Bottoms Dream

Ive read the meme trilogy, will I have the patience to read pic related?

I mean, it'll look pretty good on my shelf and that is the only reason why we actually read such books after all.

You're not a very good memer if you have to include a dictionary and zibaldone in your big boy books pic

It's a random picture from the internet. You think I'd spend 50 quid on half the Rainforest without consulting Veeky Forums first?

Oh. The answer is no, but you might someday, so I'd go ahead and pick it up if you can, because it seems like the kind of book that'll run out of print and not be renewed. Read some other Schmidt first though, and FW.

My parents sent it to me last christmas. I kind of liked Arno Schmidt's short stories and I'm jealous of all the crazy shit he did with form in the book, but it really is just too long. I'm glad I have it but I doubt I would have been willing to pay for it myself, and there's no chance at all I'll ever finish it

(Op) No ( - ) well : maybe ?...? It is a pretty niche book / as=far=as actual cuntent goes / I=d P'r'aps recummend a familyarity with >>Edgar Allen Poe>I

I always forget the third book of the meme trilogy. It's Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow and what?

On second thought don't buy. It's interesting but not 60 dollars for some german hermit listing his interests in stream of concious form interesting. buy his other stuff instead.


The printing consisted of 2000 copies, I'd suggest anyone that's interested at some point should get it now. But if they're just a dilettante they should let someone else have it.

The Schmidt is already out of print, actually. It seems like the last book to read by him, not the first. I have read all of this other translated in print books, and I will read this one after I read the complete Poe.

As far as Nadas goes, I have read his other really fucking long (but less long) book. I would read that before going with PS.

>2000 bushel's of paper wasted
>2000 copies of bottoms dream sitting on >peoples shelves unread
Im yet to find someone who has not DNF'd the english translation. Nice try meme shill, but not today.
explain to us what we are missing out on

You don't need patience to read these books, and if you do you've been turned into a cockroach by the internet
just let yourself go and dive into the books, long shit is comfy, not tedious

What is the one to the right of War and Peace?

I've read Zibaldone and it's okay but not great.

Vintage Gravitys Rainbow Id guess.

This. Reading a big book over the course of 5 years is better than not reading it at all.

Schmidt himself said the book wasn't meant to be read in its entirety, it's just meant to be entertainment for diving into arbitrarily


thanks for pointing it out in pic