What is your extremely short, 100 % comprehensive, and always correct life philosophy...

What is your extremely short, 100 % comprehensive, and always correct life philosophy? The one sentence that lets you know what to do in all situations?

Of course it's a stupid question. I feel like "Be yourself" or "Have no philosophy" should be the answer but it's like allowing yourself to be cucked by advertising.

And Notes From the underground was right. As soon as I hear "rules for life" style shit I immediately stop following them.

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Taken from a song I heard once:

>Do what you want, do what you will, just don't mess up your neighbor's thrill.

The redpill. I am inherently superior to 99% of the world's population, I know the truth and am virtuous and my failings are the result of the works of women, leftsts, jews, blacks, and liberals.

Life is war

kill myself

The Hamiltonian for linear systems has no curl

15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

Excellent response. Claps.

Float downriver.

when in doubt, pretend to be an idiot

All you need is love


there is no wrong hole

Christus vincit

Try a few paragraphs instead, I could boil it down further but...

Every single one of these people is also going to die and become nothing, just like me. And so, where it really counts, all are equal in the end, and all are again nothing. It is precisely this which makes life bearable. No, you don't live on through your art or your kids. You live on by not dying. Which you will certainly fail to do, within a few decades on the outside.

Or suppose not-/where it really counts/. Then even in this case, I'm still right.

It is still right to disbelieve and reject God, even and especially in the case where he is actually real and is anything like how he is described in the major religions. And the reason why this is so, is because there is no such thing as hidden knowledge which justifies me, or Dahmer, or Joe down the street going to Hell. The very fact of this possibility invalidates God, in the conventional historical understandings of that creature. It doesn't matter at all to me, nor should it matter to you, if there are other things going on behind the scenes - oh, some more important plane of Beings somewhere have to all be rescued or preserved, say, and for whatever reason, it is necessary for human beings to go to hell for eternity. Imagine anything that you want. No matter which way you turn it, humans still have to go to hell. Which is clearly wrong from the only point of view that matters, which is ours (and if you reject this last, then that is exactly because you have been coming at the thing from the wrong direction).

At least the Jehovah's Witnesses, for all of their stupidity, have at least hit upon the humane concept of Annihilationism. This earns them points with any decent human being who actually thinks these things through.

I totally reject all concept of God, in every way that it is possible to reject such a concept. I'm older than most of you. And the older I get, the more I hate the idea of God. I really mean this, from the bottom of my heart. It sincerely bothers and upsets me that humans are hard-wired for religion, because I know that they are genuinely wrong to have these feelings projected outward in such a way.

*requisite fedora-tips, though, just to pre-empt others* :^)

"Four drugs"? What is this?

When in doubt, shut your eyes and ask yourself "would I be doing if the situation was in my ideal favor, or do I do this to dull my presence of mind?"

If the latter, the answer is always better not to do it.

Well usually I just think, what if a demon appeared in my bedroom in my loneliest loneliness and told me that everything in my life down the very detail (this moonlight, this cobweb, this demon, this Veeky Forums) was fated to repeat eternally, exactly in the same way every time, for all time, without a thing different. Would I be terrified at this? Would I cower? Or would I have tasted something so glorious in my short lifetime that I would happily live through the drudgery of sixty-odd years again and again, just to relive that moment of glory, and would say to the demon, Thou art no demon, but divine.


Know Thyself. This is enough.

Any prescriptive platitude like Crowley's "Do as thou wilt..." or similar codes with qualifications (4 Agreements, etc.) are for simpletons. You are not a robot. There is no cause to behave like one.

>Know Thyself.

Remember that you believe in Jesus.

Comes from hearing once that all you really need is to believe in Jesus.

It's a panacea for resisting sin.

Do you reject spirituality then? Have you considered gods who don't send you to hell? It sounds like you reject damnation more than god or a god

Aesthetics and the Moral are predicated on Logic and the Ethical

Think about it mongoloid. "Nothing to Excess" or "Everything in Moderation" qualifies as one of the prescriptives I rejected. good job good effort, frog.

I don't know if I have one.

The worst mistakes I have ever made in my life have consistently and always will be the overestimation of other people's intellects; treat them all like rocks.

>my failings
Ironically where you failed.

Reach equality by cutting off the heads of your superiors.

do unto others as you would have them do to you

Ah, yes is a word with a glorious ring
A true universal, euphonious thing
Engenders embracing and chasing of blues
The very best word for the whole world to use!

be courageous.

"What would I if I were living life authentically outside society and thus uncorrupted by it do?"

>What Would Hegel Do

know thy milf

Hate myself, kill myself.

Everyone's having a hard time.

I use that to guide my actions day to day. It has enough flexibility that it still allows me to occasionally do selfish things and learn from them without being crippled by guilt, but also motivates me to act compassionately toward others under most circumstances, and to resist being stubborn or combative.

I'm still crippled by depression and, ironically, a weird guilt complex that has nothing to do with the actual content of my behavior, so. Keep that in mind

Firstly, you wouldn't ask yourself that question.

>This too shall pass.
I tend to get upset over things easily. Also, I believe that, unless a verbal warning to stop has been given and they keep on harassing you, one should not use physical force against another person simply based on what they say. Even a threat isn't enough unless their body language and/or the presence of a weapon on their person is obvious enough.

are you my mom?

This is more applicable to my current problems than my whole life, but it's probably something life "act or react, but don't do nothing. Ever. "

you'd wrestle with the angels all the same.
you'd contend with fate and your lower nature.

Be interesting

Me, Me, Me.

Though your body may decompose, let your spirit live forever in the hearts and minds of other people.

They already have a short, pithy word for your driving life philosophy: your God. Life, then, is simply seeking one's God.

Preserve and cultivate thought. No idea should be forced, feared, nor deemed too sacred for scrutiny.

well done


Be kind.

Yeah let's just all get along man. You wasted your trips.

Would you take it up the ass, all day, every day, for a nickel and a dime?

>Eh, fuck that.

>Would you take it up the ass, all day, every day, for a nickel and a dime?

nigga, ask my cell block. I do that shit for free.


'to thine own self be true' sounds so much better than 'be true to yourself' but they mean the exact same thing. Most aphorisms are like that - they sound more meaningful than they are.

actually the latter sounds better than the former

This too shall pass.

Always correct? Love your neighbour and love yourself like a mother would a baby

i'm excited that i actually have one

everything that will happen has always happened

Drake stole my motto. You ony live once. I also use if it feels good do it and what mamma dont know cant hurt her.

Fuck getting out of bed.

Also would like to add that time heals all. And everything will blow over eventually for when I do wrong.

nice one user

buy low cost index funds

>All models are wrong, but some are useful.
Spoke by some guy named Box or something, can't remember.

It's a vital philosophy in engineering, but I found it perfectly well in life. Taught me to be more tolerant, accepting to criticism and better listener to others POV. Knowing the absolute truth, if it exists, is a long way to go. If you say you're correct, you must be ready to explain in detail the current circumstances, because if not then it is just an opinion.

nice blogpost

you might should consider becoming an hero

I mustn't run away!

This is copypasta now

Do as thou wilt shalt be the whole of the law


Nothing to be done

This? Is copypasta now?

Women aren't people.

Do not look at women.
Do not talk to women.
Do not touch women.
Do not interact with women.

Remember that women bring with them nothing but ruin.

"There's more to life than this"

that doesn't make any sense read your bible

>What would Stirner do?

so is this Pynchon's kid or not?

>I allow my wife to fuck other men because she is my property and it pleases me to watch


Not to mention the former is spoken by an absolute nincompoop who can't even eavesdrop right.

OP is a fag.

Remember to brush your teeth every day.

How do I fight the void today?

Nothing can happen until you swing the bat.

Piss on your room mates toothbrushes every day


be honest with your self. be humble, aaaaand don't forget to have fun.


No, you're a faggot who blames other people. Wasted trips, you should feel ashamed. However, it is all zeroes, which is probably a reflection of you. Own your successes and your failures. Just because Jews operate a decentralized international banking cartel and influence the masses through entertainment and blacks get free stuff doesn't mean you can't make something of yourself. Your mind went above the bullshit, now act like it. Stop making excuses for yourself, and lead by example. Become a redpilled and /fitlit/ individual who dresses sharply

"At least you had some apples"

Empathy is your guide.

kill all norms

"Death is a mystery for which we must prepare ourselves in the same spirit of submission and humility as we once learned to prepare ourselves for life."

- Carl Jung

adopted. thanks

First analyze the logos of the situation, then think from a purely emotional standpoint before weighing the options, and coming to a decision.

One sentence, 100% usable in any situation. Skip steps if they need not apply.

This is actually better than 95% of the posts in this thread

I think, therefore I am, and kill all son's of bitches

Actively seek to minimise suffering.

"Tonight I will kill myself"

Reactive chess is losing chess.