Contemporary Fantasy and Science Fiction is garbage. Its become a shitty vehicle to push social justice propaganda, especially in YA. Prove me wrong Veeky Forums
Contemporary Fantasy and Science Fiction is garbage. Its become a shitty vehicle to push social justice propaganda...
>to push social justice propaganda
What you mean by this is you haven't actually read any science fiction or fantasy.
But some writers you heard about were butthurt that they're not more popular and don't win awards and are making up politically charged excuses to rationalise their poor performance, blame others, and justify setting out to high jack a popular vote award because they are petulant man babies.
You have gotten caught up in this because you are easily triggered by the buzzwords of the right and have been spurned into action without thinking or considering their illogical arguments or asking for any evidence
Meanwhile the World Fantasy Award drops the statuette of Lovecraft because he racis
Read his nigger poem
It's almost like the award wasn't created that way because of his views on brown people, but because of his speculative fiction and influence, or something.
>It's almost like the award wasn't created that way because of his views
Its called the World Fantasy Award, not the HP Lovecraft Award
Maybe you could start such an award, using the statuette, for the best poem about niggers each year?
>an award stops using the head of a guy for an award
>der librul SJWS gommies are takin' over
>where's my shyfys about strong white Christian men battle hordes of Nigg insect Asian commie Jews?
>point out its not called the HP Lovecraft award
>get called a retard
What did he mean by this?
Where can I read this majestic poem?
>his speculative fiction
You don't know what that words mean, do you?
Google Lovecraft nigger poem you lazy fucking autist
Then clearly it must mean views on brown people
I don't use google. I use duckduckgo or yandex.
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
>and because you told me to use a different search engine that I don't use I can't go and use the on I do use
>I have to wait for you to tell me what to do
>I cannot exercise initiative to figure it out for myself
You should have said look it up in a search engine. Stop supporting globalism with your evil corp. brand name dropping.
>all this whining
>one weak example
>Indian sucking up to white people
So is OP going to deliver a fucking argument and some goddamn evidence or what?
Dumbledore in Harry Potter.
It's amazing how Tolkien still hasn't been burned at the stake by the left, metaphorically of course. His beliefs in white supremacy are pretty clear in his books.
Neil Gayman
I don't get why Sue Perkins is popular at all.
I don't hate her but I can't figure out what she does? She's not especially funny, can't act, doesn't have much to say.
The BBC has certain favourites that they put in shows again and again and again, no matter if they add anything to the program or not.
Lesbian middling talent
No, there is no gain in proving you wrong. It's a waste of time.
She had achieved 'BBC golden child' status even before she came out though.
I'd say you're right in regards to mainstream, western culture sci-fi/fantasy.
That was kind of inevitable though, given the fact that people like Neil Gaiman and Susan Pratchett are such big names in it and right now, some of the biggest shows in that genre are Supernatural and Doctor Who, never mind The Hunger Games.
It's less the fault of the genre and that, right now, all we have inhabitating it are boring hipster SJW types. If you look for real artists, like Joe Abercrombie or Peter Watts, you'll see them still standing.
You are correct. Even Star Wars fell to the Borg.
Its because he's right. Current Sci-fi and fantasy has less than 5 years before people start running from it and cringing at the thought they actually told people they liked it. What Disney is doing to Star Wars is akin to someone adopting a child and then raping it and whoring it out to the lowest scum of the earth.