Have video games

>Have video games
>Don't want to read books when I can be watching anime
>Don't want to read books when I can be shit posting on Veeky Forums
>If I feel like engaging in a mental novelty I can just pick up a pencil and draw

How do I force myself to read a book?
There are so many things I can do that are a magnitude more fun.

To me, reading a book is for the poor with no internet access.

They're ok, but they can't beat the internet.

if you don't like it, don't do it

if you want to 'force' yourself you just need to acknowledge that reading will probably bring you more long-term gratification than those other things (which typically only provide immediate gratification) and then do it because you want that gratification.

There's no quick and easy method for forcing yourself to do something. You can try turning off your internet for a while

Drawing is something else that brings me long term gratification though.

Books are literally just a hobby.

It's because the books you are trying to read do not match your tastes. Either search for books you would be most interested about or try studying the importance of reading.
Introductory philosophy is great for sparking the lust for reading.


I shut off my internet tbqhwyfam.

>tfw wanting to read but too hungover to focus so just drinking again instead

Try this on for size

solid plan

I feel the same way.

No matter how interesting a book seems, it eventually comes across as dry to me. I can't imagine anyone actually reads (nonfiction) for fun.

I think it's more like they enjoy finding out more about the world and getting new insights, but they also enjoy doing heavy thinking and connecting dots.

It's like studying philosophy, etc.

It's stale, dry, boring, but if you know what to do with it, it turns into a sort of fun.

I, personally, don't care for it enough for it to out-class other things I enjoy.

Seems like your only selection parameter is based on millennial sense of entitlement for instant gratification, and books truly fail in this regard because they neither assault your senses nor kidnap your attention with button-mashing busywork. However, if you want to hear the greatest stories ever told, and engage with the greatest thinkers who have ever lived, you have to read.
By all means continue to collect chickens in Zelda 462635378645

>t. never played Zelda

Zelda is patrician, faggot.

Not OP but my problem with reading and studies is just the motivation to start. I deeply enjoy reading and studying (more than like browsing Veeky Forums or chatting on WhatsApp) but I just struggle to find motivation to "start".

Don't read books.

I suppose you're right, but at the same time, I don't care enough.

There's nothing a book can give me that my own thoughts can't. It seem it's always a feeling or an idea that is universal that someone else put into words.

You can easily take the time you spend reading and commit it to your own thoughts about the world we live in, and you'll land on some cool stuff. You'll never reach EVERYTHING, but I think an idea is more solid when you reach the conclusion yourself rather than read the answer from someone else. For me, it's more enjoyable to work something out and then see the world parrot it back to me.

On top of this, the time I have throughout my day is finite. I need that instant-gratification, or I'll go insane. I can barely manage committing an hour to drawing a day.

>read 4 hours a day
>study 4 hours
>exercise for 1
>too fatigued to do anything else
>listen to classical music and think for 3 hours
>go for a night walk and go to bed

This has been pretty much every day of my life since I've been living off my inheritance from my father. It's miserable as fuck.

Load up some Rust.
Play some video games.

I haven't played video games or watched any kind of television or its derivatives like Netflix in 3 years. It's a slippery slope back into being a worthless fuck like OP, which I was as a teenager.

>tfw you will always be forced to be a wagecuck because of your poor family

I try to read but I just get bored instantly it's probably due to watching too much anime and my Adhd.

This is one of the most retarded things I've read this week, it's obvious you either:
a) Have read nothing but extremely simple and shallow books
b)Think way too highly of yourself.

I'll take an a.)

>It's so terrible to be a worthless fuck
>It's also terrible to be the opposite, so I'd better pack my brain full of information I don't care for or intend to use

You should really strike a middle ground. Something must change because, as you've stated, your life is miserable.

>reading for fun
you read to say you're well-read and acquire social capital and assert your superiority over others. fun has nothing to do with it.

And drawing is not a hobby?

You sure are one smart guy, figuring everything out by yourself.

>Drawing is not a hobby

No one ever stated that it wasn't.

>You sure are one smart guy, figuring everything out by yourself.

It's not really smart to do that.
A true smart man would say he doesn't know anything, and he would read books and figure out the world he lives in. A true smart man lands on the truth by cross-examining everything, and he ultimately finds what he's searching for.

I'm just thinking for fun.
I'm not that curious.


>No one ever stated that it wasn't.
You implied it. First you say how much you enjoy drawing then you say how reading is just a hobby, as if you were comparing the two and being a hobby is a bad thing.
If you read more maybe you wouldn't be expressing yourself as badly as this.

I agree with the rest of your post but then you quite logically admit that books can't offer you what you're looking for. So why did you even start this thread? What sort of reply do you want?

I want to become smart but I don't know math at all and I get very bored of reading unless I like the books.

I, myself, don't really know.
I guess I just like discussion and arguing on the internet.

If you only read what I've written, you'd see the point that was made. You simply dig too deeply into what is laid down. I don't think that's a bad thing though.

the irony of this post is this person is posting on the internet with a pop-culture abbreviation

>want to stop video games once and for all
>nothing else to do


>read 4 hours a day


Erase motivation from your vocabulary

I find it impossible to pay attention to most things that aren't books. If I'm watching a movie or something outside a social setting I start losing it after 20 minutes and pick up a guitar or something to fiddle with, or start browsing Veeky Forums. Doesn't matter if it's Fellini or junk entertainment, it happens all the same. I need something actively engaging me, and since reading demands complete attention that's what I find easy to do. I can only unwind with video games, because even if there's not a lot of thought involved there's still some kind of engagement rather than sitting there and having it fed to your eyes.

the "Gutenberg mind" is now defunct

Why the fuck would you read when you could draw? If you have no real interest in literature then hone your artistic skills instead

Richfag here. I know this feel.

It's like we're just desperate NEETs, with money and culture, but still desperate NEETs. And there is no way out, because that would mean losing our money... which is even worse than now.

The only thing you can do is find other routines, with other people, in other places.

Find the right book on the right topic and will yourself into doing it
It helps to think that the information from a good book can enrich your mind in some way, whereas anime and video games exist to give you effortless dopamine hits while deleting hours of your life, and this site is the equivalent of mental poison when all you're doing is shitposting