Do you believe in love Veeky Forums? Is it something only Stacy's and Chad's can experience?

Do you believe in love Veeky Forums? Is it something only Stacy's and Chad's can experience?

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Stacys and Chads don't experience love. Their normal upbringing makes them believe they have to stay with the person they're with and make it work rather than look for happiness. Their idea of love is just the normalcy of living with someone for x amount of years.

Love is certainly invented, unlike actual base emotions that can be clearly defined.
For example, rage or lust, or passion can be easily felt, and easily tracked in time. Expression
>I felt rage welling up in me
makes sense. Love is unexpressable, and though normies think it elevates it into some ephemeral domain of higher emotional states, I think it merely means that love is a beautiful lie.

>tfw you want to feel eros and all you've got is shitty philia

I think the reason normies are so happy is because they have never felt love

Question:What is love?

“I just know that, love has an unbreakable grip, but I can't tell you what it is, but life is empty without it.” -Noam Chomsky.

Have you ever felt anything that you believe other people call love?

the thing 'ego' then certainly exists, the bastard..

If that's your description of their love, I think Stacy and Chad are much closer to experiencing love than you will ever be.

I've never experienced it. Don't know if I ever will with how disconnected I always am from others. That said, I think it exists. It always seems to be a big motivation for others.

Yes. It's special. Everything even the street signs seem to vibrate with a kind of electricity the nearer one approaches the nest of one's beloved. did illusions not pack a power exceptionally difficult to resist there'd be no point discussing them.

made me think

You might be mentally insane senpai

>being a normie

How is it more of an illusion than any other emotion?

Well, is not this love? a temporary insanity? what's sure is that it will not last in any limited, any particular form.

Define 'love'. In descriptive terms. As I already pointed out, there's a big difference between saying
>I love my mother
>I hate my father
Hatred shows clear intent, it can have discernable intensity, like
>I used to really despise my father, but now simply hate seeing him
it also has duration, because emotion that is stretched indefinitely makes no sense. I can't see how the same parameters can be applied to love. What does it mean to say "I love my mother"? Is is an active desire to inrease your mother's comfort, be in her presence, shower her with presents, look at her, what? These are all very flimsy, arbitrary things, that could be replaced by other prime emotional states. And what about duration and intensity - can you say "I used to really love my mother but I now I sort of have slight affection to her"? Again, you start running into contradictions.
Clearly love and hatred, despite being considered antonyms, aren't equal, or even belong to the same group of entities.

Well, user, what I meant was that love is finding an object worthy of our awe. Like another user, said it's a compound of more primary emotions, so no point in discussing its actual composition or cause, because it's bound to be different for everyone. Objects are frail though and once you get bored of one, the awe that another will generate is not really love, it's still just that - awe in the face of something enormously beautiful. The reason I was saying Stacy and Chad have a better chance at love (in the way that user described it), was that they seem to transcend the objectification phase, or maybe submit to making their objects of awe forever awesome. Not to say that commitment is the sole marker of love, but I think submission to that type of work is beautiful and certainly a prerequisite.

is the stacy and chad thing a meta joke or is it earnest i can't tell but i think its embarrassing either way

Ultimately it's an argument used to mask baser needs (or emotions) which means that it isn't an emotion at all, but an argument (in the classic sense) and therefore an illusion when mistaken for an actual emotion.
I do believe in love however. Erotic love, however, is a joke. It works best, for instance, when one hardly knows a person.. or am I wrong?

Some people are just better than you at certain aspects, deal with it.

a form of subconscious sublimation as are all human interpretations of anything non-empirical - love has been defined with conciousness in the same sense virtue was - in shame of sexual instinct

>stacy and chad
kys, not a Veeky Forums thread
Is this what its really like to have a girlfriend?

Unironically this. If you think you have to whore around to find true love, then you're a degenerate pseud.


There's maternal love. Every other form of "love" among humans is a spook.

I didn't believe in love until i fucked a prostitute old enough to be my mom. There's no purer love than that of the milfs and teens

Sometimes I really wonder if it's just some kind of an in-joke that I'm not getting or if people on Veeky Forums do REALLY have these bizzare opinions and thought processes.
The older I am the more it seems like it's the latter, but where the fuck those idiotic world views come from?

Every once in a while I stumble across a shitmine of a thread like this one where the retards converge, their thought precipitate and it's all just really confusing.
Shit's a mystery.

Normies are willing to accept love as "a tacit agreement between two unhappy parties to overestimate each other, to praise each other shamelessly". They realize that the search for true love is endless and miserable, so they convince themselves that self-interested settling is the same as "real" love with their ideal partner. They convince themselves that chance is in fact destiny.

I mean, these opinions about "normies" and "Chads with Stacies" are just so fucking disconnected from reality I can't completely accept that most of you aren't just memeing it all for some giggles.

Who the fuck are you, people?
I wish I could see you all so I would know what kind of people I'm dealing with here.
Reading these threads is like trying to see through a miasma of shit that's blocking everything.


This is exactly what I'm talking about.

No, it's real and I've recently experienced it


Why are there two threads about love in the catalog? This is a much shittier of the two if I might add

The only people who shit on love are those who haven't had it.

>miasma of shit that's blocking everything
Yeah. Yeah that sums up this place nicely.

And you're spot on about "disconnected from reality". Your posts made me pic-related because of how accurate they are

Because having a folder of reaction Pepes sets you apart so much.

I actually don't :) This is one of my few pepes and theyre all strung haphazardly in 3 different folders titled "Reactions" 1, 2, and 3 respectively. I wanted that image with the guy with the XD face but I couldn't find it, until I stumbled upon a pepe version- one of the few I possess.

this tbqhf

Circumstance and chemistry. Both highly contingent things. God bless folks who can make it work long term. I try to limit myself to the platonic forms now. I'm no good in the romantic sense.

I believe in love but I won't ever experience it.

yeh but not romantic love, its just brain chemicals telling you to mate

>It's a virgin, kissless, handholdless, friendless NEET thinks crushing on someone is love episode

I loved a girl and went on a couple dates with her but then my friend at the time talked shit to me because he liked her and was jealous.

Now she hates me and blocked me on everything.


>loved a girl
>went on a couple dates
nigga what are you doing?

What could he possibly have said?

I became dante tier for the redheaded beauty.

screenshots of me calling him a mud race bengali and saying I would face fuck Chelsea Clinton.

>no sense of humor

Dodged a bullet imo tbph famalam

I still regret not going for this blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty who unabashedly railed against "niggers and spics" (actually, IRL, not even fucking about). She wasn't trailer trash, either. I personally have nothing against said races, but to meet a white woman who would speak her mind on that subject in such an unreserved manner shocked me in a good way.

yeah thats one of those things you should probably keep to irl banter
chin up lad, you'll get em next time

this sounds so cliche but i would be scared to expose myself for a stranger to such a degree

not that it matters, this is a bit like my describing how i would handle an NBA contract negotiation or D-Day landing, purely hypothetical problem