense of meaningful engagement is a psycho physiological marker that you're acting in a way that takes all the stacked representations simultaneously.
The sense of meaning is actually an instinct that orients people in time and space.
It starts at the individual senpai. It affects you, then it affects your family, then it affects your community and so far. Check the video i linked, he actually talks about this, roughly speaking.

simultaneously in consideration*

It's easy to believe none of your actions matter, and that your fate is a singular fate, but the reality is quite the opposite.

You'll meet about 1000 people in your lifetime, probably more. Each one of those people will meet 1000 people. This means you are 2 people away from one million, and 3 people away from one billion.

"Active Nihilism" is a meme. If nothing matters its impossible "to do" anything. All nihilists are passive nihilists some are just in denial.

What about pain? Physical and psychological. You know for yourself that pain is real. If you're looking for a concrete value system, why not act to minimize pain?

Why, whats the point of reducing pain?

>why not act to minimize pain?

So kill yourself? Yeah thats the final red pill

What's to get over? You will some day you will be nothing. The things you have done that help others, particularly those that help future generations provide a brief memorial to your being. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do them. It's fulfilling to build something that will last for a little why past your short life.

The important thing to remember about your fleeting existence is that you should enjoy the ride while you're on it.

Don't be a dick about it. If you know you wouldn't enjoy the things you do if they were perpetrated on you, don't do them. But other than that, go out and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about the end.

Mitch Hedberg is a bit where someone asked why he drank red wine if it gave him headaches. He responded with, "Yes, but the beginning and middle parts are amazing. I don't refuse to eat an apple because it will soon be a core"

>concrete value system
>unironically advocating for the suicide pill

Now leaving thread because of all of my lame typos. Nothing matters!

Get a job.

>provide a brief memorial to your being.

If I shot up a school I'd probably be remembered a lot more. Is this what you're recommending?

No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No!

Nietzsche's early works are very interesting for the sake of studying, but he was a dogmatic person in his early career. After he realized that Richard Wagner was a douche, he began to explore the idea of mankind realizing that there is no "God" or "Daddy" figure handing down what is right or wrong, and how we should function knowing this.

Daybreak, Gay Science, Genealogy, Beyond Good and evil, Zarathustra. Those are good starting points. His later work was plagued by his Fascist Sister editing his work, and while it is also interesting for study, Nietzsche's movement back to Dogmatism is probably her fault, not his.

If that's how you want to be remembered for that brief time. I'd rather the library I volunteer at and donate to stay open a bit longer, and maybe dedicate a bench to me.

Maybe you should look into the "Don't be a dick" part of my post.

Yeah I did, looks like horseshit since I don't experience their pain so why should I care
I don't see the point in being remembered one way or another but clearly killing people would be the most efficient route to it

We call that empathy. It's one of the few redeeming traits humans have.

If you want to escape from nihilism, cultivate it.

Well, for many they begin skirting the problem of nihilism, and absurdism, but they try to avoid it and pretend it isn't real.

When you are faced with the meaninglessness of life and the absurdity of it all, sure, you can embrace absurdism, or you can just go back to distracting yourself to avoid confronting it.

I agree though, more Nihilism is the solution.

Believing in spooks for no reason is not escaping nihilism bud

It's not a spook dumbass. You get to enjoy the ride while you're on it. That's the human condition. Shortening that for anyone is a dick move, and prematurely ending it for yourself, which, let's face it, an armed massacre will do, is stupid. There are thousands of more orgasms to be had. Why give those up for a headline?

Empathy is the pact between humans. If you are free to treat others like shit, they are free to do the same to you. So you let people do their own thing so long as it doesn't interfere with you doing yours. It's a simple concept that only edgelords pretend not to understand.

t.elliot rodger

>His later work was plagued by his Fascist Sister editing his work, and while it is also interesting for study, Nietzsche's movement back to Dogmatism is probably her fault, not his.
Not only was she not involved in ANY of the publishing and editing of his material while he was alive, she ONLY edited letters -- the myth that his """""fascist"""" sister edited his stuff is so hilariously wrong that every time someone mentions it they reveal themselves to be absolute idiots. Not even the Will to Power as a collection had her sister editing it --- only his letters which she would either burn if they contained something too private or revealing, or just flat out refuse to publish. If you know German (you probably don't which is why you have no idea about Nietzsche) you can read Schlechta's afterword to his edition, or the essays written by Colli & Montinari. Stop parroting shit you have no idea about, and get used to the idea that Nietzsche was probably more close to fascism than you're comfortable.

Sounds like you don't understand basic game theory, I can let other idiots follow that spooky shit and I can be a lazy greedy wretch or murderer if I feel like it.
Saying shit like human life matters because society tells you so doesn't mean anything.
I'm only following your own logic, if enjoying myself should be my top priority it sure as hell doesn't come from being a good goy

Grow some balls,go to the gym

Mutually assured destruction is a thing. If you make life hell for others, they will do the same to you. Maybe you're playing the wrong game. What you're doing is shoving your queen out in front and sacrificing her to take a few pawns.

If you want to be a greedy mother fucker, you will profit far more if you win hearts and minds.

Thanks for proving the edgelord thing.

create a life for yourself so valuable by your own standards that anytime the notion comes up that the universe lacks inherent meaning/value it's irrelevant to you

Oh ok, so I just have to be sneaky and disingenuous when it will profit me. This sure sounds like a meaningful life

This, as surely as Orc is the son of Los

I don't see it that way. But then, I actually get pleasure from helping others, so it's not really selfless, is it?

But if you are looking to not be miserable, not having to worry about retaliation works wonders.

Sure, I can trip a fat guy. For a few seconds, it'll be hilarious. But then I get to deal with either retaliation from that person, or from society.

But getting back to the sneaky/underhanded thing. Look at people that have attained high offices or success commercially. Whether they mean it or not, they all take part in humanitarian ventures. If you want to live the high life, you have to minimize the negative impact on society, or you face repercussions. So you make the donation, get the goodwill, and take the tax write-off. Sure, you get one less yacht, but the rest of your fleet won't be lost when the people rise up against you and demand some sort of action.

>But then I get to deal with either retaliation from that person, or from society.

Or you don't. People do horrible shit to people all the time IRL with zero reprecussions.
You're really just constructing an imaginary ideal framing of life where not being a scumbag should be a simple utillitarian rational fact and not more likely to lead to society being simply an alienated backhanded shithole full of sociopathic narcissists.

There is no Denying the fact that Twilight and Antichrist and ecce homo occurred after Nietzsche was suffering Mental problems. The subsequent publication and use of his work toward what Elizabeth and her husband believed is absolutely fact. Nietzsche is the only philosopher whose decent into madness is offered as evidence against his beliefs.

And Colli & Montinari's primary message in the end was to only point out that Will to Power was not a work Nietzsche was trying to accomplish, but a collection of random things from after his mental breakdown.

>suffering Mental problems

Utterly irrelevant if they are still consistent with his thought.

I don't know if there's an entity of any kind and probably never will when I'm alive.
When I die, I'll either rot in the ground or go up to the sky and see the big G but either way I won't care 'cus I'll be dead as fuck so why should I make a big deal of it while I'm alive?

And at the same time, people who do shitty things to others often face social and/or legal repercussions. Sure, it's not 100%, but if there's a chance of it, why play the odds? Inaction is easy, and costs me nothing. Doing something to someone takes a conscious decision, and MAY lead to those repercussions. So why bother? I mind my own, and let others mind theirs.

Maybe it's that I live a life of plenty. I want for little, so I see no reason to be a shithead. Maybe all you need is a better job.

Because what if He sends you to hell for being a degenerate faggot

Or maybe you are a shithead and you're too far up your own ass to see it

then I'll take my punishment like a man and try to redeem myself at the rapture by being Jesus' cock slave.

Maybe, but at least I'm not miserable and questioning my ideologies.

Yeah I get it, your own jollies are all that matters and your original post was just a misplaced attempt at feigning profundity for whats really a mindless existence.

Do something semi productive. Pick a project ie. Writing, drawing etc. Do it every day for an hour. Your pathetic life will begin to take some meaning.

It is relevant, because what crops up after 1888 is not in line with Nietzsche post Wagner.

You can't deny elitism in Nietzsche, that would be crazy. but it is wholly irresponsible to link Nietzsche to Nationalism and especially German Nationalism, since following his departure from Wagner, Nietzsche did not believe in this "German Spirit" that he gets quoted on. If any thing, you can call him on Europeanism, but that is more of his work after his lapse. All his claims about "Purity" mostly after his lapse.

Read Barth

cosmic Trigger by RAW.

He is the best modern philosopher that provides good reasons to not believe in anything, and yet retain a positive and constructive, individualised attitude.

Meet basic needs, take the things you like, apply them to the world, and be happy

Wow, who would ever have thought!

>at the rapture

>he says while posting on this miserable shithole

Read the Phaedo by Plato.

>wanting to overcome nihilism
You aren't a nihilist. You have mild depression, like everyone else. Shut up about it.

Pretty much this. Reading philosophy won't help, The fact that you want to overcome nihilism means that you believe in the value of life, you just need to accept responsibility for whatever it is you're avoiding.

Occupy the mind.
Go on a completely random adventure.
Build a house on the slopes of Mount Suvvuuss.

Depression isn't real

It is real, it's just overdiagnosed in people that aren't dealing with the source of their malaise.

Chemicals are though. Not enough happy chemicals = depression.

>Not enough happy chemicals = depression.
Just read what you're saying and tell me that isn't retarded. Yeah neurochemistry but it doesn't account nor signify this single monolith construct called "depression"


>single monolith construct called "depression"
I'm sure, like most things, it's a spectrum.

I'm guessing you've never experienced a deep depression though. Cuz if you had, you wouldn't be posting.

The billion dollar industry, though overexposed, wasn't just fabricated for nothing.

On the contrary; feeling pain and experiencing negative emotions are important psychological factors leading to nihilism.

>it's a spectrum.

Bullshit. Spectrum implies it always carries an essential quality but differs in degrees which simply isn't true. There is zero single sympthom, pattern or behaviour that is common to all people dianosed with the condition, its nothing but a wide arbitrary umbrella to designate individuals in need of social coercion

>I'm guessing you've never experienced a deep depression though

The fuck do you know? The nerve you have to even state this. You know nothing of my experience

>The fuck do you know? The nerve you have to even state this. You know nothing of my experience
>Depression isn't real

By definition, nigga. Proof by contradiction.

>There is zero single sympthom, pattern or behaviour that is common
Also wrong.

Pls stop posting. k thx bye.

This is like a Christian saying God is real but you wouldn't know because you just have never "experienced" God like they have.
I have experienced and have been professionally diagnosed under what others call severe depression. But its utterly irrelevant since the issue is not anything intrinsic to "the" experience but in the fact it medicalizes and groups together a wide variety of dynamic and diverse experiences of individuals without any justification other than apparently seem to "feel bad"

Go on then, list one. One thing that is common to all who can be diagnosed with depression. One core element.

So I can't admit I make my own purpose and indulge in that?

>This is like a Christian saying
Fair enough. But you seem to be too attached to much to the label. It IS a real phenomenon. Call it whatever.

>Go on then, list one.
Crying spells
Loss of interest
Appetite change
Sleep change
Feeling worthless or guilty
Problems concentrating or making decisions
Think about death often

Shit's complex, yo. The brain is complex. So far as it's regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters (chemicals) I'm sure there can exist a variety of bad imbalances in there somewhere. Let's call it depression.

Also, I'm sorry for your experience.

God is absolutely real. The supernatural is totally real. We live in a spooky universe. Find some god or spirit to worship.

>One core element.
Ok let me summarize it as : "A problem in mood that lasts for some time and is difficult to snap out of (to be 'optimistic' & 'productive' again).