Remember that time when a neoreactionary came to Veeky Forums and none of you marxist faggots had any valid criticism against him? I do.
10/10 would read again.
Remember that time when a neoreactionary came to Veeky Forums and none of you marxist faggots had any valid criticism...
t. that guy
Yes. People here are afraid to own up to the fact that the past 5 years of listening to Zizek sniff his own ass on youtube has come to naught while the far-right has co-opted the postmodern tactics of fagcault and his froggy faggot friends and is now the new counter culture.
I've seen more than one recent article on the right-wing embracing postmodernism. I find it really fascinating. Is there any scholarly work out on the subject yet?
It's the same thing with capitalism.
For how erudite Veeky Forums is, they have pretty awful defenses of their positions.
The Christians here tend to do a decent job defending their religion.
So is this board cucked??
Just some fluff pieces in leftist periodicals
The left has become itellectually flabby and decadent, why are you surprised
>scholarly work
>on memes and /pol/'s shitposts
how DARE you not argue with me you filthy POSER
It got Trump elected, didn't it? Trump is basically postmodernism incarnate, at least as applied to popular culture.
>mfw sentimentalists think there's even a hint of reversibility to the Cold Creep of Capital
I don't think Evolafags and such are still going strong in the neoreactionary movement. Last I saw everyone started to worship the lovecraftian tentacle rape embodiment of capitalism or something.
The author of that thread is very confused.
Most of the "Evolafags" abandoned him and reimagined themselves as Catholic/Orthodox Traditionalists after people on /pol/ started getting really irritated by their paganism.
Like Punk Post-Modernism has always been right-wing, they're only just noticing it now.
Honestly Veeky Forums did get BTFO pretty hard in that thread. They were basically just sperging out while that reactionary was taking them seriously. p embarrassing desu
t. don't really care about the debate one way or the other
lol nerd
Your Fortune: Average luck
Sure, but defenses of Christianity pretty much max out with Aquinas. It's not possible to prove the whole of the Christian religion (the whole of its claims).
>he remembers threads from 2014
Isn't it nice to dip into a conversation a couple of years ago where american politics weren't even talked about and see the difference recent events have had on discourse?
spengler kind of looks like judge holden
I'm working on proof of the Ressurection through phenomenological understanding of the constant cleansing of the original sin and based on historical evidence that human perception worked on a fundamentally different basis in consciousness before the ressurection, but it'll probably never be completed or see the light of day.
It's strange. There are no infographics or pictures of antifas or "cuck" posts.
I didn't realize how much this board has changed.
The valid criticism is obvious. The retard makes the same mistake almost all neoreactionaries do. He correctly analyzes the failures of liberalism and leftism, but mystically assumes that some sort of reactionary return would actually be superior rather than showing how and why it would be superior. He ignores the many problems of reactionary society (authoritarianism, stagnation, etc.) and indulges in wishful thinking about its advantages. He compares the flawed reality of modernity to a fantasy of a reactionary society than has never existed and never will exist. It's all tiresome... I've argued with dozens of these types. Ultimately, their politics, like that of the vast majority of people of all political persuasions, is not actually politics, but a psychological projection rooted in their failure to emotionally mature.
*invests all money into technology*
Ooo, say it then...come Utopianism, cause history!...and so, come on...pessimism, materialism, and small gifts of false hope for the poor....
But, as well, why can't the rich kids have false hope too, eh?
>reactionary return
His whole schtick is that shit's fucked and there's no coming back, though.
Right, but I'm criticizing the neoreactionary, not Spengler.
>Veeky Forums is marxist
where did this meme come from? we get raided by leftypol once a month and now we're marxists?
>still being mad about an internet fight you started three months ago
In a sense, much of everything being written nowadays is somewhat related to marxist thought. That could be credited to Marx being such a goddamn bookworm and spending himself out inside a library writing 24/7, thus being able to write just about everything to begin with. Whatever way you want to face it, it is what it is, and it has become very hard to dissociate writing itself from marxism, people either call you out on criticizing it or supporting it most of the time.
Neoreaction seems like a meaningless buzzword desu. Like reading this guy I agree with most of what he says and I'm a socialist libertarian.
that battery level triggers me more than anything in that thread desu
It's charging bae....
>that lamp
please stop baiting me
I don't believe its just a meaningless buzzword. You can agree on what's wrong with the world with neoreactionaries, but what makes it a distinct ideology from yours is it's solutions to the problems.
This thread was great, thanks for reminding me.
Your """life""" is a meaningless buzzword desu.