Try a few paragraphs instead, I could boil it down further but...
Every single one of these people is also going to die and become nothing, just like me. And so, where it really counts, all are equal in the end, and all are again nothing. It is precisely this which makes life bearable. No, you don't live on through your art or your kids. You live on by not dying. Which you will certainly fail to do, within a few decades on the outside.
Or suppose not-/where it really counts/. Then even in this case, I'm still right.
It is still right to disbelieve and reject God, even and especially in the case where he is actually real and is anything like how he is described in the major religions. And the reason why this is so, is because there is no such thing as hidden knowledge which justifies me, or Dahmer, or Joe down the street going to Hell. The very fact of this possibility invalidates God, in the conventional historical understandings of that creature. It doesn't matter at all to me, nor should it matter to you, if there are other things going on behind the scenes - oh, some more important plane of Beings somewhere have to all be rescued or preserved, say, and for whatever reason, it is necessary for human beings to go to hell for eternity. Imagine anything that you want. No matter which way you turn it, humans still have to go to hell. Which is clearly wrong from the only point of view that matters, which is ours (and if you reject this last, then that is exactly because you have been coming at the thing from the wrong direction).
At least the Jehovah's Witnesses, for all of their stupidity, have at least hit upon the humane concept of Annihilationism. This earns them points with any decent human being who actually thinks these things through.
I totally reject all concept of God, in every way that it is possible to reject such a concept. I'm older than most of you. And the older I get, the more I hate the idea of God. I really mean this, from the bottom of my heart. It sincerely bothers and upsets me that humans are hard-wired for religion, because I know that they are genuinely wrong to have these feelings projected outward in such a way.
*requisite fedora-tips, though, just to pre-empt others* :^)