What are some examples of overrated literature?

What are some examples of overrated literature?

>inb4 religious texts

get a job \\

Is it about getting a job?

get a job u worthless sack of shit by john "i fucked ur oneitis" green

I couldn't find it on google. May you provide a link please?

Whatever this user enjoys is probably overrated.

go tell your mother to step up the pussy game then you pathetic filth

read better literature, you loser


get a job

There is no overrated literature except flavor of the month fads and religious texts.

My diary desu

Animal Farm and 1984. I enjoyed reading both books, but they're too blatantly anti-communist propaganda for my taste.

Not my diary.

Why does your frog have Down's syndrome?

Both of those books contain sympathetic Trotsky stand-ins and Animal Farm has an extremely favourable portrait of Marx.

hunger games harry potter fifty shades and all the other YA trite

Start with the Greeks

I stand corrected, anti-marxist propaganda is more accurate

>Fifty Shades is YA
On what fucking planet?

They may be anti-bolchevik but they're not anti-communist.

That would be kind of hot to be desu. Teenage girls thinking about being whipped and blushing.

to kill a mockingbird is

Ulysses, Joyce was a hack who used obscure language and millions of references in order to hide the lack of actual meaning.