Thoughts? Why do the French have such a hardon for him?
Thoughts? Why do the French have such a hardon for him?
who is this faggot.
Edward "Ellen" Poo
He started goth fashion
>he doesn't know Edgar Allan Poe
Do you live in some kind of third world cultureless shithole?
Because the French are known for having shit taste
>be me
>not heavily into poetry, but writing it is how I found out i loved to write
>read the raven
it's my favorite poem. it's so nice, all who can't at least appreciate it's merit are just mad
I have the complete works. Is there a best order or just start with the poems and read the rest.
Is "The Masque of the Red Death" an allegory?I always thought it was but Wikipedia says "Some critics advise against an allegorical reading." What else could the story mean?
it's just an interesting yarn. poe himself said he didn't write allegories.
I've only read The Fall of the House of Usher. The idea is great and in a way actually pretty spooky, but I don't enjoy the way he writes.
Bumping for interest. Poe, Whitman and Faulkner were all really influential in 20th century world lit for some reason.
America is a first world country.
>taking poe at his word
Are you me at fourteen?
no, user! i am ghost of your future self
btw poetry is a dead art
I don't really get the hype around him.
He has good moments, but a lot if shit ones too
>gold bug
The decyphering part was good.
Too first world, apparently.
Baudelaire loved him and translated his work.
nearly forgot he existed. Guess he is more of an American thing