Check off the ones you have read. If you haven't read at least 1 you don't belong on Veeky Forums.
Check off the ones you have read. If you haven't read at least 1 you don't belong on Veeky Forums
The real question is how you avoid these works even assuming a typical burger community college education
Most of us are in STEM. I have never met another STEMbro in real life that's even read Shakespeare let alone any of these (in fact since most of my colleagues are Chinese, they haven't heard of him when I've mentioned him)
It's easy nowadays, because colleges are all about brushing away the "old, dead, white guys" and giving students absolute trash like Oscar Wao.
All of this is blue pill shit. Books are for faggots, get OUT of Veeky Forums.
>I have never met another STEMbro in real life that's even read Shakespeare
What? That's absurd.
I'm a STEM autist. Everyone I met in grad school was well read enough to enjoy Shakespeare, and most of them read literature for pleasure.
>twf I realise I'm a fucking pleb
I only read The Prince.
Read parts of The Republic and Democracy in America. I really should read more...
>never taken phil 101
STEMfag here too. i know a decent amount of people who are fairly well read, but i'd say i only know a few who've read these books (not that these books are an accurate measurement of being well-read)
They all just play video games or watch capeshit. This is in grad school computer science.
Some guys in one of my theoretical classes seemed like they were well-read but I never talked personally to them and they were math/philosophy majors
I never read any of these in highschool or college
And the only books I've read on this list are Walden and The Republic
What was your major?
I've only read the Republic. But this is because I am making my way through the canon in chronological order. Reading Aristotle's Metaphysics as we speak
Gosh, I feel like a pseud:
I've read Augustine's Confessions 3x (and several sections of its Latin); Meditations 4.5x (three different translations), the Republic 3x (two different translations). Other than that, I've read parts of the Prince, never finished; parts of Walden, never finished; parts of Leviathan, never finished; first three books of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (before it was stolen from me last week with my bag); and several essays of Montaigne, but not the whole collection.
I'm most peeved about not having read any of the Pensees, as its been on my reading list for a very long time.
I've read a few of them. I definitely need to read The Republic, and might get around to a few others.
Have no desire to read Tocqueville or pascal though.
Here you go senpai. I have read those a couple years ago but I still remember most of them.
Thoreau be like : "gobverment get out REEEEEEE".
I have a college technical degree in avionics. Your answer is irrelevant.
I'm gonna read "The prince" as soon as I'm done with "Infinite Jest" and "Moby Dick".
I'm 3/4ths through Confessions.