If Marx came on Veeky Forums before publishing and asked the board about his idea on commodity fetishism, would everyone just bully him and call him a teenager?
You can substitute any other philosopher you like.
If Marx came on Veeky Forums before publishing and asked the board about his idea on commodity fetishism, would everyone just bully him and call him a teenager?
You can substitute any other philosopher you like.
Go to bed, Reddit
This, fuck off reddit
Report goes in all fields
>would everyone just bully him and call him a teenager
Someone thinks they have groundbreaking ideas which they've shared on lit only to be called a teenager.
This is not going well.
Haven't shared it yet, but I assume that would happen.
>Haven't shared it yet, but I assume that would happen.
Please share. I'm genuinely interested. I will give you an honest and fair critique.
I won't, I'm going to call him a faggot
Reported for announcing a report, a bannable offence under Section 3 of the Veeky Forums Criminal Code.
He didn't say he reported him
You however...
Okay. I had this thought that the problem with nihilism (and all the responses to it) is that by saying that there is no meaning to life, it still acknowledges meaning as a valid concept.
And that this is a remnant from god. Only in theism can the notion of purpose and meaning be valid, since it creates a higher plane of existence, where these things even make sense. Basically, we say there is no god, but we still believe in the empty space where god would go.
Maybe this has been said before and I've just never heard it.
Pic unrelated.
So many people have had this thought before you, well before even Nietzsche regurgitated it
>Babby's first Hegelian opposition
I don't understand. Is there some argument to refute this? Why is this not the answer in every nihilism thread?
It makes me happy anyway. If Hegel thought the same way, why does he look like such a miserable cunt in every picture?
Start with the Greeks
Refuting nihilism isn't something worthwhile, it has been done to death already.
"Purpose" and "meaning" can "only exist in theism" because you've implied that they in all circumstances refer to "a higher plane of existence." What about e.g. a claw hammer? Its intended (though not sole) purpose is to drive and extract nails.
i'd like to think we'd advise him to let engels write it, since he was going to publish it anyways and wrote with greater clarity. we'd have def envied his set up though
>this rich guy offered to pay for my cigars and economic ramblings for life guyz
could provoke more outrage than the living life at 19 at your expense pasta
>tfw no engels publishing grant
Oh boy here comes Sartre
He already had a Phd when he came up with that concept. Why in the fuck would you ask this question.
because he's retarded enough to think he could read marx if only he tried.
Our "purpose" must refer to a higher plane of existence. Our claw hammer purpose is to reproduce and keep our genes alive.
Apparently the "higher plane" is the human genome.