Learn a language with no literature

>learn a language with no literature
>write a book
>automatically get name into history as the greatest writer of that language
Why doesn't anyone do this?

the odds that you will ever reach a level of fluency in that language and then utilize it to write a compelling story for native speakers of that language is monumentally slim and not worth the effort.

Thanks for the idea, i'm becoming the greatest mossi language writer before any of you.

we should all do this

The point is immortalizing your name somehow.

I just ordered this book. Please be serious. What should be my approach. A friend reccomended it since we are both fan of Hopscotch and he told be both have similar styles - very personal off tangents books-. English is not my first language so that will be also a challenge. Any tips? Something to keep in mind?

I'm pretty sure most written languages have literature.

history doesn't matter

So I should learn Hebrew ?

>No literature


>implying Jews can create art

>implying they cant
dumb faggot

seriously name on example of good Hebrew literature; pro-tip you can't.

If you read reviews of writers like Amos Oz or A. B. Yehoshua, you will find them filled with gushing praise of their "Israeli-ness". After that it becomes clear why Hebrew literature is so bad- the target audience is American Jews who want to remember their birthright trip

Did anyone write a Basque epic yet?

check emmm

So close and yet so far

>seriously name on example of good Hebrew literature; pro-tip you can't.
The Old Testament.

>The Old Testament.

Not that good compared to the Greeks and its not modern Hebrew which is practically a separate language.

The only good jew writers I know of are Kafka and Roth.
But Kafka can barely be called a jew.

literally just make up a language, this is a pointless and stupid idea OP

do you read hebrew? it isn't very different.


The language will die and so will your story.